How to make Personal Book "Bible Commentary" show up in Passage Guide

Christopher Davis
Christopher Davis Member Posts: 78 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I've tried to create a test commentary using a sample from the post that was linked from the PBB Wiki page.  I marked it as "Bible Commentary".  I also tried the "Commentary" type.

The commentary shows up fine as a parallel resource when I am in another commentary.  It shows up if I search for type:commentary.  However, it never shows up in the passage guide, even though there are milestones in it.  The sample from the post has commentary on the first few verses of John 1.  But opening the passage guide for these verses doesn't bring it up.

I tried some of my own document attempts as well without success.  It just won't show up in the passage guide.  I even waited after indexing was done in case that had something to do with it, but that made no difference.

Is this supposed to work?  If so, what is the trick?  Do you need to use more than just milestones?  Do you have to use them in a certain way?



  • Richard Wilson
    Richard Wilson Member Posts: 194 ✭✭✭

    I had the same problem, and solved it by setting the type to Bible Commentary instead of Commentary. Not very obvious, but it is the trick. I have only one resource tagged as Commentary, and it is a commentary on the Pseudepigrapha.

  • Christopher Davis
    Christopher Davis Member Posts: 78 ✭✭

    I must be missing something, then.  I did set it to "Bible Commentary" (but also tried "Commentary", just in case).  Still not working.  The book gets created, all bible links and headings work perfectly, but it doesn't show in the passage guide.  I used both the [[@Bible:reference]] form and the [[@reference]] form shown in the help file

    To test this, I created a simple Psalms test commentary document that only comments on psalm 1, verses 1 & 2.  The text in it is below (and I've also attached the original document).   5773.Psalms.docx


    [[@Psalm 1]]

    Psalm 1


    [[1:1 >> Ps 1:1]] [[@Bible:ps 1]]This is my comment on
    verse 1.

    [[1:2 >> Ps 1:2]] [[@Bible:ps 2]]This is my comment on
    verse 2.



  • Jannie van Niekerk
    Jannie van Niekerk Member, Logos Employee Posts: 229

    Hi Christopher,

    Did you prioritize this sample over your other commentaries?

    I've cleaned the sample up a bit. It works on my PC just fine.

    [[@Bible:Ps 1]]Psalm 1


    [[@Bible:Ps 1:1]][[1:1 >> Ps 1:1]] This
    is my comment on verse 1.

    [[@Bible:Ps 1:2]][[1:2 >> Ps 1:2]] This
    is my comment on verse 2.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,099

    Hi Christopher

    I have taken your document and compiled as a "Bible Commentary" and it shows up in the Passage Guide under Commentaries.

    Are you - by any chance - using a Customised Passage Guide which doesn't include this new commentary?


  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,099

    Hi Christopher

    Just spotted a problem

    [[1:1 >> Ps 1:1]] [[@Bible:ps 1]]This is my comment on
    verse 1.

    [[1:2 >> Ps 1:2]] [[@Bible:ps 2]]This is my comment on
    verse 2.

    You have "@Bible:ps 1" and "@Bible: ps 2" which refers to the first Psalm and the second Psalm - not the first two verses of Psalm 1.

    Jannie's cleaned-up version has it correctly.



  • Christopher Davis
    Christopher Davis Member Posts: 78 ✭✭

    Hi guys,

    Thanks for the helpful responses.  Certainly the Ps 2 reference was an error, but even after I corrected it, it still didn't show up.  I was using a customized guide that just had the commentaries section, but no other restrictions.  Nevertheless, I tried the regular Passage Guide and no luck.  It still didn't show up.

    However, I started to wonder whether the search results for the commentary section were being cached in Logos.  So I closed Logos, re-opened it, and then tried the Passage Guide again.  It showed up!  And now it shows up consistently.

    Actually, this would explain why today, when I retried the sample commentary file referenced from the Wiki suddenly showed up this morning in the Passage Guide when it didn't last night.  I had shutdown and reopened Logos.

    So there must be some situations (perhaps such as when the document isn't exactly correct or was initially added as the wrong time) that results in caching that prevents it from showing up.  I'll have to remember to restart Logos if I see this happen again.



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,099