Any news of higher resolution Android tablets?

The Wall Street Journal ran this story about the iPad 3, rumored for release in early 2012. Okay, everything in the story is a rumor , but what caught my attention was that the resolution is to be increased from 1024 x 768 to 2048 x 1536. I've been hoping for a higher resolution tablet than is currently available, and I was wondering if anyone knows of news of higher resolution Android tablets in the offing.
Pastor, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Clinton, SC
That resolution also caught my eye; it may make touch a little challenging to navigate the physically smaller/closer items, but it would really open up possibilities for e-Reading, especially with multiple panes (text + reference mat'l). Few PC tablet manufacturers go beyond 1200x800, and that resolution is pretty limiting--I'm thinking it must have something to do with the available digitizers. WRT Android, I'm looking too; perhaps Samsung or Asus will follow first on Apple's innovation.
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Good points, Ward. I wasn't thinking so much about increased screen real estate but sharper fonts. One reason I prefer my Kindle to tablets I have seen is the crispness of the fonts. I realize one issue is a non-backlit e-ink display versus a backlit one, but I think crisper fonts decrease eyestrain when reading. At any rate, that is what I was hoping for with a higher resolution tablet.
Pastor, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Clinton, SC
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according to this article from, the rumored higher resolution seems to be pushing the limits of technology. I would think Apple would be the first to make it happen and then others (that are still surviving in the brutal tablet market) would slowly follow. I wonder how Logos could take advantage of this new technology?
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Bill Moore said:
Good points, Ward. I wasn't thinking so much about increased screen real estate but sharper fonts. One reason I prefer my Kindle to tablets I have seen is the crispness of the fonts. I realize one issue is a non-backlit e-ink display versus a backlit one, but I think crisper fonts decrease eyestrain when reading. At any rate, that is what I was hoping for with a higher resolution tablet.
I was interested to read in the last week or so that MS ended it's eReader--originally touted as specially clear text. I'm amazed that for a company that led tablets and e-readers/etc a decade ago, it persistently failed to capture the market that roared.
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I purchased the ACER Iconium A500. Very fast, very nice resolution and with 32GB, about $150 less than Ipad2 with as fast a processor, higher resolution and more expandable (and not stuck to the side of Steve Jobs and his proprietary posture, I'll buy his stock, but not his hardware). The only advantage I see in Ipad is the extra 100,000 apps I'll never miss or need.