iPad read offline

Alberta Member Posts: 40 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

How do I locate the complete list of books I have clicked for reading offline?  Right now I have to remember the titles and search them individually.  Aargh ... my memory is not what it used to be!



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,083

    Hi Alberta - and welcome to the forums.

    The only way I know of doing this at the moment is to switch the iPad into Aeroplane mode - then the only books you can see in your library are the ones you have downloaded.

    I know others have asked for this capability in the past - what particular benefit do you see this feature bringing?


  • Alberta
    Alberta Member Posts: 40 ✭✭

    Thanks Graham - had to go to my laptop to reply, the reply window on the iPad would not open for typing.

    Airplane mode .. didn't think of that ... but of course then you don't have any flip screen options for email and whatnot.  That's the limitation ... you'd have to turn it on and off to multi task while reading.  Right?

    Thanks also for the speedy welcome/response.  As always, I'm very impressed with Logos and their users. 





  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,083

    Hi Alberta

    Alberta said:

    Airplane mode .. didn't think of that ... but of course then you don't have any flip screen options for email and whatnot.  That's the limitation ... you'd have to turn it on and off to multi task while reading.  Right?

    Yes, you're absolutely right, airplane mode does bring limitations - it's the best I know of at the moment.

    Alberta said:

    Thanks also for the speedy welcome/response.  As always, I'm very impressed with Logos and their users. 

    You are very welcome.


  • nicky crane
    nicky crane Member Posts: 1,374 ✭✭✭

    airplane mode is off on my iPad, but the downloaded books appear in my library with the aeroplane sign.  

  • Paul N
    Paul N Member Posts: 2,087 ✭✭✭

    Alberta said:

    had to go to my laptop to reply, the reply window on the iPad would not open for typing.

    Alberta, there is a workaround to posting in the forums through your iPad.  If you go to make a new reply, you'll notice the HTML button.  This method works although it does not preserve paragraphs unless you are willing to type in the html code yourself  (its always good for short replies)  Also when you attempt to type a response nothing happens.  Simple collapse the keyboard and click the text box to type your reply again and for some reason it works.

    This thread has some information on a possible update to the operating system running on the iPad allowing full participation with message boards such as Logos'.  I'm anxious for the iOS5 update...

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,083

    Hi Nicky

    airplane mode is off on my iPad, but the downloaded books appear in my library with the aeroplane sign.  

    It's the same on mine so a good visual way of seeing what is downloaded.

    I think what Alberta was looking for was an easy way to filter these from within the library


  • Alberta
    Alberta Member Posts: 40 ✭✭

    yes - but they don't come up in a complete list, you have to search to find them.  precisely my issue!


  • Jerry M
    Jerry M Member Posts: 1,680 ✭✭✭

    Hi Alberta, hopefully Logos will give us this function soon.  The only work around I know is to open Favorites in Logos 4 and create a file called something like Mobile Favorites (if you don't already have one) and drag it to the top of the Favorites list.  Then open your library in another pane so you have your library and the Favorites tool side by side.  Then put your iPad in airplane mode, go to your library and then begin dragging the titles you have downloaded in your iPad one by one from your L4 library to the Mobile Favorites folder.  They will eventually sync to show up when you tap favorites in your iPad Logos app.  I have never attempted this, but I believe it will give you what you are asking for.  It will take a little time to sync.  If you have a lot of titles downloaded in your iPad this is a rather undesirable alternative.

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  • Pr. Joaquim Teixeira
    Pr. Joaquim Teixeira Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    Hi There.

    I actually have a question. Why can't I even seen my book "Introducing the New Testament" by John Drane in my iPad? I really love this book and I can't even see it on the iPad, let alone download it? I still need to use my desktop to read it. Can anyone help?


  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Joaquim - 

    If you want to know why a resource is not showing up on your iPad, it is a good idea to go to the product page on the Logos website. There you will see icons beneath the book cover with the words "works on" before them. Below I have included a screen shot for the product you indicated. Notice that there is a "windows" and "mac" icon, but not an iPad. Unfortunately this resource is unavailable on mobile devices. This is generally an issue with the publisher, as it is the Logos policy to make as many of your resources available to you on as many devices as you personally use.


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  • Hunter Clagett
    Hunter Clagett Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,819

    Hi There.

    I actually have a question. Why can't I even seen my book "Introducing the New Testament" by John Drane in my iPad? I really love this book and I can't even see it on the iPad, let alone download it? I still need to use my desktop to read it. Can anyone help?


    That book is not yet available on our mobile applications due to licensing restrictions. Our goal is to eventually have all of our books available on all platforms.

    You can find the full list of books available for the mobile applications here: http://www.logos.com/products/search?Platform=Internet



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