BUG: 4.3 SR-5 Copy Bible Verses to Word 2011 missing Styles

While learning Copy Bible Verses (CBV) capabilities for copy verse formatting found a bug: styles specified in CBV were not applied in Word 2011 (Copy and Paste has Normal style paragraphs):
Note: Logos4.log has nothing interesting; only shows command: CopyBibleVerses.
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Hi KS4J,
Out of curiosity i decided to zoom in on your image and duplicate your custom style in CBV. i then created a new Word Style (L4 Style1) and referenced it in my CBV style. It seems to be working for me in 4.3 SR-3.
Is this not working the same in Word for Mac?
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steve clark said:
Is this not working the same in Word for Mac?
No, Thanks for replicating on PC, updated Feature Parity section with reference to this thread
Personally typed style names in CBV after looking in Word 2011 on Mac list of default styles (also tried "Heading 1" style), yet Copy and Paste to Word does not show styles.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Is there any chance of getting an update on this? I wouldn't be surprised if this will not work with Word 2011 on OS X, but am awaiting any response from Logos.
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Mike S. said:
Is there any chance of getting an update on this?
Using Logos 4.5 with Word 2011 on Mac OS X 10.6.8 can replicate this Copy Bible Verses issue. Also, Logos 4.5 on Mac is lacking right click menu to edit or delete style in Copy Bible Verses.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Using Logos 4.6a Beta 4 on OS X 10.8.2 confirmed Copy Bible Verses to Word 2011 keep specified styles.
Keep Smiling [:)]