Markups & Highlighting



  • lostlogik
    lostlogik Member Posts: 187 ✭✭

    What I do is the following (probably mentioned before):

    1 - Create an Evernote Account

    2 - Create an Email Address linking my Evernote Account so whatever I email go to Evernote

    3 - When I find a passage of interest in my Ipad/Iphone, etc.. I click the passage, then do "Share", then I note what I want to note and email it to my Evernote Account

    Once a week, I review my Evernote Account on my Desktop and add the highlight/notes to the Logos 4 Desktop (forces me to review what I learned that week). 

    So, it is a pretty crude, but workable way to adding notes/evernote integration into Logos 4 Ipad/Iphone.


    I use Evernote but find the trouble with using the process you detail above is that invariably all I get with the "share" option is a hyperlink to the Logos marketing page for the iPhone app. NBG at all.

  • Alejandro Gonzalez
    Alejandro Gonzalez Member Posts: 15 ✭✭

    When you share using email, the subject line is the passage name (i.e. Proverbs 13:25, John 3:16, etc). Just change the email to include your "notes".  It is no where perfect, but it is how I get by until highlighting makes it in the app.



  • lostlogik
    lostlogik Member Posts: 187 ✭✭

    When you share using email, the subject line is the passage name (i.e. Proverbs 13:25, John 3:16, etc). Just change the email to include your "notes".  It is no where perfect, but it is how I get by until highlighting makes it in the app.




    That only works with bibles. Anything else just includes the title of the book, which isn't very helpful. But I can see for bibles it is a sort of cludge

  • Bishop Terence M. Sykes
    Bishop Terence M. Sykes Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    In addition to markups & highlighting, I'd like to see the "copy to clipboard" option added when you slide your finger up and the SHARE option reveals "Email | Twitter | Facebook" items to choose. Sometimes, I just want to include a verse or two in a note that I'm writing on my iPhone or share with a friend in a text message. Being able to copy to clipboard would make the text available in any other app I needed just by pasting. Overall, I love the Logos app for iPhone and am looking forward to having it on my iPad when I get that, as well.

  • John Eggen
    John Eggen Member Posts: 203 ✭✭

    I hate to be a squeaky wheel... but any news on updates for markups in Logos?  I know the app itself is free, but personally I have a LOT of value tied up in books through Logos and would really like a better way to read my books on the go.  (Reading as in reading and making highlights/notes, etc)  The seemingly plateaued state of Logos for iPhone/iPad makes me reconsider continuing to expand my library with Logos.

  • Dave Dunkin (Logos)
    Dave Dunkin (Logos) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,043

    The seemingly plateaued state of the app is because we were hitting the limits of what we could do with small changes and are now working on big changes, specifically integrating the full Logos display engine. Big changes take longer. Notes and highlighting are coming, just not as soon as we would all like. Thanks for your patience.

  • Jacob Hantla
    Jacob Hantla MVP Posts: 3,874

    Thanks for the update, Dave. We can hardly wait.

    Jacob Hantla
    Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church

  • John Eggen
    John Eggen Member Posts: 203 ✭✭

    Thanks for the update.  I can't wait to see what you have in store... especially if it makes its way onto my Android device ;)

  • steve haworth
    steve haworth Member Posts: 37 ✭✭

    brilliant ~ i'm very happy to hear highlighting is coming our way [:D] [:)][:D][:)]

  • steve haworth
    steve haworth Member Posts: 37 ✭✭

    one suggestion though when highlighting comes would be great to see all the highlighted sentences gathered in one place, for a quick overview of the important points. These notes hyper linked to the actual pages too for more reading on the context of the highlighted notes

  • Adam Tucker
    Adam Tucker Member Posts: 9 ✭✭

    Yes, that would be great! I love that feature in iBooks.

  • Jonathan
    Jonathan Member Posts: 671 ✭✭

    Can someone explain to me what Bob means by:

    dependent on our porting our primary display engine

    What does this mean for the current Iphone/Ipad app? A complete UI redesign? Simply changes "under the hood?"

  • Kevin A. Purcell
    Kevin A. Purcell Member Posts: 3,419 ✭✭✭

    Jonathan said:

    Can someone explain to me what Bob means by:

    dependent on our porting our primary display engine

    What does this mean for the current Iphone/Ipad app? A complete UI redesign? Simply changes "under the hood?"

    It was explained by Dave Dunkin when he posted the following:

    The seemingly plateaued state of the app is because we were hitting the limits of what we could do with small changes and are now working on big changes, specifically integrating the full Logos display engine. Big changes take longer. Notes and highlighting are coming, just not as soon as we would all like. Thanks for your patience.

    Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
    Brushy Mountain Baptist Association

  • Jonathan
    Jonathan Member Posts: 671 ✭✭

    Jonathan said:

    Can someone explain to me what Bob means by:

    dependent on our porting our primary display engine

    What does this mean for the current Iphone/Ipad app? A complete UI redesign? Simply changes "under the hood?"

    It was explained by Dave Dunkin when he posted the following:

    The seemingly plateaued state of the app is because we were hitting the limits of what we could do with small changes and are now working on big changes, specifically integrating the full Logos display engine. Big changes take longer. Notes and highlighting are coming, just not as soon as we would all like. Thanks for your patience.

    I guess I still don't understand. What do they mean by "full Logos display engine?"


  • Dave Dunkin (Logos)
    Dave Dunkin (Logos) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,043

    The display engine is the code that lays out and draws resource content to the screen. It's analogous to WebKit or Gecko in the HTML world.

  • Dan Sheppard
    Dan Sheppard Member Posts: 377 ✭✭

    It's analogous to WebKit or Gecko in the HTML world.


    Does this mean that Bob is going to change the logo and dress up in one of those cute lizard costumes?


  • Michael Green
    Michael Green Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    I'm sure this is covered in this thread, but not having the time to check, let me add this, or merely add my vote for this:

    Highlighting feature that:

    1. Is listable (view my book by highlights, like a table of contents).

    2. searchable (I should be able to search within my highlights)

    3. syncable (darnit all - but if I highlight in L4 or IOS, the highlight should appear in sync)


    Now, since it isn't implemented yet, let me give you a suggested implementation. 

    When I 'double-click' a word in IOS, have the text selection (as in copy/paste in email) appear.  Include the handles so I can select more than what I have selected by default.  Finally, once I've selected something, provide some default menu options (like copy/paste in email shows "copy, cut, select all, etc) like "copy, highlight, notes, study guide, define".



  • April  Pyle
    April Pyle Member Posts: 98 ✭✭

    Now, since it isn't implemented yet, let me give you a suggested implementation. 

    When I 'double-click' a word in IOS, have the text selection (as in copy/paste in email) appear.  Include the handles so I can select more than what I have selected by default.  Finally, once I've selected something, provide some default menu options (like copy/paste in email shows "copy, cut, select all, etc) like "copy, highlight, notes, study guide, define".

    How on earth do you double-click on the Iphone?.  I've tried and tried and I keep getting the look up dialog box.  I find the iphone app worthless for anything but reading and little of that since we cannot highlight and copy/paste.  I've always read with a highlighter in hand.  Alas, I'm forced to purchase the needed books in Olive Tree where copying and pasting into Evernote is so simple.  I love the way it's done and if I didn't have so much money tied up in Logos, I'd do a lot more in Olive Tree.

    Our pastor is preaching an 8 or 9 week series.  I take notes in Church on Evernote and when I need a Bible reference, I copy and paste from the Olive Tree version of the Bible into the Evernote Note.  Each week, I append to the previous note adding the current date and dividing line.  I love the way Olive Tree allows you to select a verse and then just down arrow to add additional verses. 

    Whoever in here suggested Evernote and Olive Tree, I thank you profusely.  I used to take hand written notes and usually never used them.  I use Evernote constantly for everything, even my Words with Friends scrabble game.



  • Jon
    Jon Member Posts: 28 ✭✭

    I agree highlights are important.

    As to how to implement. I would say when you press and hold
    on a word a handle above the first letter of the word and below the last letter
    of the word should appear with the menu below allowing you to ‘Search the Bible
    for “(the word)”’ and ‘Bible word Study on “(the word)”’. When you move the
    handles  it could add to this menu “Highlight”,
    “Add notes” and the other options could disappear when the handles are moved,
    though I don’t know why searching for multiple words wouldn’t be disallowed. It
    would also seem like adding an options for “Copy to clipboard” would be simple
    to this menu.

    When you click “Highlight” a list of highlight options could
    appear, maybe last 2 used highlights with the option to select other not recently
    used options, or like DocsToGo app with 9 options (either most recent or
    standard) and a button below for more. Than a return to the previous menu with
    a “Done” options because you might also want to add notes to that same
    highlighted area.

    When you click “Add notes” the notes interface would stack
    above like the “Bible Word Study” interface shows up. Then you can add your
    notes and click “Done” to save.

    I would say that a simple yellow highlighter would great to
    start but from the technical side it would seem like all the back end has to be
    in place for just this simple options when the other could be just a little
    more work.

  • Ed Faalam
    Ed Faalam Member Posts: 17 ✭✭

    Yes, I often find it frustrating, to resort to jotting down the important portion I am reading so i could go back to it later.  If I could highlight it, and maybe copy and paste, my iPhone would really a prized pastoral tool for me.

  • Chad Williams
    Chad Williams Member Posts: 37 ✭✭

    Honestly, I would much prefer Logos just provide the ability to do a simple yellow highlighter option for us ASAP while in the meantime working out the kinks toward allowing a full palette of markups. Just a plain highlighter would at least allow us to later skip through our markups in L4 and quickly review what stuck out in our reading. Eventually, more options for highlights and markups would be wonderful, but I think most of us our just begging for something sometime soon. 

    I definitely stand with all of those who agree that highlighting is an essential tool to our Bible study. (Notes being a distant second.) Without these tools, ebooks would never be a viable route. Thankfully Logos grew to understand this months after launching L4. Hopefully the app will development will catch on as well...

  • Henry Au
    Henry Au Member Posts: 28 ✭✭

    I love logos and I am also the user of BibleReader. I have invested much more money in Logos than any other platform. The new implementation of note/tag/highlight in BR5 is very powerful and I hope Logos will catch up with others. Though I understand Logos for iOS is just in their 1.x version. I think I can do most of my bible studies in iPad when the platform becomes mature. Keep up the good work!

  • Doug Lumpkin
    Doug Lumpkin Member Posts: 6 ✭✭

    Not having highlight capabilities is getting very old.  I constantly find myself using workarounds and having to take my work outside of logos.


    I appreciate the effort to do it correctly, but the slow march to simple capabilities is causing me to spend my time and money on other products...  Disappointing since I have spent more money on logos than literally anything else I own (minus 2 cars and a house).

  • Philana Crouch
    Philana Crouch Member Posts: 2,151 ✭✭✭

    Now, since it isn't implemented yet, let me give you a suggested implementation. 

    When I 'double-click' a word in IOS, have the text selection (as in copy/paste in email) appear.  Include the handles so I can select more than what I have selected by default.  Finally, once I've selected something, provide some default menu options (like copy/paste in email shows "copy, cut, select all, etc) like "copy, highlight, notes, study guide, define".

    How on earth do you double-click on the Iphone?.  I've tried and tried and I keep getting the look up dialog box.  I find the iphone app worthless for anything but reading and little of that since we cannot highlight and copy/paste.  I've always read with a highlighter in hand.  Alas, I'm forced to purchase the needed books in Olive Tree where copying and pasting into Evernote is so simple.  I love the way it's done and if I didn't have so much money tied up in Logos, I'd do a lot more in Olive Tree.

    Our pastor is preaching an 8 or 9 week series.  I take notes in Church on Evernote and when I need a Bible reference, I copy and paste from the Olive Tree version of the Bible into the Evernote Note.  Each week, I append to the previous note adding the current date and dividing line.  I love the way Olive Tree allows you to select a verse and then just down arrow to add additional verses. 

    Whoever in here suggested Evernote and Olive Tree, I thank you profusely.  I used to take hand written notes and usually never used them.  I use Evernote constantly for everything, even my Words with Friends scrabble game.



    Did you know that you can take your notes within Olive Tree, and set it to sync your notes with Evernote automatically, if you are making a note about a verse, you don't need to take the note in Evernote.


  • Jacob Hantla
    Jacob Hantla MVP Posts: 3,874

    Jonathan said:

    I guess I still don't understand. What do they mean by "full Logos display engine?"

    The display engine is the way that the software takes the raw data from the book files and translates it into the way we see it on the screen. There is a lot of data in the books that are "behind the scenes". The way that Logos on your computer displays books allows for things like highlighting, notes, sympathetic highlighting, and other things. The way that the first Logos app for iOS did it, none of these things were possible. It was just taking the text and making it look nice on the screen,  and not utilizing as much of the behind the scenes data as your PC Logos does. 

    Now that they have rewritten the display engine for iOS, it will be able to do more of the things in time that your computer can do, like notes and markups. These weren't possible with the way that the old app was written; now that they have completely rewritten the display engine, those functions and more (like page number display, probably interlinear display, etc) will be possible. 

    Jacob Hantla
    Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church

  • Jon
    Jon Member Posts: 28 ✭✭

    Is there any estimate as to how soon highlighting will come to logos? I love
    logos and I hate telling people to buy/use something else because there are no
    highlighting and notes. What good is a Bible or any book for that matter if you
    cannot highlight or add notes? So please give us an idea as to when
    highlighting might make it to Logos so I can tell people when to hold out for
    it instead of get something else.

  • Kevin A. Purcell
    Kevin A. Purcell Member Posts: 3,419 ✭✭✭

    There has bee no publicly stated estimate. Hoping soon!

    Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
    Brushy Mountain Baptist Association

  • Kaye Anderson
    Kaye Anderson Member Posts: 306 ✭✭

    I've had to try out a free iPad app that allows some highlighting and note taking until Logos includes it.  I know it won't move over to Logos so it's only for temporary stuff but it's been fun to have that ability again and I look forward to doing the same (and better!) in Logos for iPad some day.


    "But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry."  2 Timothy 4:5 (NASB)

  • Jon
    Jon Member Posts: 28 ✭✭

    I am not trying to get an exact date just a estimate. is it going to be a few weeks or a few months. If i know a rough idea i can make suggestions to others based on that rough idea. If they are off it isn't a problem.

  • Jon Ralph said:

    I am not trying to get an exact date just a estimate. is it going to be a few weeks or a few months. If i know a rough idea i can make suggestions to others based on that rough idea. If they are off it isn't a problem.

    From past experience with Logos missing some estimated dates by many months (initial Logos for Mac version), not anticipating any timeframe estimate from Logos - when feature is few days from public usability, Logos may announce upcoming release (e.g. Logos 4 Mac - October 2010)

    Also anticipate initial shipping implementation to be less than perfect with improvement in later releases; Logos does release early and often (e.g. Logos 1.6.0 followed quickly by 1.6.1 and 1.6.2 for iPad - Thankful for split screen display of 2 resources).

    Wiki page Logos Speaks has links to forum replies by Logos employees, including development strategy => 

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Jon
    Jon Member Posts: 28 ✭✭

    For all of you who are interested I found a different forum
    that one of the developers posted how difficult it is to get the notes and
    highlights. I can understand why they can’t give a estimate now. Hope this
    helps other people. It also indicates what the notes and highlighting ability
    might look like though not a full description. I will just hope it comes out
    soon. I don’t know how to encourage others though.


    The other Forum:

  • Dusty Miller
    Dusty Miller Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    As students my wife and I were gifted with logos 4 and I pads (God Bless our childern) we too would like to highlight and take notes when oh when will it be availible Dsty

  • April  Pyle
    April Pyle Member Posts: 98 ✭✭

    I have discovered this capability however I'm not making notes on the bible verse but copying the verse into the notes I'm taking on the sermon.  It's sure quick and easy to do.  However the new Olive Tree  update makes it a little more difficult.  They changed the copy function so that I no longer have the down arrow to copy more than once verse at a time..  I really miss this.  Gonna have to send them a note.


  • sffoodie
    sffoodie Member Posts: 6 ✭✭

    What is the status on markup/notes syncing? I am waiting to purchase logos until they get this working well because I love to use the inductive study mhod and mark keywords with custom symbols.

  • sffoodie said:

    What is the status on markup/notes syncing? I am waiting to purchase logos until they get this working well because I love to use the inductive study mhod and mark keywords with custom symbols.

    Welcome [:D]

    By the way, only needed to reply to one forum thread.  Posted status reply =>

    Logos reply on 24 Oct 2011 includes tantalizing screen capture =>

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Andre Daley
    Andre Daley Member Posts: 8 ✭✭

    Syncing/clipping to Evernote would be  a nice feature

  • Steve Owings
    Steve Owings Member Posts: 56 ✭✭

    Syncing/clipping to Evernote would be  a nice feature

