iPad Lexical Searches

Adam Claxton
Adam Claxton Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Apparently I'm a little slow, but it just dawned on me today that I can't search on the iPad for the lexical form of a given Greek word, but only for occurrences of a particular inflected form. Not so helpful! Am I missing a way to accomplish this?



  • Ryan Boyer
    Ryan Boyer Member Posts: 42 ✭✭


    I think you are correct that our search abilities are limited on the iPad compared to the main computer version.  However, if I understand your issue correctly I think there are a few work-arounds.

    First, the easiest ways that I have found to search is through touching and holding on the word in the texts.  For example, my text is open to Gal. 6:1.  If I hold on the first word, "Brethren" and then select "Look up" I get a box with the english word, the inflected form in this instance, the lexical form/lemma, and its parsing.  When I touch "Bible Word Study" I am directed to a word study on the lexical form (even though the inflected form, adelphoi, was used in Gal. 6:1).  I compared my results for this search with my lemma-search on my laptop and I returned the same results.

    All of this confusing gumble has been to simply say that you can search for a lexical form of a given Greek word and not just the particular inflected form.

    You have a couple of other options too.  If you go to your Bible Word Study page at the bottom of your screen you can either do a word study for "g:adelphos" (g: mean that you expect your iPad to transliterate you letters) or "brother."  If you go with the latter you will get every word in the Hebrew and Greek that is translated in your primary Bible as "brother."  Simply select on the Hebrew or Greek word you are interested in to return the results of usages in the text.  If you go with the first, you need to know exactly how to transliterate your word because you won't get the nice little suggestions that the computer version offers you on the iPad. 

    I agree that the word study abilities are not as fancy on the iPad as they are on the computer, but we do have options and there are ways to accomplish what you are after I think.

    Does this answer your question?  Perhaps I need to be a little clearer on what I am explaining??? Do you understand?


  • Adam Claxton
    Adam Claxton Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    Thanks for the reply, Ryan. Your suggestions work just fine; however, they don't get me to what I'm really after (sorry I didn't clarify):

    I want to generate a concordance-style list of every time the lexical form of a word is used in the NT. The Example Uses section of the Bible Word Study is a very small start, and using the Search tab doesn't allow for searching the lexical form, but only inflected forms.

    In summary: I want to search for every time a given Greek word is used in Scripture, regardless of its inflection, and I can't figure out how to do that on the iPad app. I can figure out what the lexical form is, but I can't search for all its occurrences.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,083

    Hi Adam - try this.

    Open a Greek New Testament - such as Lexham Greek-English interlinear and navigate to a verse which has the word you are interested in in its lexical form.

    Press and hold the word and select the "Search" option which will open the search window and do the search for you.

    You may need to select Bible search as opposed to Basic and choose the Bible you are interested in but I think this should work (though I would admit I would tend to this sort of thing on my laptop!)


    Edit: BTW - Welcome to the forums!

  • Ryan Boyer
    Ryan Boyer Member Posts: 42 ✭✭

    Please forgive my sincere confusion, but I am still baffled about what you are after because I see two separate issues listed in your reply.  Perhaps, if you can tell me what you are trying to accomplish I can help you more, but let me give you my thoughts on what you have said.

    First, you said, "I want to generate a concordance-style list of every time the lexical form of a word is used in the NT."  If, by this you mean that you want ONLY the nominative masculine singular for nouns, or the present, indicative, active, 1st person, singuare for verbs for of any given word (i.e. it's lemma), then I think you are correct - you cannot do this on the iPad.  You will need to use the Analysis section of a Morph search on your computer to accomplish this.

    On the other hand, you said, "In summary: I want to search for every time a given Greek word is used in Scipture, regarless of its inflection..."  YOU CAN DO THIS on your iPad.  Let me give you a small example.

    Let's search for "vine" - Jesus said, "I am the true vine."  If you do a morph search on your computer for ἄμπελος (lexical form) you will find that the word is used 9 times in the NT.  If you move to the analysis view you will find that it is found three times in it's lexical form, one time it is found in the accusative (ἄμπελον), four times it is found in the genative (ἀμπέλου), and once it is found in the dative (ἀμπέλῳ).  This is what you said you want in your summary, "I want to search for every time a given Greek word is used in Scripture, regardless of its inflection..."

    Now, if you search for ἄμπελος on your iPad in any of the ways I described in my first response you will yield a Bible Word Study screen that gives you NINE results in the NT.  This is every time the word is used in the NT regardless of it's form.  It will be tedious to determine the form of each of these usages since the iPad doesn't use the analysis feature, but it can be done.  BUT, if what you are looking for is to sort the list of 9 results on your iPad into their pared formes, you are correct, this cannot be done on the iPad.

    I hope this helps, and I apologize if I have just overlooked or misread something in your post.  Please forgive me.


  • Ryan Boyer
    Ryan Boyer Member Posts: 42 ✭✭


    This worked - THANKS!  I didn't think you could search for individual forms on the iPad.


  • Adam Claxton
    Adam Claxton Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    On the other hand, you said, "In summary: I want to search for every time a given Greek word is used in Scipture, regarless of its inflection..."  YOU CAN DO THIS on your iPad.  Let me give you a small example...

    So sorry, Ryan, you were right to be confused because I bungled that first statement. I really want to do what I said in the summary, and it doesn't appear to be giving me the results I want. Instead, I only get what Graham suggested, which of course is much narrower. For example, if I go to John 15:1 and do a Bible Word Study on ἄμπελος on my iPad , I get 3 example uses, not 9.

    I can see 7 if I do this: do a Bible Word Study on "vine," click the ἄμπελος circle in the Greek Words section, and the list appears, but apparently I'm missing 2 results that you got?

    I'm confused. Do you have a section of your Bible Word Study screen that I don't have? If I use your very first example (hold "Brothers" in Gal 6:1 while reading the ESV, get the MSS/Lemma info and such, touch "Bible Word Study," I get this:


    What am I missing?

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,083

    Hi Ryan

    This worked - THANKS!  I didn't think you could search for individual forms on the iPad.


    Glad it was useful 



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,083

    Hi Adam

    I can see 7 if I do this: do a Bible Word Study on "vine," click the ἄμπελος circle in the Greek Words section, and the list appears, but apparently I'm missing 2 results that you got?

    I think you might be pressing on the larger, blue segment (not the word in the centre of the circle) and it is just showing you the seven times the word is translated "vine". If you click on the two smaller segments each one will give you a single verse where the word is translated differently.

    What am I missing?

    I get the same and I think this was what Ryan was saying - that the search here is for the lemma not the particular form of the word found in the verse.


  • Ryan Boyer
    Ryan Boyer Member Posts: 42 ✭✭


    Let's make sure we are doing the exact same things.  Here is a step-by-step of how I get my results.  I am going to be using the ἄμπελος example from Jn. 15.1.
    1.  In a Bible go to Jn. 15.1.

    2.  Press and hold "vine", tap "look up", and then tap Bible Word Study. 

    NOTE: if you are using the NASU ἄμπελος is only translated "vine" so you will tap on the blue circle around the word ἄμπελος.  The same is true if you are using the SBLGNT - there is only one choice because ἄμπελος  is only ἄμπελος  in the Gk NT. 

    If, however, you are using the NRSV, ἄμπελος is translated with three different words:  7 times "vine", 1 time "grapevine", and 1 time "vintage".  In this case, you will need to tap the blue circle (or word next to the blue bullet square) to see each of these usages.  Then tap the red portion of the circle, then tap the green portion.  This will give you 9 total times that the word ἄμπελος is used in your Greek NT; but note that the circle around ἄμπελος tells you that you are ONLY dealing with this one word.

    Are you able to come up with 9 usages now?


  • Adam Claxton
    Adam Claxton Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    OK, I'm tracking now. Yes, if I use NASU, I get one circle and touching the circle gets me 9 results. So touching the circle is the key. I'll play with it some more when I can get home and compare to the PC searches.

    Thanks so much to both of you for the help!