Finding Word Meanings

Dick Rollins
Dick Rollins Member Posts: 5 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I'm new to Logos for Android and have a couple problems. First, I'm using an 8" Archos 80 g9 tablet with Android 3.2 and Logos seems to generally work well for not being a finished app. I find though, that when I give a long press on a word in the Authorized version, it opens a black area at the bottom that begins to give the Strong's definition, but stops after about 4 or 5 lines so I don't get nearly the whole definition. Also the definition given is for the word that is right before the one I press. I also get no Tense Voice Mood.

Then, if I want Tense Voice Mood, I need to open the 1900 KJV. Tense Voice Mood works well, but I get no Strong's definition. Is there a way for me to rectify these, or are they known problems?



  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,021

    when I give a long press on a word in the Authorized version, it opens a black area at the bottom that begins to give the Strong's definition, but stops after about 4 or 5 lines so I don't get nearly the whole definition.

    Did you load Logos from the Market? Check its version in Settings | Applications | Manage Applications | Logos.

    I'm somewhat handicapped by not having a tablet Android with its larger screen, so ...

    If you have v0.9.1 of Logos:-

    The Authorized Version is the non-interlinear version, so you should only get meanings for its English words + an option for "Bible Word Study".

    The King James Version is the KJV 1900 and it should give meanings for the underlying Greek/Hebrew words + an option for "Bible Word Study".

    Either way, the definition will be concise or truncated.

    The lexicons used should be your prioritized resources from your desktop Logos4.

    By TVM do you mean morphology e.g. noun, genitive, plural?

    Also the definition given is for the word that is right before the one I press.

    The word picked up can be different, even below the one you are "pressing", so you have to adjust the position where you press.



    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Dick Rollins
    Dick Rollins Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Dave Hooton, I appreciate your help!

    I do have v0.9.1 which I downloaded from Logos. Yes, I do mean morphology by TVM.

    When I long press on a word in the KJV I am getting the following: "Text", "MSS", "Lemma", "Morph", "Strong's" I then get "Bible Word Study". Then when I tap "Bible Word Study" another page opens. "Definition" is dimmed and I get no definition, but I do get other info.

    I'm not sure what you mean by my "prioritized resources", but I am using "Enhanced Strong's Lexicon" on my Logos 4 in Windows, and I have it downloaded to my Android tablet.

    Also, I can find no way to put Strong's numbers in the text of the KJV like the Windows version has. I assume that is normal?

    Any more help given would be appreciated.


  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,021

    I'm not sure what you mean by my "prioritized resources", but I am using "Enhanced Strong's Lexicon" on my Logos 4 in Windows

    When you right click a word in the KJV 1900 in Windows and select Lemma (below) what lexicons appear on the other side?


    These will be your top 5 prioritised lexicons whether you do it yourself or use the Logos default resources.

    Then when I tap "Bible Word Study" another page opens. "Definition" is dimmed and I get no definition, but I do get other info.

    What other info? What Base Library package do you have e.g. Home, Leader's, Scholars?

    Also, I can find no way to put Strong's numbers in the text of the KJV like the Windows version has. I assume that is normal?

    You cannot view Strong's numbers, lemmas nor morphology with the text; you have to long press a word instead.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Hunter Clagett
    Hunter Clagett Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,819

    We are currently having some trouble with word lookup in the Android app. Our developers are aware of the issue and are looking into it. 



    - Hunter Clagett

    Logos 4 Bug Report - Mac | PC

    Proclaim - Mac/PC

  • Dick Rollins
    Dick Rollins Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    The lexicons that appear when I select Lemma are: NAS Dictionary, New Strong's, Vine's, Enhanced Strongs & A Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Gk Testament and Hebrew Bible.

    The info I get after Clicking on "Bible Word Study" is first the Gk word, under that is "Definition", which is dimmed and showing no definition. Then "Translation" KJV 1900 which shows how the word is used in the KJV. Example the word translated "Beloved" is also translated "wellbeloved" and "dear". It would show where each word is used in the KJV.

    My Base Libary package in Logos 4 is Minimal Crossgrade. Most of the bibles, commentaries, lexicons etc. I already had from Logos 2, and Libronix 3. My Libronix was nearly all from Nelson--different packages. Dave, thanks for the info about the Strong's numbers. That is what I figured.

  • Dick Rollins
    Dick Rollins Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Thanks a lot for the info. Maybe I'll start getting word meanings after the next update.

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,021

    The lexicons that appear when I select Lemma are: NAS Dictionary, New Strong's, Vine's, Enhanced Strongs &

    Do you get the same problem with Definition in BWS on your desktop?

    You need to Prioritize so that Enhanced Strong's is first (preferred). I can't say how soon that it will sync to your mobile device but it should improve results in BWS. Also consider buying a more comprehensive lexicon

    The DBL lexicons are a good starter -->


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Dick Rollins
    Dick Rollins Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Dave Hooton said:Do you get the same problem with Definition in BWS on your desktop?

    No, my desktop definitions have worked good, with no problems.

    Dave Hooton said:You need to Prioritize
    so that Enhanced Strong's is first (preferred). I can't say how soon
    that it will sync to your mobile device but it should improve results in
    BWS. Also consider buying a more comprehensive lexicon


    Thanks for the info. I did prioritize my lexicons, with Enhanced Strong's first. It hasn't changed the way it works at all. My Window's Logos 4 definitions still work good, automatically using the Enhanced Strong's, as it did before. I received the new update on my Android 2 days ago, but the word "Definition",  is still faded, showing that it's not available, and I get no definition. Hopefully one of the updates in the near future will rectify the problem.

    I do appreciate all your help!