Greek part of speech search

YesYouNeedJesus Member Posts: 30
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Brand new Logos user, very excited. Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to do the first thing I need. How would I do a search for all perfect infinitives in the Greek NT and Septuagint?


  • John Fidel
    John Fidel MVP Posts: 3,418



    To run the search you want you click on the search icon/select morph select the text you want to search and type @VR?N. Actually when you type the @ a drop down will allow you to select the morphology.

    To search both the GNT and LXX you need to create a collection that has those two texts. The collections are found under tools. Here is a screenshot of the search and the collection.

    If you have additional questions or need more detailed instructions, check back or check out the Wiki





  • YesYouNeedJesus
    YesYouNeedJesus Member Posts: 30

    Awesome! This is why we use LOGOS right? Can't quite get it to work. Here's a screenshot. Why is it searching 23 resources when my collection only has 2 resources in it?



  • YesYouNeedJesus
    YesYouNeedJesus Member Posts: 30

    Well, that's not going to help. The rich text editor is not too user friendly. How do you insert a screenshot and make it bigger? I attempted to make it bigger by going into the edit function in the text editor, but there's no way to constrain proportions so I don't have a chance.

  • John Fidel
    John Fidel MVP Posts: 3,418

    Create a screenshot and save it; click on the paperclip to insert it.

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,055

    To search both the GNT and LXX you need to create a collection that has those two texts. The collections are found under tools. Here is a screenshot of the search and the collection.

    I got curious (not having tried morph searches in the past) and found that it works fine, but my results seem to differ from yours - that may be due to the different resources we use: my LXX has no Logos morphology and my NA27 neither, thus Logos morph yields zero, but GRAMCORD and Swanson get the same number of hits:


    Is the big difference to your results really attributable to aparatuses and variant readings? When I save the results as a passage list, it says it contains only 114 entries, see attached 8255.VRN_in_greek_bible_text_morphed.rtf 

    Still curious,



    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 35,883

    How do you insert a screenshot and make it bigger?

    Just save your screenshot as .jpg or .gif file and attach the file as described.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 35,883

    but GRAMCORD and Swanson get the same number of hits:

    Different Morphologies don't use the same morphological tags.

    In Logos morphology @VR?N = Verb, Perfect, Infinitive  so you have to type and then select:

       Verb + (under Tense)Perfect + (under Mood) Infinitive

    and run separate searches for your NA27 (whether Swanson morph or Logos morph) and Septuaginta (GRAMCORD morph).



    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,055

    Different Morphologies don't use the same morphological tags.

    In Logos morphology @VR?N = Verb, Perfect, Infinitive  so you have to type and then select:

       Verb + (under Tense)Perfect + (under Mood) Infinitive

    Aaaaah, I didn't know that. Thanks a lot!

    In the meantime I found that I do have Logos-morph-tagged ressources both for OT and NT, which brings me near:


    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • YesYouNeedJesus
    YesYouNeedJesus Member Posts: 30

    Hey guys, that's how I inserted the screenshot. I clicked the paperclip and browsed to the screenshot on my desktop.


    John, how did you change the size of your screenshot when inserting? The popup when you click the paperclip has max width and max width options that don't seem to do anything. How do we get past this? I'd like to get this search knocked out.

    Without being able to see my screenshot, the left shows my search with the only collection I have created, and the right shows the breakdown of that collection as 2 resources. The search on the left is searching 23 resources, even though the collection only has 2.

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,055

    Hey guys, that's how I inserted the screenshot. I clicked the paperclip and browsed to the screenshot on my desktop.

    well, that's usually all it takes.

    I don't know about these Mac-features, is your bad-quality screenshot a *.BMP? I use a tool (Jing) that writes *,PNG files, other tools write *.JPG, both come around fine. I never edit the Max-Width filed, basically if I capture a smaller part of the screen, it gets presented larger automatically (and one can further enlarge it by double clicking).

    With respect to the collection - did you change it from a larger toi a smaller one? I found that when I changed it, I had to direct the search to another collection and then back to the changed one to take effect.  

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • John Fidel
    John Fidel MVP Posts: 3,418


    Try running the search on the two texts individually and see if there is any problems. The two resources in your collection may not have the same morphology. In your collection you need an OT Greek and NT Greek that have the same morphology.

  • Mark Barnes
    Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

    Hey guys, that's how I inserted the screenshot. I clicked the paperclip and browsed to the screenshot on my desktop. John, how did you change the size of your screenshot when inserting? The popup when you click the paperclip has max width and max width options that don't seem to do anything. How do we get past this? I'd like to get this search knocked out.

    Upload the full-size file (as JPG or PNG) and the forum will create the smaller version with the link to the larger one automatically. Like this:




    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

  • Mark Barnes
    Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

    Why is it searching 23 resources when my collection only has 2 resources in it?

    And now we can see your screenshot, we can answer your main question. I'm afraid the answer is "I don't know"! Everything looks OK. I have just two suggestions:

    • Are you sure you didn't start the search, then change the dropdown to your collection AFTER the search had populated? It might be worth just trying again.
    • Is there a bug in the Mac version? (I'm on Windows, so will leave it to someone else to comment)

    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,055

    Why is it searching 23 resources when my collection only has 2 resources in it?

    And now we can see your screenshot, we can answer your main question. I'm afraid the answer is "I don't know"! Everything looks OK. I have just two suggestions:

    • Are you sure you didn't start the search, then change the dropdown to your collection AFTER the search had populated? It might be worth just trying again.
    • Is there a bug in the Mac version? (I'm on Windows, so will leave it to someone else to comment)

    As I wrote earlier, it looks like your first bullet scenario (YYNJ's first hits come from, not from the two bible texts shown in the collection at the time of screenshot ), the second one would really be a weird bug. At least on Windows, when changing the collection, it seems simply re-loading the search doesn't do, one needs to direct it elsewhere and then come back (a retart of Logos might do the same).

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • John Fidel
    John Fidel MVP Posts: 3,418
  • YesYouNeedJesus
    YesYouNeedJesus Member Posts: 30

    The screenshot I uploaded is a PNG. The forum seems to make the width of pictures too narrow. Look at every picture inserted in this thread, they are all the same width.

    I rebooted Logos, and now it only searches the Septuagint. Does that have to do with morphology? Ideally, I'd like to search the Majority Text and Septuagint. Can someone explain what I need to do for morphology and how to determine what morphology a resource utilizes?

    This is kind of a bummer, because I won't be able to search my entire library then? I'll need to search one resource at a time?

    Once we get this search figured out, is it easy to export?

  • YesYouNeedJesus
    YesYouNeedJesus Member Posts: 30

    I'm attempting to search one resource at a time right now, just so I can get my data. Ideally, I'd still like to figure out how to do it the right way and create a collection. I'm having an issue though.

    In the dropdown to select a resource to search, how can I tell what the resource is? There is no thumbnail picture and the resource name is cut off. I can't get the rest of the name to show. Even the abbreviations are cut off. Here's a screenshot.


  • Mark Barnes
    Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

    The screenshot I uploaded is a PNG. The forum seems to make the width of pictures too narrow. Look at every picture inserted in this thread, they are all the same width.

    If you upload an image to the forum, a 550px version will be created and placed in the forum thread. A link will also be created to the original image so all viewers have to do is click on the 550px version to see your screenshot in all its glory. It works very well - images don't dominate the thread, but you can always access the full-size image if you need it. If you look at my post above, it works perfectly for your screenshot.

    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

  • Mark Barnes
    Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

    I'm attempting to search one resource at a time right now, just so I can get my data. Ideally, I'd still like to figure out how to do it the right way and create a collection.

    I don't think the problem is with your collection. You need to understand that different Logos resources have different functionality. Some have apparatus. Some have morphology. A few have both, or neither. Of those that do have morphology, they sometimes use different morphology schemes. Although this can be confusing to the new user, you quickly get to know which resource you should use for different circumstances.

    I don't own The Greek New Testament According to the Majority Text, with Apparatus, but it's description on the Logos page doesn't say it has morphology. If it doesn't, that would explain why your collection doesn't search it. Or, it may have a different morphology to the Septuagint. Again that would explain why it doesn't get searched. To find out, try and choose it from the search in dropdown. If it doesn't appear in the list, it doesn't have morphology and you obviously can't do a morphological search. If it does appear in the list, select it, and then the next dropdown will update showing you that resource's morphology. The Septuagint is "Logos Greek Morphology". If the Majority text is different, then you can't search them together.

    Personally, if I wanted to do a morphological search on the Majority text, I would use The New Testament in the Original Greek: Byzantine Textform 2005 which comes with many of the base packages, and is equivalent to the Majority text. That uses Logos Greek Morphology which is the most common Greek morphology used in Logos. If you don't particularly want the majority text, there are many other texts to choose from. Let us know if that's the case.

    In the dropdown to select a resource to search, how can I tell what the resource is? There is no thumbnail picture and the resource name is cut off. I can't get the rest of the name to show. Even the abbreviations are cut off.

    On a PC we get a pop-up when we hover over the row. Can anyone else comment as to whether that normally happens on a Mac?

    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

  • The search on the left is searching 23 resources, even though the collection only has 2.

    Wonder if collection had more than 2 resources at some time ?

    Apologies: using Logos 4.3 SR-6 on Mac OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) , unable to replicate: created collection with 2 Greek resources that have Logos Greek Morphological tagging, then ran morph search:


    Can someone explain what I need to do for morphology and how to determine what morphology a resource utilizes?

    One option is doing a morph search of all resources for an article @D OR preposition @P using Logos Greek Morphology to see which resources have results.  After finding results, could tag resources.

    Another option is creating Logos Greek Morphology visual filters, wiki Extended Tips for Visual Filters => Examples of visual filters has several examples, then open resource(s) and see if visual filter appears.

    For searching Greek Bibles with Logos Greek Morphology, personally created a collection using tagging (lbs = Logos Greek Morphology; Interlinear = Logos Greek Morphology plus Display button):


    Appears Dead Sea Scroll fragments do not have any perfect infinitives.

    In the dropdown to select a resource to search, how can I tell what the resource is? There is no thumbnail picture and the resource name is cut off. I can't get the rest of the name to show. Even the abbreviations are cut off.

    On a PC we get a pop-up when we hover over the row. Can anyone else comment as to whether that normally happens on a Mac?

    Logos 4.5 Beta 8 does have a row pop-up in All Morph Resources section of drop-down list, Logos 4.3 SR-6 on Mac lacks pop-up.

    Edit: Logos 4.5 Beta 8 on Mac also lacks pop-up so updated Feature Parity list.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    Edit: Logos 4.5 Beta 8 on Mac also lacks pop-up so updated Feature Parity list.

    Logos 4.5 Beta 9 has pop-up with resource information on Windows, missing on Mac:


    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Ann Boyles
    Ann Boyles Member Posts: 681

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    Edit: Logos 4.5 Beta 8 on Mac also lacks pop-up so updated Feature Parity list.

    Logos 4.5 Beta 9 has pop-up with resource information on Windows, missing on Mac:


    Keep Smiling Smile

    This has been resolved in a future update. Thank you.

  • This has been resolved in a future update. Thank you.

    Concur Logos 4.5c Release Candidate 1 includes fix.

    Keep Smiling [:)]