Pathetic. A year later and reading plans still do not sync!

I have been fussing with the Logos' screwed-up bible reading plans for an entire year now. Of course it inexplicably duplicated itself 11 times during 2011 and it only synced with my desktop every week or so, but I knew Logos was working on it. So I finished my reading plan yesterday; it wouldn't sync again, so I deleted it. I would like to start another one today (I'm sure I'm the only one starting on Jan 1), but will the new plan sync to my iPad? Of course not. Give me a break, Logos! This is pathetic app.
I too have been very frustrated with the lack of Bible reading plan syncing. this is one of my most used features in worked great in the early days of the app but apparently their systems got overwhelmed with so many users. So rather than focusing on the reading plan portion in particular they are rewriting their sync architecture all together. Should they have done it faster? My thought, yes. They have let a front-page feature of app remain broken for quite some time cheapening the image of their product altogether. I've been told that the fix is coming early 2012 now that the new sync architecture is nearing completion.
Jacob Hantla
Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church
gbcaz.org0 -
Stinks...because now I have to wait until my laptop boots up (and that takes awhile, since I run Windows and I have a lot of stuff in my startup tray) to do my reading. Up until last Saturday (Dec 31), I could do my reading ONLY on my iPhone, since the system will create a new reading plan (Number 13) if I did the reading on the laptop. So I created a new reading plan for 2012, but that one won't sync to my iPhone...AND my iPhone still shows two old reading that I just completed, and one that would not delete on the phone. long is that fix going to take?
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This won't solve the problem, but you should be able to delete those reading plans on your iPhone with a left swipe.
I realize that this may be a low priority for Logos and there are other components involved in the sync, but we paid over a year ago for a feature that has not been delivered. It is unacceptable business.
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DHG said:
I realize that this may be a low priority for Logos and there are other components involved in the sync
I don't think they have made it a low priority, but their approach has been complex. I am of the strong opinion they should have fixed the broken system before redoing it. Sync works on the desktop, it should be something they can fix for the mobile apps. Give us something that works rather than spending a year telling us it is being replaced. And while it is broken, don't advertise it as a feature of the product - they knew it was broken, knew it has been broken for many months, it is dishonest for reading plans to be listed as a feature of the iOS app.
But it does seem, hopefully, we are finally approaching the territory of "fixed soon". The new sync architecture is in place on the desktop beta, and the iOS team has been simultaneously working on things on their end. Looking forward to the return of this feature which we should have had all along.
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FYI... from my understanding, there are some bugs with sync2 that needs to be corrected before it can go live. There has been conversations in the beta forum that it is taking some computers 30 minutes to start L4 because of the bug in sync2. And it is my understanding that they needed sync2 so that they could sync to the iphone.