Samsung Galaxy Note

Sure wonder what L4Android would be like on this monster display:
I just bought a Galaxy Player 5", and while it doesn't have an AMOLED display, the 5" display is very nice and much more portable than my Galaxy Tab 7". I bought it to replace my iPod Touch and its display is HUGE compared to the Touch. A great compromise in terms of size, weight and portability...
Director of Zoeproject
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Thanks for the tip--I'd not heard of the Galaxy Player; my eldest son has been bugging me for an IPod Touch...while I'm not likely to get one, I'd seriously consider this as an alternative since it has MicroSDHC--I like expansion options. Hopefully L4Android is a good experience on it.
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Works well for Logos books as well as my Kindle books. They have 4" and 5" versions with camera, GPS, Android Market/Google apps, etc. Much better than the iPod Touch IMHO and a more full-featured unit than the Kindle Fire.
Director of Zoeproject
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I will second this. I have the Samsung Galaxy Player 5.0 and it it wonderful with Logos (as well as many other things)! The display is very nice and it is very readable. Totally recommend it.
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I've got it running on my Galaxy Note. It looks great on this HD screen. No problems so far. However, I miss having my daily reading on my Android. I don't understand why Logos would leave out that functionality. When I don't get to my daily reading on my PC, it would be great to be able to have my Bible reading time available on my portable. To me this is more important than looking up a Greek word, etc. I do serious Bible study at home and work. I have been using Logos for over 15 years and have written hundreds of Bible lessons with it. What I need in my pocket is mainly my Bible and the ability to read it everyday and sync this with my Logos at home or work. Laridian and Olive Tree understand this. Logos needs to understand this if they want to lead in the portable market too.
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Reading plan support is planned along with other features. From the FAQ:
Q: What features are planned?
- Offline search of downloaded books
- Library list sorting and filtering
- Favorites
- Reading plans
- Copy text
- Highlighting
- Notes
- Sharing via Twitter, Facebook and email
- Split screen
- Tablet-optimized layout
Director of Zoeproject
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Michael R. Hart said:
I've got it running on my Galaxy Note. It looks great on this HD screen. No problems so far. However, I miss having my daily reading on my Android. I don't understand why Logos would leave out that functionality. When I don't get to my daily reading on my PC, it would be great to be able to have my Bible reading time available on my portable. To me this is more important than looking up a Greek word, etc. I do serious Bible study at home and work. I have been using Logos for over 15 years and have written hundreds of Bible lessons with it. What I need in my pocket is mainly my Bible and the ability to read it everyday and sync this with my Logos at home or work. Laridian and Olive Tree understand this. Logos needs to understand this if they want to lead in the portable market too.
Tks for the info...can't wait until the US Galaxy Note hits the stores.
I agree WRT the Reading Plan (and highlighting!), but suspect that the major database/sync change that Logos is working on will translate into several of these features finally making it into users hands. My use case is to keep up with my readings during quiet times--and I've found that highlighting while I read helps me remember it better.
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I am a very new Logos user and have it installed on my Samsung Galaxy Note. One problem I have is that the Easy Navigation Book & Verse buttons are very small & I have fat fingers :-) Do you know a way to make those buttons bigger?
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Perhaps a role for the pen?
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I dont seem to use the pen very often. Yes it is an option but I find it easier just to use my finger. Sometimes I miss the button though. I see that in the FAQ there is an "Optimised for Tablet" capability in the works so that may solve my problem. By the way if you want a phone before it is officially released in your country you can get them from overseas. I am an Australian and the Galaxy Note is yet to be released here. I got mine from mobiciti. Some risk involved in that you miss out on some of the country specific bloatware. That didnt bother me though in fact I considered it a plus. Thouroughly do your homework though to make sure it will work in your country.
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Samsung will soon debut its Galaxy Note “phablet,” which is half smartphone, half tablet. Today, Samsung is reporting that the new style of device; now known as a Phablet is making a dint in the market, the new Phablet market that is. Samsung Galaxy Note phablet set for Feb. 19 US release with AT&T. Check out the most interesting phablets that do have that massive commercial potentiality.
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I'm looking forward to the US release of the LTE Note--but am sad to see it offered by ATT and not Verizon. It will probably take ATT 2+ years to expand it's LTE coverage to where I live. Verizon has been much better at rapidly rolling out coverage to a wide area. My wife pays Sprint for 4G, but in 2 years they never actually rolled out coverage to our area, and are now abandoning that wireless spec.
I think highlighting will really rock on the Note once L4Android gets that capability--and the expanded screen resolution/real estate will make 2-pane ops much better.
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It is actually proving to be quite a dissapointment for me.
I Bought a note specifically for use with Logos. I have since been disappointed that a 5mm border exists around the text on the screen. This results in a huge proportion of the screen realestate showing up as simply black.
My previous SGII showed the text all the way to the edges. This actually means that these two phones show about the same amount of text, even thought the galaxy screen is much larger. In fact, because of the boarder, when using the screen split I actually see less text than on my SGII. This is a disappointment as i bought the Note specifically to have more room to use the split screen function.
Below are two screenshots of this, showing the view in normal, and then split screen.
I am wondering if this is simply a coding bug or a design choice. If a bug I would love to see it fixed
If i design choice, I would ask that it please be rethought, having a black boarder around text, simply because i have a high resolution screen, is a big letdown.
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Concur with your observation, hope that this can be an easy fix--either by Logos in future release or by Samsung when they finally field ICS (which is aimed at making it easier for developers to write for a broad market of device resolutions)
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Hi Jason, I've never really noticed the 5mm border but now that you mention it it would be good to use all of the available area. I set my Logos to display text at the Large setting which is probably why I didnt notice it until now.
My minor disappointment is the very big jump in text size between Normal and Large. I would love a text size in between the two.
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Having had a look at Logos on an iPad i am thinking this is probably a design choice and not a bug, as the iPad uses similar formatting.
Any chance a developer could confirm whether or not this is a bug or a choice? I guess i would like to know so i can understand whether i should be phrasing my feedback as a request to change your minds, or to fix a problem?
I do concur about having a bit more choice in font size (some other program let you choose a font pointing, any number you want).
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This is by design.
Android has four generalized screen sizes, small, normal, large, and xlarge. There is some overlap in the boundaries of these reported sizes but in general:
Small, regular screens include most phones.
Large screens typically include very large phones or small sized tablets ranging between 4-7 inches.
Xlarge screens are usually for 7+ inch tablets.
We adjust margins and other UI elements according to these generalized sizes. It sounds like the Galaxy Note (which I was really interested in getting btw) is reporting as a large sized screen.
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Thanks heaps for the comment Gabe. Much appreciated.
As I mentioned I had a Galaxy SII before this (4.3" 400x800) and now have the note (5.3" 800x1200). I guess that these two phones are being picked up on as different based on the different resolution, even though they are similarly sized. On the note, even with the larger, the reduction of the text area with this boarder gives me approximately the same effective reading size on both devices.
Could I please request a change to your design thinking. Ideally I would love to see the boarder made a selectable element in the settings. It could be set to on automatically for the larger screens and off automatically for the smaller, but still user selectable on either device. How easy/difficult would this be to implement?
Or maybe just an option to override the current automatically detected sizes? Would this be an easy option to give users?
I feel like the current design choice is a waste of screen real estate.
Also, on a related by far far less important issue, the button sizes in the selection of verse menu are sized wrongly for the screen resolution, they end up being too short and small. But as i said, this I dont find a big issue at all, but would love to be able to use the full screen.
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Is it possible to get a response please Gabe?
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I created a case for configurable text margins so the user can choose between phone, small tablet, or large tablet text margins. It will default the text margins based on your phone's generalized screenSize as it does now, but can be overridden for large phone devices that are detected as small tablet rather than phone sized devices. This feature won't make it into the product until after we release the 1.0 version to Google Play/Amazon Appstore.
I'll also take a look at the versemap button size for Galaxy note sized displays.
Thanks for your feedback and suggestions.
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thanks Gabe
Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have
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Gabe Martin said:
I created a case for configurable text margins so the user can choose between phone, small tablet, or large tablet text margins. It will default the text margins based on your phone's generalized screenSize as it does now, but can be overridden for large phone devices that are detected as small tablet rather than phone sized devices. This feature won't make it into the product until after we release the 1.0 version to Google Play/Amazon Appstore.
Thank you, Gabe!
Have just ordered a Galaxy Note, specifically so I can use it with my Logos Library. I understand that this feature won't be in the first release version, but really appreciate that you guys take us phablet readers seriously.
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Hi All, Good News. I just got the Android 4 update for my Samsung Galaxy Note. It seems to have cured the screen size problem. No more 5mm borders. I'm in Australia so I'm not sure when it will be rolled out elsewhere though.
Verse buttons are still too small though.
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Ian Brown said:
I just got the Android 4 update for my Samsung Galaxy Note. It seems to have cured the screen size problem. No more 5mm borders. I'm in Australia so I'm not sure when it will be rolled out elsewhere though.
Thanks for the good news Ian.
I'm in Australia as well, and would love to get the update to fix this issue. Can you point me to where you got the update? Kies? Voda? Website? Rooted? If you are not comfortable posting it here, perhaps you could email me as AllenAtAllenbrowneDotCom thanks.
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Hi Allen, the update just came up on my phone so I went for it. You could try Settings/About Phone/Software update. I bought my phone from an online retailer over seas before they were available here in AUS. Not sure if that has anything to do with things. All the best!
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Ian Brown said:
Hi Allen, the update just came up on my phone so I went for it. You could try Settings/About Phone/Software update. I bought my phone from an online retailer over seas before they were available here in AUS. Not sure if that has anything to do with things. All the best!
Yep: bought mine from an Australian direct-importer too. No update available yet. In due time hopefully. Thanks anyway. (BTW, love this thing: it's great to read on!)
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Logos for Android just sent out a new update which includes the reading plan. It works great and keeps my reading synced via the cloud. Thank you Logos. My only desire now is that Logos for Android would function more quickly. It is still sluggish when not on Wifi or a 3g connection. Searches are MUCH slower than Oliver Tree. Even turning pages require a person to wait for the next page. Cloud computing is only as good as the connection speed. It is still slower than which is through the browser. For as much as Logos library costs it should have a faster mobile solution. I believe the guys at Logos are smart and honest. Hopefully they will deliver what is possible and what the public needs.
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Yes Logos thank you for the update. I now have much bigger chapter & verse buttons! Very happy about that and the chapter buttons are colour coded too. Good job!
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Allen Browne said:Gabe Martin said:
I created a case for configurable text margins ...
Thank you, Gabe! Have just ordered a Galaxy Note, specifically so I can use it with my Logos Library. ...
Well, my ICS update finally came through today, and those wastefully wide margins are finally gone.
Logos is now taking advantage of the 5.3" screen on the Galaxy Note. Thanks guys.
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Allen are you on AT&T or some other carrier? In US?
Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
Brushy Mountain Baptist Association0 -
Allen Browne said:
Well, my ICS update finally came through today, and those wastefully wide margins are finally gone.
Logos is now taking advantage of the 5.3" screen on the Galaxy Note. Thanks guys.
Hi Allen,
I'm glad it looks better now but this improvement had nothing to do with us. The margin settings feature hasn't been released yet but it will be soon.
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Kevin A. Purcell said:
Allen are you on AT&T or some other carrier? In US?
I'm actually on Virgin Mobile in Australia. But the update came through Kies (so direct from Samsung I presume).
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how i can donwload my books to my samsung galaxy young, so i can used whitout internet, when im at work?
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In the library page you will see a little i next to each book. Press it and an information page about that book is displayed. There should also be a green download button which will do just as it says. (If you cant see the green download button then try updating Logos.) All the best!
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don't know how it came for you, but it isn't available for AT&T version f the Note in the US.
Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
Brushy Mountain Baptist Association0