Lexham Hebrew Interlinear - no transliteration lines
Wyn Laidig
Member Posts: 401 ✭✭
There are no transliteration lines displayed on the Lexham Hebrew Interlinear Bible. And I don't seem to find any place to select which lines are to be displayed. Is this a bug, or am I missing something?
This happens with LGNTI (Lexham NT Interlinear) and it also omits Strong's number. The obvious reason is the space required by the extra lines. There is no option for what is displayed but you can see a transliteration when you long press a word.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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I would rather have a transliteration line than both the english gloss lines. And I personally dont normally use the parts of speech line either. So I hope they will incorporate an option to choose what is displayed.