Offline searching

Are there any plans to improve offline searching? It has been a long time since I tried offline searching, so when I tried it this morning, I was pleasantly surprised to find that my search populated the screen in a matter of seconds! I could actually scroll through about seven full screens of results before getting to the "Load more results" marker. It was then that my pleasant surprise was over. After waiting about three or four minutes watching the spinning "busy" marker, I gave up and loaded Olive Tree. There, not only was I able to search and display results from the whole Bible in a matter of seconds, but I also was able to quickly narrow my search results to one book of the Bible that I was particularly interested in.
At a minimum, I'm wondering why my pleasant surprise of the first seven screens of results appearing in a matter of seconds couldn't be replicated for the second seven screens of results, and then for the third seven screens of results, etc. In other words, instead of freezing the user out while completing the whole search, why not give me the next little bit while working on the rest of the search in the background? I'm not a programmer, so I have no clue of the complexities involved in doing that. I'm just a user who knows that one of your competitors has done a far better job of implementing this very important function for users of Bible software. And, yes, I know that online searching is lots better than offline searching, but even there the competition is far better (think search ranges and filters and easy prompts for advanced searching commands).
I'm not complaining (not too much anyway! :-) ) but I am just reminding you that we are interested in this important functionality.
Hello Paul,
The "Load more results" search issue while offline is already fixed in one of the code branches and will be available in a future release. Thanks!
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Hi Kevin,
Thanks for the update. I'm very glad to hear that a fix is on its way eventually. Hopefully that one won't get hung up in Apple's approval queue for as long as the present "on its way" version has been! [:)]
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Paul Johnson said:
hung up in Apple's approval queue
I know it was mentioned a few weeks ago that the Logos app had been queued at Apple, then needed a slight change and to be resubmitted, which was also a few weeks ago. Is it still just waiting for release, or was there another issue that is being worked out?
It would just be nice to know. I have been checking daily to see if the new app is available (mainly to get the reading plan working normally). - Simple Abundant Legacy
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I believe the next update is at least a week away. I'm sorry for the delay....
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This is good to know.
It is nice to have some idea what is going on and/or thoughts about the timing.
Thank you,
Rob - Simple Abundant Legacy
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Bob Pritchett said:
I believe the next update is at least a week away. I'm sorry for the delay....
Since we're nearing the month mark, I'm wondering if anyone has more info. Just this evening at church in a discussion with someone I started a search in Logos, but had to bail and move to Olive Tree to get it done. Glad we have options, but would like to have better offline access in Logos.
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Paul Johnson said:
Since we're nearing the month mark, I'm wondering if anyone has more info.
There has not been an "official" response yet. Putting some other pieces together, I know that the app was rejected by Apple. One reason for this may have been the "news" feed on the homepage, which was being used as advertisement for Logos sales. [Apple doesn't allow for music or book sales to be offered in app without links to their own bookstore, or a 30% cut].
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