Sorting iPad Library

Noel Dear
Noel Dear Member Posts: 56 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I am having difficulty getting the sort button to work correctly.  When I choose "recent" about ten out of the most recent 20 books are actually recent.  They don't seem to be in any order that I can tell and there are books I have either never viewed on my iPad or at least have not viewed lately.

So I decided to go into the desktop application, erase all of my ratings and then rate the books I wanted to be able to see quickly on my iPad as five stars.  Then on the iPad I try to sort by rating and the result does not at all reflect the ratings in my desktop version.  

I have given the ratings a week now to see if they would eventually populate.  No luck.

I also tried creating a special "my tags" for the books I wanted to be able to browse through easily on my iPad.  Then I tried to search for that tag.  That didn't work either.  It seems I am able to search on some custom "my tags" I created long ago, but not one created recently.

Anyone else having problems with library sorts on their iPad?


