iPad home screen

How can I get the same home screen on my iPad that I get on my desk top when I open Logos?
Hello Samuel. Welcome to Logos. The Ipad app is different than the desktop app & has less functions. So to answer your question, it is not possible at this time.
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My home page on my iPad shows Reading Plans with "Read the Bible in a Year" under it and Devotionals with 3 books that I often read under that section. That's it. I must have customized this at some point in the past but can't figure out how to do so now. Can you help me. At a minimum I'd like to add a few more books to the devotional section but more importantly I'd like to know how I customized my home page and how to do it again.
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Stephen Bozzo said:
My home page on my iPad shows Reading Plans with "Read the Bible in a Year" under it and Devotionals with 3 books that I often read under that section. That's it. I must have customized this at some point in the past but can't figure out how to do so now. Can you help me. At a minimum I'd like to add a few more books to the devotional section but more importantly I'd like to know how I customized my home page and how to do it again.
Welcome Stephen, I think you may need to start a new thread,so that it may be possible to get the appropriate help.
Blessings in Christ.
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Stephen Bozzo said:
My home page on my iPad shows Reading Plans with "Read the Bible in a Year" under it and Devotionals with 3 books that I often read under that section. That's it. I must have customized this at some point in the past but can't figure out how to do so now. Can you help me. At a minimum I'd like to add a few more books to the devotional section but more importantly I'd like to know how I customized my home page and how to do it again.
At this point the home page on the IPad cannot be customized. The three devotionals are the three that are prioritized at the moment. So if you want to change them, change them on the computer, and then they should show up on the IPad.
In the new faithlife study bible app, there is the option to have many more devotionals on the home page. Maybe this will come to the Logos app in time.
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Thanks. How do I change them on my computer?
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Open the library in a floating window, type in the name of the devotional you are looking for, right click on it and choose prioritize this resource. Then it will move it to the list of prioritized resources to the right, then drag it to the top of the screen or above the first devotional title.
Then when you sync your computer to the Logos cloud, then you should see it appear on the home page of the IPad.
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Thanks so much. This was very helpful. I did all this and reloaded my desktop Logos to be sure it was synced with the cloud but there are still no changes on my iPad homepage. I also disabled my only reading plan which was to read the bible in a year and that is still reflected on my iPad home page. Any other ideas why I can't seem to change this?
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Stephen - I am having difficulties following your question here… in the future it might be helpful to start a new thread and explain your question/problem in more detail. EDIT: I now see that you posted earlier today. Tes is right, it would have been good to post a new thread.
What is it exactly that you are trying to change? I'll take a couple stabs:
- The devotionals on the home page are supposed to be your top three prioritized devotionals in L4… however, this isn't functioning properly yet. There is nothing you can do about it.
- Reading plans needed a change to both L4 & the mobile app. This was accomplished in L 4.5 & mobile app 2.0. Unfortunately there was some unexpected problem and reading plans were taken down. I am unsure what the current status is.
- If you want to delete a reading plan on your iPad, swipe across its name and a "delete" button will appear.
If those didn't answer your question, please ask again. [:)]
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I did start a new thread as requested on the main forum site but someone responded to my question here and we were off to the races. Since I deleted my reading plan on my MAC L4 home page I was expecting that to be reflected on my iPad home page. That didn't happen. I just swiped it and hit delete as you suggested but that didn't work either. It's still there. The second thing I was expecting was to see my NKJV bible first since I pulled that to the top of my priority list on my MAC L4 Homepage. That's not even on the iPad home page. The three original devotionals are still there. None of the changes on my MAC have been reflected on the iPAd as yet.
Thanks so much for all you help. I really appreciate it.
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Stephen Bozzo said:
Since I deleted my reading plan on my MAC L4 home page I was expecting that to be reflected on my iPad home page. That didn't happen.
The L4 home page & the mobile app home page have nothing to do with one another. There is no sync between the two, nor is there intended to be one.
Stephen Bozzo said:I just swiped it and hit delete as you suggested but that didn't work either. It's still there.
Did it delete & come back, or did it never delete? Did you try it several times to make sure you actually hit "delete"?
Stephen Bozzo said:The second thing I was expecting was to see my NKJV bible first since I pulled that to the top of my priority list on my MAC L4 Homepage. That's not even on the iPad home page.
The mobile app home page doesn't have a place for your prioritized bible. You can find your Bible in the library. If you use it frequently, you can sort your library by "recent" and it should always be near the top. To change your prioritized bible, click on "More" (lower right hand corner); Click on "Settings," then click "Preferred Bible."
Stephen Bozzo said:The three original devotionals are still there. None of the changes on my MAC have been reflected on the iPAd as yet.
The Logos desktop & mobile apps needed a major reworking of the sync infrastructure. Logos internally calls this "sync v.2." Logos has been switching elements of the software over to the new sync bit by bit. The last major change was notes/highlights. I don't believe that the change needed for devotional prioritization sync has occurred yet and will need an update to both the desktop & mobile apps. These changes are being rolled out over time.
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OK. I'll wait for the fixes for my devotionals. When I hit delete nothing happened. It just stayed there. Eventually 6 additional copies were added and these 6 could be deleted but the original one could not.
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Is the devotional something you don't want at all? If so, have you tried deleting it in L4 (not just removing it from the homepage)?
I am goofing off with some things now. I deleted an old plan from my iPad 10 minutes ago, and this change was reflected in L4 (the plan was deleted there as well). I deleted a second plan, and am waiting to see what happens. My reading plan was syncing well until recently. I think I mentioned earlier that they took reading plans offline… I am not sure what the current status is. I have not had a problem, but my plan finished several weeks ago, and I then noticed a glitch with a secondary reading plan.
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I want the devotionals. It's the reading plans I don't need. Why is it that prioritizing books on L4 shows up as a devotionals section on my iPad? Shouldn't it say prioritized books. I have about 14 prioritized books on L4 and three are on my iPad under the devotionals section. One is not was not even on my original L4 list but was on my iPad. Weird stuff. Very confusing overall to me but then again I'm a novice. By the way I've been using the highlighting since the beginning of the year on my iPhone, iPad and L4 and it's tremendous. No complaints with that.
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Stephen Bozzo said:
I have about 14 prioritized books on L4 and three are on my iPad under the devotionals section.
Can you give a screen shot?
- Hold both buttons down on your iPad. You will hear a shutter sound and the screen will flash
- The screen shot will be in the Apple "Photo" app. It will be at the very bottom, since it is newest.
- Email the picture to yourself. This will allow you to download it on your computer & upload it here.
- If you have iCloud, you can skip the email and grab the photo from iPhoto.
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I did
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I did all this and have the image but can't figure out how to upload or cut and paste it here.
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Stephen - In the first screen shot, notice the paperclip icon in the formatting pallet. Click on that and an "insert media" dialogue box will appear, as seen in the second screen shot. Navigate to your screen shot and click "insert." When you are finished creating your post, click "post."
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Stephen Bozzo said:
Why is it that prioritizing books on L4 shows up as a devotionals section on my iPad? Shouldn't it say prioritized books. I have about 14 prioritized books on L4 and three are on my iPad under the devotionals section.
Stephen - All three books that you have under devotionals in your screen shot are calendar devotionals… which is why they are showing up under "devotionals." They are not regular resources.
Stephen Bozzo said:It's the reading plans I don't need.
I forgot to add… once you delete all your reading plans, the mobile app creates a new one by default, which I assume is what is showing in your screen shot.
To recap: When Logos migrates this prioritization over to sync v2, you should be able to prioritize 3 devotionals in L4 and have them show up on the home page of the mobile app. Since this isn't working now, you are stuck with the ones you have now. You can, of course, open up the devotionals you want from within the library instead.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Thanks for all your help. How do I delete/change my calendar devotionals?
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Stephen Bozzo said:
Thanks for all your help. How do I delete/change my calendar devotionals?
That was in my recap above:
alabama24 said:To recap: When Logos migrates this prioritization over to sync v2, you should be able to prioritize 3 devotionals in L4 and have them show up on the home page of the mobile app. Since this isn't working now, you are stuck with the ones you have now. You can, of course, open up the devotionals you want from within the library instead.
With devotionals, you are stuck with three - no more, no less. When the prioritization sync migrates (in both L4 & the mobile app), you will be able to prioritize your favorite three and have them show up on your mobile app on the homepage.
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