iPad does not sync notes

I created a note file on my iPad, highlighted some items (adding them to that note file), a day later the the note file still is not available on my PC or iPhone. Am I doing something wrong? All my apps are at the latest version.
Steve - As long as you are using the same account info (and it sounds like you are), things should be syncing. You are connected to wifi?
I know that you wrote that all your apps are up to date… could you tell me what versions they are?
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Thanks for the response. I am running on my iOS devices and on my PC
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Hi Steve
How are you looking for the notefile on your PC?
- through the file menu
- looking for notes against particular resources
- searching "My Content"
- something else
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I am looking under "file". I have searched in the file search box as well as scrolling through everything.
Also, this morning I created a new notes document on my PC, highlighted a few items to it, but that notes document has not shown up on my iPad yet.
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Steve Coward said:
a day later the the note file still is not available on my PC or iPhone.
Following up with what Graham asked… when you say the "note file" isn't available… do you really mean the note isn't available, or do you mean the file itself? Did you create a new file on the iPad, or just a new note?
Also, have you checked the Vyrso app on your iPad to see if the note/file is there? Have you killed the Logos app yet? Restarted the iPad?
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I created a new note file on the iPad. In this case, I called it "Grudem - Systematic Theology". I have "force quit" the Logos app, but I have not restarted the iPad. I have restarted Logos on the PC several times.
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Steve Coward said:
I have "force quit" the Logos app, but I have not restarted the iPad.
Try restarting the iPad, although I think a "force quit" (by pressing the minus symbol on the app) should have cleared things up.
Have you tried the Vyrso app yet?
Are other highlights coming through? If so, have you tried to create a new file without a hyphen?
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Ok . . . I think the problem is somehow with my iOS Logos Apps.
I had not thought to check but my highlights from my devotional reading on my iPad have not been synced to my PC, nor can I see them on my iPhone or in Vyrso on iPhone or iPad.
I installed Vyrso on my iPad and it had the new notes document I created on my PC, but not the one created on my iPad. I also opened up Vyrso on my iPhone and it was identical.
So here is where I am at. My iPad and iPhone Logos app do not appear to be syncing notes files (old or new). Vyrso and my PC installation of Logos seem to be syncing notes files fine. For test purposes I created a notes document on Vyrso called "test" and it immediately showed up on my PC.
So what do you recommend? Anyway to do this without uninstalling and re installing my iOS installations of Logos and losing all highlights, etc.?
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Steve Coward said:
I created a new note file on the iPad. In this case, I called it "Grudem - Systematic Theology"
I just created a new notefile on my iPad with the same name
I used it to highlight a portion of a book.
I then went to my PC, opened the same book to the same place and the note was there. So there is nothing about the name of the note file which is causing the problem.
If you go to your PC, and open the resource to the same place as on the iPad do you see any highlighting at all?
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Steve - Just to check my understanding of your situation:
- Highlights ARE NOT syncing to or from your iPad & iPhone Logos apps.
- Highlights ARE syncing both to and from your iPad & iPhone Vyrso apps.
- You are on BETA channel on your PC Logos installation.
- You have done a "force quit" of the Logos app
- You have done a full shut down of the iPad.
Steve Coward said:So what do you recommend? Anyway to do this without uninstalling and re installing my iOS installations of Logos and losing all highlights, etc.?
Since neither Logos app work, and since you are running on beta channel, I would advise that you use the Vyrso app until the release of the 2.1 version of the Logos app is released. If you delete the app, you will lose your notes & highlights. The fact that the Logos app on both the iPad & iPhone aren't working leads me to believe that this is an issue with the changes made to your account due to the 4.5b beta. I believe that the 2.1 update will restore your sync. If you upgrade to 2.1, you should not lose your data, but deleting it surely will.
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macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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Yes all of the above are correct. Do you know if 3.1 is due out soon? In the mean time I will definitely use Vyrso for any highlights, etc.
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Steve Coward said:
Do you know if 3.1 is due out soon?
errr… 2.1. I think 3.1 will be a while. [:)]
There were issues related to the approval process with Apple & Logos had to do some more work on it. I am not sure when it will be out. I am currently on "2.1.1 b1"; There was already a release candidate for "2.1" (2.1 RC4). I am not sure if RC4 was the one rejected by Apple or not. Besides beta testing, I don't really have any inside knowledge. I wish I could tell you more. Sorry! [:S]
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alabama24 said:
Graham - what version of the desktop app are you running?
I am running 4.5b Beta 5 (so the same as Steve) on Windows.
So it looks unlikely that this is something introduced in the 4.5b beta
EDIT: edited to remove all references to the 5.4b beta[:)]
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Graham Criddle said:
So it looks unlikely that this is something introduced in the 4.5b beta
I am perplexed then. My advice to wait for the update remains for lack of a better idea. [:(]
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Is it at all possible that you are using a different account to access Logos on your iPad using the Logos app compared to the one you use on your PC and Vyrso app?
If not, I'll join Alabama in being perplexed[:)]
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No . . . and I just double checked. Everything has the same user account email address . . . not to mention my full library shows up in everything.
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I would also make sure you are opening the correct bible on the iPad. For example, there are 2 versions of the NIV.
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RichGrif said:
I would also make sure you are opening the correct bible on the iPad.
Good thought… but the resource in question was Grudem's Systematic Theology.
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I've checked the server logs and your iPad is indeed failing to sync notes properly. I'm not sure the cause at the moment, but I'll post on this thread when I get more info.
Mitch0 -
Thank you . . . and just so you know. My iPhone seems to be in the same camp . . .while Vyrso on both seem to work just fine.
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Thanks Steve, I see the same errors with your iPhone.
When you can will try to modify one of those notes on your iPhone or iPad again so that it attempts to sync? I've got some more detailed logging that I'd like to check.
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I just added a highlight via my iPad
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I just bought the "new" iPad. It synced up just fine, however, I have the Esv on one side and the NA27 on the right, but when I go to another verse in the esv, the NA27 doesn't follow. It worked on my Los iPad but I can't find how to do it on my new one! How is this done? Or is it a ipad3 bug?
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Hi Ron
Ron Christensen said:however, I have the Esv on one side and the NA27 on the right, but when I go to another verse in the esv, the NA27 doesn't follow. It worked on my Los iPad but I can't find how to do it on my new one! How is this done?
If you press and hold on the line separating the two books, you should get a popup allowing you to sync panels
Does this work for you?
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Well, isn't that a sneaky little trick! Don't know how I figured that out before, but understand why I forgot! lol
Thank you VERY much,
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Steve Coward said:
I just added a highlight via my iPad
ok Steve, I've got what I need and the iOS team has created a bug case. Thanks for your help! Hopefully we can get it all squared away soon
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Mitch, thanks for your help. I will wait to hear back.
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Mitch, Any update? Now Vyrso does not seem to be syncing either.
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Steve Coward said:
Mitch, Any update? Now Vyrso does not seem to be syncing either.
Looks they are working on the problem, though it seems to be a bit perplexing. Can you send your log info (tap on Send Support Info in
the About view), so we can see what is showing up there?0 -
Thanks! Just sent the log info.
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Hi, Steve. I'm one of people trying to get to the bottom of your notes problem. It looks like the logs you sent last night either got lost in the deluge or just didn't make it through. Sorry about that.
Could you please re-send them to iphone@logos.com?
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I just sent it again.
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James and I are tackling this from two angles at the moment. Can I get you to try and create another note or highlight on your iPad?
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I just created a note called "test". And made a couple of highlights to it.
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Steve, looks like this is an isolated case and I don't expect any other users to be having the same problem.
I've sent you an email with instructions on how to get it fixed on your devices.
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I am having the same problem since installing the latest update. My notes were sychronizing fine between my PC (where I create my notes on Logos) and my IPad which I use at church until the last update (in approximately February?). Now I cannot get the notes to sync and have tried everything that I could think of. I read this chain and am having the exact same problems as Mitch. Vyrso is not syncing for me either. Very frustrating. If there is a 'fix' to this problem, I would love to know what it is.
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Maxine - Welcome to the forums! Sorry you are having troubles.
What version of the apps (desktop & mobile) are you using? How much free space is on your iPad? Have you killed (complete shut down) the apps? Have you tried reinstalling the apps?
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Thank you.... I uninstalled the Logos software on my Ipad and on my PC and reinstalled. My notes are now syncing beautifully. Thank you for the help. I am most grateful for your quick response and recommendation. Great support from the forum and LOGOS team!!! I am soooo happy....[:D]