Notes Question

Quite some time ago I started reading a book in Logos 4 titled "Perspectives on Church Government: 5 Views of Church Polity" (way before the iPad app was available). While reading it on my PC I created a note file specifically for this book and placed all of my highlights and notes into this file. I have decided to start reading it again on my iPad (my first Logos app attempt) and want to make sure that any additional highlighting and notes that I make on the iPad go to the correct notes file on my PC. I can not figure out how to do this from my iPad,I actually have no idea where they will show up on my PC. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Rick - Your question doesn't give me enough to go on, so please forgive me if I cover territory that you already have covered.
When Logos moved to the "highlights as notes" feature, highlights from previous versions of L4 were put into "pallet" specific note files automatically. For example, if you used a "blue" highlighter in the "solid colors" pallet, your highlighting note would be found there. Unless you change the settings, all new highlights will follow this paradigm. Other options include sending highlight notes to specific folders of your choosing, and the ability to send highlights to the "last used" note file. These choices are identical on the iPad app. (It sounds like you might know this already, but you wrote that you created this note file "way before the iPad app was available." I didn't know if you meant the 2.x version with highlighting, or the 1.x version which came out more than a year ago.)
To change the settings on your iPad globally, you navigate to: More – Settings – Document for Highlights. This gives you three choices:
- Palette-specific Note Document
- Most Recent Note Document
- Choose your own
Personally, I prefer to use "Most Recent Note Document," or what I call "sticky" notes. In this case, you chose the note file you want to use, and it will always default there until you change it again. Once you have set up the global settings the way you want, you can change this for each note document as you create it. In my iPhone screen shot (iPad is similar), notice the purple highlighted area. When you create a note, you can change the note file you want to save your note to here. Let me know if you have more questions, or if I need to explain more. [:)]
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Hi Alabama, you are fantastic! You clearly explained the answer for how to select where the highlighting to go to.
Sorry that I did not explain my situation enough. I will try to explain it a little bit more before approaching the second half of my question. I started reading this book a long, long time ago but never finished it. I honestly have a hard time reading a book cover to cover on a PC so I simply stopped. Once the iPad application was released I held off from reading it on my iPad because it initially did not sync with Logos 4 (that was my understanding anyhow). Now, since the iPad will sync my notes and highlights I want to start reading the book all over again this time on my iPad. While I was reading the book on my PC I made a notes file on Logos 4 titled "Book: Perspectives on Church Government". This was the note file that I put my notes for this particular book. Now that Logos has made our highlights available in notes files, I moved the highlights for this book's notes in Logos. The first half of my question was how to make sure any future highlights that I make on the iPad for this book will go to the note file "Book: Perspectives on Church Government". You answered this part and I have set it to do so.
Finally, as I was typing this, I went back to the iPad app and found out how to send my unhighlighted notes to the proper note file as well.
Thanks again, you are definitely a BIG help and your answer helped me figure it all out!)
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Glad to help! [:)]
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0