Bugs: Logos 4.5b Beta 7 Highlighting: Font Style Choices plus Bordering Lines

Follow-up to threads => DESIGN ERROR: No way to distinguish between buttons and => DESIGN ERROR: Uneven application of highlighting
Noticed Logos 4.5b Beta 7 on Mac OS X 10.6.8 is lacking styling for Bold and Italic along with superscript and subscript missing plus lines on the border of text are not straight (compared to lines in the margins):
For lines on the left border of text, noted first line is a bit off, while the right side placement depends on text width, often with border line overlay on a hyphen (with one notable exception).
Keep Smiling [:)]
Noticed Logos 4.5b Beta 7 on Mac OS X 10.6.8 is lacking styling for Bold and Italic along with superscript and subscript missing plus lines on the border of text are not straight (compared to lines in the margins):
By way of comparison, Logos 4.5b Beta 7 on Windows 7 has visible Font Styling choices, but bordering lines have same jumpiness as Logos 4.5b Beta 7 on Mac:
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Highlighting style edit regression still visibly present in Logos 4.5b Release Candidate 2:
This issue will be resolved in a future update.
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Tonya J Ross said:
This issue should be resolved in 4.5b SR-1.
Thanks for update; looking forward to 4.5b SR-1 [8-|]
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Tonya J Ross said:
This issue should be resolved in 4.5b SR-1.
Logos 4.5b SR-1 resolved blank buttons for Highlighting Font Style Editing:
Edit: noticed four Font editing buttons look a bit different than Logos 4.5b on Windows:
Appears Logos 4.5b SR-1 Font Editing buttons on Mac lack a bit of style (e.g. small caps and all caps look identical).
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Appears Logos 4.5b SR-1 Font Editing buttons on Mac lack a bit of style (e.g. small caps and all caps look identical).
There is an active case for this issue reported previously here: http://community.logos.com/forums/t/48815.aspx
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Tonya J Ross said:
Appears Logos 4.5b SR-1 Font Editing buttons on Mac lack a bit of style (e.g. small caps and all caps look identical).
There is an active case for this issue reported previously here: http://community.logos.com/forums/t/48815.aspx
Wondering if this thread has been added to active case ? (has screen shots showing font styling differences in Logos 4.5b SR-1 on Mac and PC).
By the way, original post in this thread included link to previously reported case:
Follow-up to threads => DESIGN ERROR: No way to distinguish between buttons and => DESIGN ERROR: Uneven application of highlighting
Keep Smiling [:)]
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