Bible Search missing versions on iPad

Pastor Scott
Pastor Scott Member Posts: 16 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Searched and found no post exactly addressing this issue. When I do a "Bible Search" on the iPad app (iPad 2, most current revision of the app), the "Resource Collections" drop-down does not show all of my offline content Bible versions. Specifically, my "Favorite Bible" is the KJV 1900, which is the English version I most commonly use, and it does not show in the Resource Collections under the Bible Search function. I used to be able to manipulate the system by choosing a different version for the read pane, then searching, then choosing the KJV 1900 again, then searching. Voila! it would appear in the Resource Collections. However, for some reason, that has stopped working. I have reset the iPad. I have re-downloaded my resource library. I have double checked my access ID. And probably some other things I can't remember right now. :-) Yet the issue remains . . . and remains frustrating. Help?!



  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Scott - I want you to do me a favor… go to the resource info panel for that version and see if it has been downloaded.

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  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Scott - I am going to plead ignorance. I think it might be a server issue, but I am really not sure. Hopefully someone from Logos will pop in here. [:S]

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  • Thomas Ball
    Thomas Ball Member, Logos Employee Posts: 3,261


    I'm sorry you're unable to use your desired bible in Bible Search. As you may or may not be aware, we've had issues with the sync service from mobile to desktop applications. We've submitted a new update to Apple which should address the sync issues. Can you check after the next Logos iOS app update to see if the behavior is persistent? 


  • Pastor Scott
    Pastor Scott Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    OK. Got the new update yesterday and for the moment at least, it seems to be working correctly once again. Thank you! However, (and I know this will need to be addressed in another thread), a new issue has now cropped up in that I seem to no longer have the ability to choose the note document in which to store my notes. This is an integral part of the way I have come to use the app since the note functionality was introduced. Hopefully it has just been moved to a location I have yet to find. 

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    I seem to no longer have the ability to choose the note document in which to store my notes.

    I am not sure what you mean by "ability to choose." If you want to change the default note storage location, this is found in "document for highlights" under "settings" (Screen shot 1). There you can select a specific note file, a "palette specific" note file, or "most recent note file" (a "sticky" preference choice). When you create a note, you can override these settings by scrolling down to "document" (screen shot 2).





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  • Pastor Scott
    Pastor Scott Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    Thanks for the response. I had found that feature in the settings. However, I'm not sure about the function of the "palette specific" selection. The way it was before, I could choose from among my note files directly in the "edit note" screen. That seems to have inexplicably gone away. If going to the settings screen is now the only way to choose the note file to add the current note to, then the new system has introduced extra steps to the process. In addition, I seem to be unable to now move a note from one note file to another, such as if I inadvertently placed it in the wrong file to start with. Ideally, it seems that an update should not take away functionality, only fix known issues, and/or add functionality. But it seems that every time I get an update, I have to rethink how I'm doing things and the last two, have presented changes that significantly impact the way I use the app. Sorry if this sounds negative; I don't mean it that way. But it has become a real frustration because I'm spending time trying to figure out how to adapt to the seemingly illogical changes in an app that was supposed to make my life and my Bible Study easier and more streamlined. 

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    I'm not sure about the function of the "palette specific" selection.

    This follows the L4 default setting of "palette specific" note files. In the highlighter section of L4, there are a number of "palette's" and you can create more. You could, for example, have a palette for "devotionals" and another for "theology." Personally, I don't like it that way and choose to create my own note files (as apparently you do as well).

    The way it was before, I could choose from among my note files directly in the "edit note" screen. That seems to have inexplicably gone away.

    It hasn't. Nothing has changed - see my second screen shot. I have highlighted in purple "document," which is where you change your note files. If it isn't working for you, please provide screen shots.

    If going to the settings screen is now the only way to choose the note file to add the current note to, then the new system has introduced extra steps to the process.

    Nothing has changed. The settings screen allows you to set your personal defaults. You should do this, but you can always over ride these settings from the note itself.

    In addition, I seem to be unable to now move a note from one note file to another, such as if I inadvertently placed it in the wrong file to start with. Ideally, it seems that an update should not take away functionality, only fix known issues, and/or add functionality.

    It is true that you cannot move a note to a new file, but this isn't a change. It has been this way since I beta tested 2.0. You should create a new thread with this suggestion. 

    If you need to change the file, you can do so in L4.

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  • Pastor Scott
    Pastor Scott Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    I assume by L4 you're talking about the full program. I'm not that familiar with the Notes function on Logos for my Mac because frankly I do much more with the note function on my iPad. I'll take a look at that and see what I can learn about how it works.


    As for the change in the note functionality for the iPad/iPhone app, it has indeed changed. I'll post a pic first of ver. 2.0.2, then of ver. 2.1.3

    [View: from the Photobucket iPhone App:550:0]

    Note the arrow beside the entry in the "Document" blank. This arrow has disappeared, along with its functionality in ver. 2.1.3, as seen below:

    [View: from the Photobucket iPhone App:550:0]

    Clearly, these are different. It is precisely this lost functionality which enabled one to edit the note location in 2.0.2. Before the update, I could tap on the "Document" window, go to my list of documents, and select a new one if I chose to do so. Now that very useful functionality has evaporated. I will create a new thread on this. Just wanted to address your statements here where they were posted. I knew I wasn't imagining things; I use this almost every day! So I got my wife's iPad to secure the screen shot from 2.0.2, as she has yet to update hers. If this is going to be the final word on 2.1.3, i.e. if I am not overlooking something, then I may have to find a way to revert to 2.0.2.


  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,097

    Hi Pastor Scott

    The screenshots are different and seem to suggest that in the first case you are creating a note and in the second you are editing an existing one.

    Is that the case?

    (I appreciate it may be that you are doing the same function and the dialogs are different. If so I guess this is the point you are making!)

    Apologies if I am missing your point


  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Clearly, these are different. It is precisely this lost functionality which enabled one to edit the note location in 2.0.2.

    As Graham pointed out, your two screen shots were of a different kind… one was creating a note, the other was editing a note. Do you have a screen shot of the old app with the ability to change the note file in the edit screen? If you do, please upload it to verify that there has been a regression and I will notify Logos. Otherwise, a new thread should be created as a suggestion. [:)]

    If you need help creating a strategy and work flow for notes/highlights, I would be glad to help. Personally, I changed my default in settings to "last used document." This is what I call "sticky." When you change the default setting this way, a new note will default to the last used note file document. If, on the other hand, you use a single note file the majority of the time, it may be beneficial to select that note file as the default. Then you would only have to change the individual note settings when you wanted something different. As I said earlier, you can always change where the note is going when you create the note. The settings under the "more" menu just change the default behavior… they are not intended to be how you save each note!


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  • Pastor Scott
    Pastor Scott Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    Of course, you and Graham are both correct. My mistake. It's a long story how that came about, but I did notice the distinction after the fact. To make matters worse, I went back to my wife's app to try and recreate the condition in the edit screen and, surprise, it's not as I recalled. Maybe I am losing my mind after all! [:)]

    I'll definitely create a suggestion thread on it though. The way I use the notes, I create a note file for each Bible book I am studying. Helps me keep my notes more organized and easier for me to access later. Unfortunately, this means that as I am studying, I often follow a train of thought elsewhere and forget to change the note file when I create notes in the new context. Just have to be more careful, I guess. At least, the search issue has been resolved and for that I am thankful. Sorry to have created a stir over nothing more than a failing memory! [:$]


    God bless.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    No problem. [:)]

    Please do create a new thread. I have also sent in an email. Hopefully someone who makes these decisions will notice. 

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