Complete Word Study Dictionary by Zodhiates

I own the Complete Word Study Dictionary OT & NT by S Zodhiates but it doesn't show up on my ipad. I have it prioritized in L4 on my desktop. Is there a licensing issue?
Also, I can't seem to get a definition to pop up on my ipad when I highlight a word and press lookup. Shouldn't the definition of the word be displayed along with the tense, greek/hebrew. etc?
Anthony Uvenio
wow - I didn't know that - thank you.
Does this mean that when I "look up" a word the Vine's definition will show up? Or, do I have to prioritize Vine's in L4 so it will work on the ipad?
Thanks again Mark
Anthony Uvenio
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Anthony U said:
Also, I can't seem to get a definition to pop up on my ipad when I highlight a word and press lookup. Shouldn't the definition of the word be displayed along with the tense, greek/hebrew. etc?
Hi Anthony,
Mark did a great job answering your first question. In answer your second question. For the words parsing and meaning to show up using an English Bible, that Bible must have a Reverse Interlinear (RI). If you are using an English Bible and the parsing is not showing up one of two things might be occurring:
- You are using a Bible that does not have a RI.
- You are using a Bible where the RI is completed for only the NT and the passage you are studying is in the OT.
Below are a list of the Reverse Interlinears available in Logos 4
Interlinear Bibles2
ESV English–Greek Reverse Interlinear of the New Testament
ESV English–Hebrew Reverse Interlinear of the Old Testament
Interlinear Literal Translation of the Greek New Testament (Newberry)
KJV Cambridge Paragraph English–Greek Reverse Interlinear
KJV Cambridge Paragraph English–Hebrew Reverse Interlinear
KJV English–Greek Reverse Interlinear
KJV English–Hebrew Reverse Interlinear
LEB English–Greek Reverse Interlinear
Lexham Greek–English New Testament Interlinear
Lexham Greek–English Septuagint Interlinear
Lexham Hebrew–English Interlinear
NASB95 English–Greek Reverse Interlinear
NASB95 English–Hebrew Reverse Interlinear
NIV English–Greek Reverse Interlinear1
NIV English–Hebrew Reverse Interlinear1
NKJV English–Greek Reverse Interlinear
NKJV English–Hebrew Reverse Interlinear
NLT English–Greek Reverse Interlinear1
NLT English–Hebrew Reverse Interlinear1
NRSV English–Greek Reverse Interlinear
NRSV English–Hebrew Reverse Interlinear
(via Resources in Scholar’s Library: Platinum - Logos Bible Software)
Note the NIV RI and NLT RI is completed for the NT but the OT is still being completed.
If you are using a Greek or Hebrew Bible the info should also work.
I hope this helps!
Blessings in Christ,
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I don't know where Logos gets the info in the Lookup feature. Prioritization would effect the order of lexicons shown in a Bible Word Study. So prioritizing Vines should show it as one of the choices you'd have there. Give it a try.
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
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Anthony U said:
I didn't know that
It is Logos policy to make as many of your resources available to you as possible, but this is dependent upon agreements with the publishers.
Anthony U said:Does this mean that when I "look up" a word the Vine's definition will show up?
No. "Look up" will use the reverse interlinear information (if available).
Anthony U said:do I have to prioritize Vine's in L4 so it will work on the ipad?
I don't know if you can prioritize Vines to show up in the definition portion of the Bible Word Study or not. You can, of course, navigate to Vines in the library to use it.
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Just to clarify: The bibles in the list that Philana gave you do not come with reverse interlinears… you must have a base package or minimal cross grade to utilize those resources.
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Thanks for all the help - I do have the Platinum package with lots of added resources.
I checked "lookup" using the Lexham ESV High Def NT and a beautiful definition came up (exactly what I need), however using the NIV, ESV or the NASB I just get a box showing text, MSS, Lemma, Morph and Strong's - but no definition. Am I doing something wrong?
Anthony Uvenio
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Anthony U said:
I checked "lookup" using the Lexham ESV High Def NT and a beautiful definition came up (exactly what I need), however using the NIV, ESV or the NASB I just get a box showing text, MSS, Lemma, Morph and Strong's - but no definition. Am I doing something wrong?
No, but you still misunderstand. The Lexham ESV HDNT does NOT have a reverse interlinear, so it won't show you the same things you will find with the NIV, ESV, etc. The reason you are getting a definition with the Lexham EDV HDNT is because it is using the iOS dictionary. You will get the same thing for the ESV, NIV, etc. ONLY when you are offline. To try this out, switch your device to airplane mode and try again.
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I feel real stupid right now!! But thanks for the clarification.
So, I guess I cannot get a definition to show/pop up from one of my resources unless I hit bible word study. Am I getting warmer?
Anthony Uvenio
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Anthony U said:
I feel real stupid right now!! But thanks for the clarification.
So, I guess I cannot get a definition to show/pop up from one of my resources unless I hit bible word study. Am I getting warmer?
If you have Logos 4 base package it should give you a basic definition, but for an expanded definition you would need to hit Bible Word Study.
Alabama thanks for pointing out about needing a base package, I forget sometimes and assume a person has one and upgraded to Logos 4.
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I have the Scholar's Package Platinum but NO basic definition shows up! I can hit the BWS and get an expanded one but I don't want to do that. How do I get the basic definition considering that I do have a base package??
Anthony Uvenio
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Anthony U said:
I have the Scholar's Package Platinum but NO basic definition shows up!
I am unsure what Philana meant, but you do NOT get a basic definition when you do "look up" in Bibles with associated RI – you get morphological info.
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