Open Bible Ezra Note Chart Missing?

The Open Bible Note for Ezra 6:15–22 See chart “Old Testament Events” and article “The Exiles Return.” does not show the chart "OT Events" the drop down only shows the Title in bold. Is this missing or won't it show on the iPad2? "The Exiles Return" chart shows in Drop down.
HP Laptop Win 7 | iPad 4 | iPhone 6 | L5 Platinum | Galaxy Mega 6.3
Bev - I am working on this now. I think it might be a resource specific issue.
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Bev -
After looking at this further, I believe that this is a resource specific issue. I am not sure how many other resources this issue would apply to. The first screen shot shows the Open Bible on my iPad. When you click on the Old Testament Events link in Ezra 6:15-22, the popup appears as you described. In L4, when you hover over the link, a similar effect is produced (see second screen shot). To access the article in L4, you must click on the link, which brings up a popup box with the article (see third screen shot). This behavior is different than most resources that I am familiar with. For example, the ESV Study Bible has the special articles inline with the text, rather than in popup boxes. A major disadvantage of the way the Open Bible is set up is that you cannot add notes to these special articles, nor can you highlight them.
On another note… Do you use the Open Bible much? If so, how do you use it? It looks like an interesting resource. I just discovered that I have it by troubleshooting this issue. It must have slipped into my library with the large Thomas Nelson package I added many moons ago. [:)]
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
I looked at this again and thought maybe this problem is specific in the "Open Bible" to Maps or Charts since Articles will appear in pop-up box, but in this Ezra Study Note-->Ezra 7:1–10 See chart “Old Testament Journeys.” the chart appears in a pop-up box. So I would think the other Ezra Chart Study Note -->6:15–22 See chart “Old Testament Events” and article “The Exiles Return.” should do the same.
I agree the ESV Study Bible is superb.How do I use the "Open Bible"? Right now our women's bible study group is on Ezra 3:1-6. We are not using a Study book, (we just finished a study on tne entire book of Isaiah)I thought this would be a good scripture to focus on seeing the fulfillment from Isaiah on Cyrus.
I am puzzled why the old men wept over the foundation of the Temple (for some reason when I've read this Scripture before my mind's eye pictured the completed Temple is what they were looking at rather than the foundation.)I have been reading every resource (what caused me to use the Open Bible) I have to find out:
1. How did the priests purify themselves? Was the laver (sea) in use or rebuilt before the Temple was constructed?
2. A red heifer was sacrificed during Ezra's time of the Second Temple, but I can't find any scripture on it.3. As I understand they need the "ashes of the red heifer" for purification before they start to build tne Temple.
Ezra 3:6 From the first day of the seventh month they began to offer burnt offerings to the Lord, but the foundation of the temple of the Lord had not been laid.
I was reading the study notes in the "Open Bible" to see if it had any info on the Ezra 3:1-6 passages. I think this will be in the Mishnah.Then I will conclude our last meeting with the symbolic meaning of the "ashes of the red heifer"
Typology. The red heifer portrays the sacrifice of Christ as the medium of the believer’s cleansing from the pollution contracted in his walk as a pilgrim through the world. (NUBD)
HP Laptop Win 7 | iPad 4 | iPhone 6 | L5 Platinum | Galaxy Mega 6.3