esv reverse interlinear

Doug Bassett
Doug Bassett Member Posts: 37 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

How can I find my esv reverse interlinear? It doesn't show up in a search on the iPad. I s this one of the resources that doesn't work for the iPad?





  • Mark Smith
    Mark Smith MVP Posts: 11,818

    Welcome to the forums, Doug. No, the reverse interlinear functionality is not available for the iOS apps. I can't tell you whether this will be enabled at some time as there is not much specific information on Logos' future plans for the iOS apps. Right now you can do a long hold on a word, select 'Look Up' and see some underlying language info come up as a pop-up.

    By asking your question here, however, we may both get a more official response. I'm just starting to use the app myself.

    Pastor, North Park Baptist Church

    Bridgeport, CT USA

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Hi Doug! Welcome to the forums. 

    Mark is mostly right. The reverse interlinear isn't available in the sense that you can view it as a separate resource. The reverse interlinear engine, however, is available and is how the app pulls up grammatical info for each word via the pop up that Mark wrote about.

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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  • Mark Smith
    Mark Smith MVP Posts: 11,818

    And in fact you cannot view reverse interlinears as separate resources in L4 either. A24 knows this and we are quibbling over the use of terms, but the difference is that in L4 RI are not separate resources as they were in L3. You won't find them in your Library in L4. As I said, A24 knows that, and we know what you are looking for is the L4 interlinear display, and as we've both said in different ways, that isn't available on the iPad. It would be very nice to have that capability but I have no idea if it is even possible to reproduce it using iOS.

    We can make a long wish list for iOS since we'd like all of L4's functionality to be available on the iPhone/iPad app.

    Pastor, North Park Baptist Church

    Bridgeport, CT USA

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Sorry Mark, I didn't mean to quibble. [:)] My only real point I was trying to convey was that the info for the reverse interlinear IS available and I didn't want to assume that Doug knew that. Just in case, let me give a couple of screen shots. The first screen shot (obviously) is the RI in L4. The second screen shot shows how the mobile app uses the RI info through the "Look Up" feature. The same info is available in both apps, with the exception that the mobile app leaves out the Manuscript and Lemma transliterations. 

    NOTE: the screen shots are old and are not using the same word/passage. You should also note that L4 calls the first line the "surface" text, but the mobile app just calls it "text."

    EDIT: It was pointed out to me that my L4 screen shot does not have all the fields selected. There is also Louw-Nida & Morph. These are not currently available as fields on the mobile app.





    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Peter Madden
    Peter Madden Member Posts: 8 ✭✭

    On a somewhat related point, I've often wondered why Louw-Nida isn't included in the RI pop-up on the mobile side.  Is there a relatively easy way to navigate to that info for the selected surface occurrence?  Further afield, does anyone know if a program option is in the development pipeline to customize such values in the mobile RI data presentation?


  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    I've often wondered why Louw-Nida isn't included in the RI pop-up on the mobile side.

    I need to correct myself from an earlier statement. My screen shot of the RI in L4 didn't have every field selected. Looking at it now, there is also Morphological info as well as Louw-Nida which you mention. My guess is that Strongs is more widely used than LN, so Strongs won out. 

    Further afield, does anyone know if a program option is in the development pipeline to customize such values in the mobile RI data presentation?

    As Mark suggested, it would be nice to have an idea of what is in the "pipeline," but Logos doesn't seem to do that too often. Long story short, there is no public info about the feature you asked about. Your best bet would be to create a new thread and make the suggestion.

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Philana Crouch
    Philana Crouch Member Posts: 2,151 ✭✭✭

    From the BWS report one of the options if prioritized should be Louw-Nida or the DBL Dictionaries should be linked to Louw-Nida.

  • Mark Smith
    Mark Smith MVP Posts: 11,818

    Peter, the way to navigate to the L-N data is to view the information pop-up and click on Bible Word Study. You'll see a link to the L-N entry in the first section. Not direct, but accessible.

    Edit: Philana got to you first.

    Pastor, North Park Baptist Church

    Bridgeport, CT USA

  • Peter Madden
    Peter Madden Member Posts: 8 ✭✭

    Excellent!  My thanks to both you and Philana.

  • Andrew Mitchell
    Andrew Mitchell Member Posts: 156 ✭✭

    Just bumping this because the LN number would be really useful in the RI information. The LN information in the word study pain lists all the domains and there is no way of identifying the correct one. 

    The only way is to view the Lexham Interlinear which has the LN number listed for each word. Having th LN number listed in the RI information would save this rather cumbersome work around. 

  • Joshua Coady
    Joshua Coady Member Posts: 98 ✭✭

    One additional note -- this info is only available if you have an internet connection. I have several times wanted to do some lookups in church and sunday school, but with no internet all lookup does is a dictionary definition.

    I would love to have RI and word study available offline.