Surprising permissions for 0.9.2

George Member Posts: 479 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Why does the new release need access to location and contacts?  I hope this is an error.  



  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,067

    George said:

    Why does the new release need access to location and contacts?  I hope this is an error.  

    The beta 2 release notes mention something about contacts which I presume to be connected with Proclaim functionality. Others may have better knowledge.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • George
    George Member Posts: 479 ✭✭

    Even if it has to do with Proclaim why does it need access to ALL contacts? It should be up to the user what contacts if any Logos has access to.

  • Dave Dunkin (Logos)
    Dave Dunkin (Logos) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,043

    This version has support for following Proclaim presentations. Proclaim is Logos' new church presentation software. The Logos app finds presentations by location, which requires the location permission. The presentation can contain contacts, which you can add from the app; this requires the contacts permission. The app does not read any contact data from your device.

  • toughski
    toughski Member Posts: 1,288 ✭✭✭

    This version has support for following Proclaim presentations. Proclaim is Logos' new church presentation software. The Logos app finds presentations by location, which requires the location permission. The presentation can contain contacts, which you can add from the app; this requires the contacts permission. The app does not read any contact data from your device.

    I disagree with the direction you are going with. If I use Proclaim and it needs my location, than Proclaim should request these permissions, not Logos. There is too much at stake, especially if someone has no intention of using Proclaim.

    Figure out another way!

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,692

    There is too much at stake, especially if someone has no intention of using Proclaim.

    I have no intention of using Proclaim. However, I also don't see much stake in this one way or another. What do you think is at stake?

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • toughski
    toughski Member Posts: 1,288 ✭✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    I also don't see much stake in this one way or another. What do you think is at stake?

    all programs are insecure.  By LOGOS own admission, since they claim they are a bible program, they have decided not to invest heavily (compared to a bank for example) in securing their software and/or servers. Personal information like contacts, not just the names, but potentially the info I store about the contacts in the note field are vulnerable. I cannot support a program that requires access to something IT does not need. Again, if PROCLAIM needs it, then design it so it has a plugin for Logos for Android, so a customer using PROCLAIM can download it then.  For the majority of users NOT using Proclaim, leave access to contacts off!!! [I]

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,692

    all programs are insecure.

    Quite true - and more secure programs with more interesting security do bring in a better class of hackers. [H] I do not know anything about the interface between Logos and Proclaim but, while I frequently disagree with Logos design practices, I can understand why I would want to be able to link Logos 4 - Android - Proclaim presentation .... I'm comfortable letting Logos determine what they need in this particular case.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • toughski
    toughski Member Posts: 1,288 ✭✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    Quite true - and more secure programs with more interesting security do bring in a better class of hackers. Cool

    your argument is moot if there is nothing to hack.  

    I am not advocating for better security of Logos 4 - Android - Proclaim, I am for Logos not having contact with my address book.  Taken to its logical conclusion, would you be comfortable with Logos for Desktop accessing Outlook (both personal and business) or Exchange or whatever your contact database is on desktop? 

    I think if a user desires to use Proclaim for "contacting" his contacts, it is very easy to create a "sandboxed" list of contacts with limited information.  Again, it would be the burden for the user of Proclaim.  Why open EVERYONE who uses Logos on Android for possible breaching of ALL their contacts' information (including birthdates, adresses and potentially very personal and sensitive details as part of their file)?

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,692

    Why open EVERYONE who uses Logos on Android for possible breaching of ALL their contacts' information (including birthdates, adresses and potentially very personal and sensitive details as part of their file)?

    I suppose my view is a bit more jaded. I assume that everything I use to access via wifi, internet, etc. is already reasonably easy to breach if there is a reason to bother. The incremental risk added by my Logos app is infinitesimal in the larger picture. The only security I have much faith in is a closed system. And I have nothing on my computers/mobile devices that can't be found by hacking into other systems I have no control over.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • toughski
    toughski Member Posts: 1,288 ✭✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    I assume that everything I use to access via wifi, internet, etc. is already reasonably easy to breach if there is a reason to bother.

    you are correct to a degree, BUT it is this lazy design approach (that I spoke of above) of many programs, not just Logos for Android that is leading to that result. By limiting or banning irresponsible programs one can achieve a reasonable level of security.

    I think Bob Pritchett needs to heed his own words from this post

    We're not anti-privacy. I like it myself. But taking on privacy needs for others is a massive responsibility, and an expensive one to implement well. So we go out of our way to disclaim responsibility and to encourage you to NOT store private or confidential information in our software.

    Making lots of tough privacy policy and promises just creates a higher standard that we could be legally held to. If we were a bank, I'd consider that a cost of doing business. Since we're (largely) a sermon preparation tool, and sermons are designed to be preached aloud in public, it seems like a wiser use of our resources to put money into content, user interface, and service, rather than building a fortress to protect sermon notes.

    I understand the sensitivity of prayer lists. If yours are that sensitive, don't use our prayer list feature. (It was just a "freebie add-on" to our core function; it's not the heart of our software.) If we get pressed to the wall, we're more likely to remove the prayer list feature than to implement guaranteed iron-clad security.

    The issue here is that their software (Logos4 for Android) is imposing on customer data, when it does not need to. If Logos wants to make a "freebie add-on" for Proclaim to access data for a limited amount of customers, then so be it. I am just holding LOGOS to a higher standard in regard of respecting their customers' data.

  • George
    George Member Posts: 479 ✭✭

    I think Logos is making itself a major disservice by not clarifying this.  The latest reviews on "Android Market" have been pretty bad.  Dave Dunkin's post is a first step.  He says "The presentation can contain contacts, which you can add from the app; this requires the contacts permission".  My reading of this is that Logos only accesses the contacts if the user asks it to.  This sounds better but there still leaves room for problems.  If I were Logos I would shy away from this.  If I want to add a contact I can add it manually and avoid opening a can of worms.  Also on the "presentation finding" side there may be other ways of finding a presentation, but I don't know enough about the Logos/Proclaim to comment on the advantages of using location service vs other solutions.

  • Bob Pritchett
    Bob Pritchett Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,280

    would you be comfortable with Logos for Desktop accessing Outlook (both personal and business) or Exchange or whatever your contact database is on desktop? 

    In the interest of full disclosure... Logos for the desktop will connect to Outlook to insert Bible reading calendar events into your calendar if you ask it to.

    But we don't have any features on any platform that read your calendar or contacts -- we just write things into them, if you initiate the action explicitly.

    I do appreciate your concern, and I wish there was a way we could have "add a contact only" functionality without full access to your contacts. (I'll ask the team if there's a way we can limit the access that way.)

    I think the concern about hacking is pretty remote, though -- someone would have to hack into Logos, modify the code for the Logos Android application, then upload it to the Android store, get you to update the app, and be unnoticed all along the way.

    It seems like an unlikely attack vector, and one that would require a massive amount of Logos-internal knowledge. I'm not sure more than a few people here could do all those steps, let alone have access to the passwords we use for the app stores, etc.

    -- Bob


  • George
    George Member Posts: 479 ✭✭
    Just another indication that using location services for accessing presentations may not be the best idea.  Not sure how many users would like to see this even if they have no limitation in their data plans.

  • Frank Sauer
    Frank Sauer Member Posts: 2,040 ✭✭✭✭

    While there is always an ability to attack the vulnerability of an app and I DO believe it is great accountability to question it, it may be a little off.

    As for access to contacts - right now it may have something to do with the Proclaim feature, however eventually to have great features like sharing a verse or quote from a resource in your library, the Logos app will need access to our contacts. Without access to our contacts, the potential for a share feature to fully operate is eliminated.

    As for the location based Proclaim function, could be nice, I do see the need for a option to turn it off though. Not only for those with limited data, but also for battery consumption.

    For the record the Proclaim app is pretty awesome! I have played with it a little and very good, if our church had not just invested in another program prior to the Proclaim Beta, I would have recommended it for testing and trial.

    Also to comment on the location based Proclaim feature, Logos is not the only app that does this type of thing, and in all honesty is not the most intruding or data consuming with its background access to location and data. For those with limited data, keep a close eye on all your apps....

    Logos 10 - OpenSuse Tumbleweed, Windows 11, Android 16 & Android 14

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,093

    As for the location based Proclaim function, could be nice, I do see the need for a option to turn it off though. Not only for those with limited data, but also for battery consumption.

    There is an option in Settings called "Follow Presentations" which allows you to control whether or not the app picks up Proclaim presentations.

    I don't know if this stops it using the Location Services (and hence conserves battery life) but I would expect that it does.


  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,067

    As for access to contacts - right now it may have something to do with the Proclaim feature, however eventually to have great features like sharing a verse or quote from a resource in your library, the Logos app will need access to our contacts. Without access to our contacts, the potential for a share feature to fully operate is eliminated.

    Would it be more accurate to say Calendar events rather than Contacts? Either way, though, what has this to do with a share feature (presumably for Notes/Highlighting ...)?


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Frank Sauer
    Frank Sauer Member Posts: 2,040 ✭✭✭✭

    No, I'm not talking calendar related. For example say your reading your morning devotions and a particular verse jumps out at you to share via twitter, facebook or more contact related via email or text message. The app would need permission to access your contacts to text the verse to the person you'd like to send it to.

    Works really well with one of the "Bible apps" that was on the Android Market before Logos ventured in with a release. It would be a nice addition to the Logos app as well. Not sure if it is planned or not, or even if the Iphone app has the feature, but it is a nice capability.



    As for access to contacts - right now it may have something to do with the Proclaim feature, however eventually to have great features like sharing a verse or quote from a resource in your library, the Logos app will need access to our contacts. Without access to our contacts, the potential for a share feature to fully operate is eliminated.

    Would it be more accurate to say Calendar events rather than Contacts? Either way, though, what has this to do with a share feature (presumably for Notes/Highlighting ...)?


    Logos 10 - OpenSuse Tumbleweed, Windows 11, Android 16 & Android 14

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,067

    The app would need permission to access your contacts to text the verse to the person you'd like to send it to.

    OK, I was thinking of sharing with your L4.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,093

    Hi Frank

    No, I'm not talking calendar related. For example say your reading your morning devotions and a particular verse jumps out at you to share via twitter, facebook or more contact related via email or text message. The app would need permission to access your contacts to text the verse to the person you'd like to send it to.

    Works really well with one of the "Bible apps" that was on the Android Market before Logos ventured in with a release. It would be a nice addition to the Logos app as well. Not sure if it is planned or not, or even if the Iphone app has the feature, but it is a nice capability.

    The iPad app allows you to share content via Facebook, twitter and email.


  • Joseph John
    Joseph John Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    This version has support for following Proclaim presentations. Proclaim is Logos' new church presentation software. The Logos app finds presentations by location, which requires the location permission. The presentation can contain contacts, which you can add from the app; this requires the contacts permission. The app does not read any contact data from your device.


    Wouldn't coarse location suffice? (rather than fine location by GPS)?

    Or is there a possibility to have the proclaim presentation added as a feature to a second version of the Logos app (that doesn't require these additional permissions)? Maybe one "Basic" (that gives users access to all the books they need etc), and one "Advanced" that adds additional (advanced) features like Proclaim etc?

    From the reviews that I've read on market (and my thoughts as well), a lot of people don't (yet) want/need the Proclaim presentation feature.- and are concerned about the added risks. Personally, I'm holding off on updating the logos app for now.



  • toughski
    toughski Member Posts: 1,288 ✭✭✭

    Or is there a possibility to have the proclaim presentation added as a feature to a second version of the Logos app (that doesn't require these additional permissions)? Maybe one "Basic" (that gives users access to all the books they need etc), and one "Advanced" that adds additional (advanced) features like Proclaim etc?

    Why? It is kind of trying to engineer BBQ tasting pigs (so it would be easier to make ribs). Wouldn't it be more logical to build a plugin for Proclaim and leave Logos do its job and nothing else?

  • Joseph John
    Joseph John Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    Why? It is kind of trying to engineer BBQ tasting pigs (so it would be easier to make ribs). Wouldn't it be more logical to build a plugin for Proclaim and leave Logos do its job and nothing else?

    AFAIK, Apps on Android do not really support the concept of plugins (yet). If you know that it can be done, sure - that's a good idea as well (assuming that the base application doesn't need to have those permissions from the very beginning)

  • Geoff
    Geoff Member Posts: 85 ✭✭

    Just wanted to put my two cents in this conversation. I do not like having Logos tracking me or having the potential of accessing stuff in my phone that I do not want it to. I will not be updating until it is removed. There is too much potential for unintended consequences here for a very trivial privilege of a few people. Logos may not be a big target now but if nefarious people found out the potential the target could get a lot bigger because of easy pickings. I would not think that Logos HQ would be a big target yet they got broken in to and had their Mac's all stolen. It happens. This is not a fair comparison but it still happened. I think it is much better to leave a door closed than open up this type of vulnerability.


  • BriM
    BriM Member Posts: 287 ✭✭

    I'd like to add my voice to the concern.

    Modern software is extremely complex and it's difficult to ensure that it doesn't have security loopholes. The trend toward agile development, with multiple releases per year, means that it is always in a state of flux and unintended loopholes can appear in previously secure software.

    Given this, I think it's wise to adopt a 'least privilege' mentality - applications shouldn't have any privilege that isn't necessary for their correct operation. Access to my contacts and location isn't necessary for a Logos reading app. The functionality to integrate with Proclaim is logically a separate app and one that I don't need as I know of no church nearby that has Proclaim.

    I'd prefer to see the Proclaim functionality in a separate app or plugin so that people have a choice of using the reader app without a possible security risk.

    For now, it seems that my best option is to stick with 0.91.

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,067

    BriM said:

    I'd prefer to see the Proclaim functionality in a separate app or plugin so that people have a choice of using the reader app without a possible security risk.

    For now, it seems that my best option is to stick with 0.91.

    Or go into Logos 0.9.2 Settings and elect NOT to "Follow Presentations" .

    And/or use Android Settings for Location and Security so that it cannot use any of the two methods to detect your location.



    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Joseph John
    Joseph John Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    Or go into Logos 0.9.2 Settings and elect NOT to "Follow Presentations" .

    And/or use Android Settings for Location and Security so that it cannot use any of the two methods to detect your location.



    That unfortunately doesn't change the permissions of the Logos application... (if it gets exploited)

  • Brent E. Marshall
    Brent E. Marshall Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    I do appreciate your concern, and I wish there was a way we could have "add a contact only" functionality without full access to your contacts. (I'll ask the team if there's a way we can limit the access that way.)

    Why does there need to be any contact or location-tracking functionality in Logos? My Logos is for reading and research, not contacting persons or location-based services. I am about to get my first Android device, and I was looking forward to using Logos on it until I saw the new permissions. Now I face an unpleasant dilemma.

    Why can you not keep a version of the app without these extra features and permissions? One would think that one could keep the same code base for both the with and without versions of the app.

    I think the concern about hacking is pretty remote, though -- someone would have to hack into Logos, modify the code for the Logos Android application, then upload it to the Android store, get you to update the app, and be unnoticed all along the way.

    It seems like an unlikely attack vector, and one that would require a massive amount of Logos-internal knowledge. I'm not sure more than a few people here could do all those steps, let alone have access to the passwords we use for the app stores, etc.

    Proclaiming this the only attack vector seems dangerously optimistic. Many companies and their customers have gotten burned badly where they thought the danger low and the passwords safe. Here, it all seems so unnecessary.

    Please reconsider this.


  • Jon
    Jon Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Adding my two cents, I am not pleased about Logos app or any app having any access to my contacts. I am in the search and test mode of Android bible apps and really don't like this, and not having offline word searching are two minus for me. Please rethink both Logos.

  • Sir Maru
    Sir Maru Member Posts: 178 ✭✭

    As for the location based Proclaim function, could be nice, I do see the need for a option to turn it off though. Not only for those with limited data, but also for battery consumption.

    There is an option in Settings called "Follow Presentations" which allows you to control whether or not the app picks up Proclaim presentations.

    I don't know if this stops it using the Location Services (and hence conserves battery life) but I would expect that it does.


    Because of what you said, I turned off Presentations. However, I have no idea what that is. I use a Kindle Fire and have no contacts present there.  What are Presentations?  What is Proclaim?


  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,067


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Sir Maru
    Sir Maru Member Posts: 178 ✭✭

    Sir Maru said:

    What are Presentations?  What is Proclaim?


    I read many of the posts in that link and still have no idea what it is.  I presume, if I never installed it on my PC or Kindle Fire, it is NOT operating there.  I turned off my Presentations Preference in the Kindle Fire for Logos.


  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,093

    Proclaim is new software Logos have developed to project songs, Bible passages etc during a church service.

    It projects Presemtations and the mobile apps (iOS or android) have the ability to integrate with what is being presented. This is why you get asked if you want Presentations support in your kindle app.


  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,067

    Sir Maru said:

    I turned off my Presentations Preference in the Kindle Fire for Logos.

    That's to protect you from responding to a Proclaim "hot spot" irrespective of whether the app is installed on your device.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Mach10
    Mach10 Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    I absolutely agree with you Brent.

    Eliminate ALL unneccessary permissions, AT LEAST eliminate CONTACT read.

    I'm sure you all know this, but here is what  the premission description says under Your personal information:

    NEW: Read contact data

    Allows an application to read all of the contact (address) data stored on your phone. Malicious applications can use this to send your data to onther people.


    NEW: Write contact data

    Allows an application to modify the contact (address) data stored on your phone. Malicious applications can use this to erase or modify your contact data


    This is Your accounts:

    NEW: Discover known accounts

    Allows an application to get the list of accounts know by the phone.


    Why does a Bible software need that???

  • John J. Franey
    John J. Franey Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

    As for access to contacts - right now it may have something to do with the Proclaim feature, however eventually to have great features like sharing a verse or quote from a resource in your library, the Logos app will need access to our contacts. Without access to our contacts, the potential for a share feature to fully operate is eliminated


    Users can use cut-n-paste, or you could implement share using social media api, or maybe your app could launch email and pre-populate (letting email app access the contacts).   Its true that the share feature you envision is fully impossible without access to contacts, but there are other ways to share.

  • Gabe Martin
    Gabe Martin Member, Logos Employee Posts: 264

    Yes, choosing not to follow presentations does stop the use of location services as well as eliminates the possibility the app will ever read or update your contacts. These actions are only ever performed when the user taps on a proclaim signal.

    We put this in our app product description in Google Play to be as up front as possible:

    ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION -- for finding nearby Proclaim presentations
    READ_CONTACTS, WRITE_CONTACTS, GET_ACCOUNTS -- for adding contacts from a Proclaim presentation

    Logos does not:
    * Track or record your location
    * Read specific contact information (only gets the name of your contacts group, only when adding a contact from a presentation)
    * Modify any contact information without the user requesting adding a contact

  • BriM
    BriM Member Posts: 287 ✭✭

    Yes, choosing not to follow presentations does stop the use of location services as well as eliminates the possibility the app will ever read or update your contacts. These actions are only ever performed when the user taps on a proclaim signal.

    Could we have a version of the App that doesn't contain this functionality and so doen't need the permissions? Then people could choose to download the version with these permissions only if they need to use them.

    I'm currently stuck on v0.9.1 because of the security concerns with 0.9.2 and later.

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    BriM said:

    Yes, choosing not to follow presentations does stop the use of location services as well as eliminates the possibility the app will ever read or update your contacts. These actions are only ever performed when the user taps on a proclaim signal.

    Could we have a version of the App that doesn't contain this functionality and so doen't need the permissions? Then people could choose to download the version with these permissions only if they need to use them.

    I'm currently stuck on v0.9.1 because of the security concerns with 0.9.2 and later.

    Hi BriM,

    I will discuss your suggestion with our Development team again but I don't think this will happen.  As already mentioned, there is an option in the app to disable following Proclaim presentations, which means Proclaim signals will never appear on your device (which therefore means Logos will never read or update your contacts).  From your device there is also probably a way to disable location services within Android before installing Logos - although this might cripple other applications on your device that rely on it.  I apologize if Dave and Gabe's assurances are not good enough to satisfy your concerns.