Word Study via iOS

Is this normal? Does anyone here find their list of resources when running Word Studies?
Hi Jaques,
Is the "Definition" section inactive? Is the arrow to the left of the word "Definition" pointed to the right or down? If it is pointing to the right, try tapping it so that it points down. If the section is still inactive, let me know what book, and the word's location in the book your are attemping to get this information for.
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In 1Sam 10, I tried the Look Up then Word Study on the name Gilgal and the words sacrifice and prophecy. When 'Definition' was available it did not show my dictionaries! But it does show a brief definition of unknown source. In the case of 'Definition' being grey and not accessible, I suppose that's another problem as well.
The Logos app has been around for a while, is this considered a long-running bug or glitch? Has Logos acknowledged this as a problem?
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Hi Jaques,
Which book/bible is your search coming from? Can you take a screenshot of the results of the Bible Word Study? A screenshot can be taken on iOS by simultaneously pressing the Home button and the Sleep/Wake button; the screen will flash and the picture will be stored in PNG format in the "Camera Roll" on the iPhone or in "Saved Photos" on the iPod touch or iPad.
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I'm using the normal KJV on these words, you can see for yourself.
That's not too relevant tho, this behavior is consistent in any translation I've tried.Any Word Study within the app neglects to I'll up dictionaries for me. (I use Scholar's Library with additional dictionaries purchased.)
Does this behave differently for anyone else? Should I call Logos to have something reset within my account?
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Jacques said:
Should I call Logos to have something reset within my account?
You could do that. Having an image of what you are describing would be VERY helpful however. A screenshot can be taken on iOS by simultaneously pressing the Home button and the Sleep/Wake button; the screen will flash and the picture will be stored in PNG format in the "Camera Roll" on the iPhone or in "Saved Photos" on the iPod touch or iPad. So whether you post them here, or keep them for the phone call it will be helpful.
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Dear Tommy,
I guess this is a bug similar to this one.
I have posted it two months ago but did not attract enough attention from your colleagues. If it is possible, please have a look at it.
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I've called in about this, and Logos has told me its being worked on. Let's see what happens..
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No responses at all from Logos yet. Has anyon else contacted them about this?
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Jacques said:
Has anyon else contacted them about this?
No I haven't. However I can replicate your issue. I can't get a definition for Gilgal in 1 Sam 10:8 (using ESV which has RI). I can't get definitions for Philistines (v5) or Benjamin (v2). I was wondering if it was a proper noun problem, but some proper nouns I can find definitions for.
Definitions, and also Lexicon citations I find a little inconstant in the Bible Word Study
Andrew Mitchell
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Jacques said:
No responses at all from Logos yet. Has anyon else contacted them about this?
Hi Jacques,
I've written up a case for this and sent it to our Development department. Thanks for the report.
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I still have not had any responses fom Logos.
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Jacques said:
I still have not had any responses fom Logos.
Hi Jacques,
I work at Logos and have already responded to you (above) as a representative of the company. I have created a case (or ticket) for the issue you are experiencing and our Developer team is aware of it. I apologize that we have been unable to provide an immediate fix for the issue but we are aware of it. Thank you for your patience.
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My apologies Kevin, I wasn't referring to you but to my phone call. I was told someone would contact me about this about a month ago and no one has.
You mention a ticket. Is there a way to see the progress made?
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Jacques said:
My apologies Kevin, I wasn't referring to you but to my phone call. I was told someone would contact me about this about a month ago and no one has.
You mention a ticket. Is there a way to see the progress made?
Hi Jacques,
Currently there is not a way to see if progress is being made on a particular issue, although I consider this one to be important. Concerning you never receiving a phone call back - I apologize that you never received one.
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I'm glad this is being worked on, and thanks for your concern. Looking forward to a revamped Logos iOS app one day!