Useful Screencast App to Respond to How-To Questions on using Logos iOS app

Philana Crouch
Philana Crouch Member Posts: 2,151 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hi All,

I thought I would share this app I read about from 9to5 Mac. It is called Display Recorder and it is in the iOS app store. It works on iPad 1-3 and iPod Touch and iPhone.

It allows the recording of screen action as video (screencasts). You can upload the video to YouTube and link here at the forum. I thought some might find this helpful when trying to help other Logos iOS users. You can record what you are doing within the app and it records your audio as well.

I know we often ask how to do stuff in the Logos/Vyrso/Faithlife Study Bible apps (or any app you want to demo) and this might be a clearer way of communicating than just screenshots. It costs $1.99



