
In Bible search, how can i select a specific bible to searh from ?
In the Basic search how can i select a specific book to search from?
I am using Logos for iPad
Hi Eddie
At the moment you can't select either a specific Bible or book directly.
What you can do is press on the button to the left of the search box:
- Shows "Entire Library" in Basic Search
- Shows "Top Bibles" in Bible Search
This gives you a drop-down menu allowing you to select either Collections or books you have recently referenced on the iPad.
Hope this helps
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Thanks Graham, this at least is a work around...[:)]
Thanks again!!
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Hi Eddie
You are very welcome.
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Is there a way to organize or navigate better on the ipad? on the pc i can view bible type, my tags, collections ect, without having to now the name of what i want, i would like to be able to just view all my tags and or collections, is this possible?
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Jason goebel said:
i would like to be able to just view all my tags and or collections, is this possible?
On the face of your question, the answer is "no." You cannot see a list of your my tags and collections. Logos is working on bringing filtering of my tags to the mobile library, but you have to know the my tags to perform this task.
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