Android Bible 2.0 Update

Previously I had a ipod touch without internet access most of the time. Yesterday, I got my first smart phone. Galaxy III, and downloaded the Logos bible app from Google Play Apps store. It says it's version 1.1.3 build 43. Checking the forum briefly last night, I saw the 2.0 update, and tried to download the update using my new smart phone. Nothing happened that i know of. Do I have the latest update from the information given above? If not what do I do?
In addition. I am having to download one book at a time, (have the scholars package). Everytime I download a book, it does download, but then goes back to the beginning of the library, so I have to search again for the next book to download. Lastly, with this version, I don't see the ability to look at two books at once ie the split screen. So is this just an old version that I should uninstall, and reinstall a version from somewhere else, like the logos website?
Please advise, and thanks so much.
if you put in part of series like WBC then you will get at top of list a download all button, wich will downloade everthing in the list.
Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have
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I tried this at the top of Library, but no download button comes up when I try to do a series. More specific instruction please and thanks
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You do need to download the beta from the first thread of this forum. The Play Store has the most recent stable version, which doesn't have some of the features you were looking for. Once you have the Beta version, press the button that looks like a book in the upper left corner and that will show you your library. Enter a search term to filter your list. If the list is small enough, a "Download All" button will appear at the top of the list. You may have to scroll the list down then back up for the button to appear. Other than that, you are forced to download one at a time and yes, you start back at the beginning of the list after downloading one of your resources. Hope that helps.
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Forgot about the split screen - When reading, there should be a little quarter-circle in the bottom right corner of the screen. Drag that up and you can open another resource in that window.
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Thanks, I see the split screen, DUH!
My new phone doesn't have a download all that shows up, so I am having to do it one at a time. Thanks.
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try scrolling the list down and up, sometimes it needs a screen refresh
Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have