Android Suite 2.0.4 Public Beta Released

The Android team is pleased to announce a new beta release of the 2.0 versions (with improvements to 2.0.3 public beta -- of Bible, Biblia, Vyrso, and FSB Android apps.
We appreciate your support helping test out this beta release. If you discover any issues please create a new post and include the following info:
Description – How were you using the app when the crash occurred.
App Info – Which app you are using. (Bible, Biblia, Faithlife Study Bible, Vyrso)
Device Info – (Google Nexus 7, Motorola Triumph, Droid Bionic)
Android Version – (2.2, 2.3, 3.x, 4.0, 4.1)
To install or upgrade the app choose from one of the below links.
Note: The Logos app has been renamed to Bible.
Update: The Vyrso app was updated from 2.0.4 (build 36) to (build 37) after the initial announcement to address a crash when trying to add notes and highlights.
- Bible 2.0.4 (Build 48) –
- Biblia 2.0.4 (Build 20) –
- Faithlife Study Bible 2.0.4 (Build 22) –
- Vyrso (Build 37) –
- Note creation on a selection
- Highlight creation on a selection
- Annotation (note/highlight) removal on a selection
- Sharing of surface text of a selection
- Text display on Android 4.0+
- Format and content of shared references
- Resources listed via clicking on resource header
- Location saved images are stored (now in the user’s Pictures/Logos folder)
- Various styles
- Preferred Bible not opening on initial run
- High-res image links opening a low-res version on double tap
- Preferred Bible setting not working.
- Side panel not navigating the active pane
- “Go” section not using the correct Bible
- Showing a “Download All” button in the library when there was nothing to download
- Crash in autocomplete text boxes
- Crash when saving a map to favorites
- Crash when long-pressing back button to view history
Known issues
- Notes and Highlights cannot be edited (yet)
- Page turning is very slow for users who have many notes/highlights
- Copy/share of selection includes footnote indicators
- Spanish locale contains some English strings
David Schwegler (Logos) said:
- Bible 2.0.4 (Build 48) –
- Biblia 2.0.4 (Build 20) –
- Faithlife Study Bible 2.0.4 (Build 22) –
- Vyrso 2.0.4 (Build 36) –
I tried the Vyrso download and got the previous release!
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Great work! This is really coming along nicely. Is there a way to create a new note file in the app, or must it be created on the desktop?
On my Acer Iconia Tab A500 with the Bible app (running Cyanogenmod 9, based on Android 4.0.4) note creation is working, however I am unable to create color highlights. I can alter the text, like all caps or underline, but it will not create a color highlight.
Thanks for all your work!
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Ryan Foster said:
Is there a way to create a new note file in the app, or must it be created on the desktop?
Currently you cannot manually create or manage note documents from the Android apps.
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Highlights and notes appear now in translations where they did not appear, but should have, before so that issue seems resolved.
Highlights still only appear in low light reading mode. In standard color scheme highlights do not appear.
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David Schwegler (Logos) said:
- Vyrso 2.0.4 (Build 36) –
Only getting Vyrso Build 35!
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Ryan Foster said:
Great work! This is really coming along nicely. Is there a way to create a new note file in the app, or must it be created on the desktop?
On my Acer Iconia Tab A500 with the Bible app (running Cyanogenmod 9, based on Android 4.0.4) note creation is working, however I am unable to create color highlights. I can alter the text, like all caps or underline, but it will not create a color highlight.
Thanks for all your work!
Here are the steps I performed to create a blue highlight:
1. Select some resource text
2. Press Highlight from the selection popup
3. Press Highlight from the All Styles section
4. Press the Blue Highlighter list option
5. Press the Done buttonNote once perform the above steps creating additional blue highlights only requires steps 1 and 5 because the Blue Highligher is already selected or in the recent Styles section.
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I select text and tap highlight, the page dims and "expands". Ten seconds later it crashes with "Unfortunately, Bible has stopped."
Samsung Galaxy SII Skyrocket running ICS.
I haven't found a way to get logs.
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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Same crash when I select "Notes"
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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Mine crashes whenever I open my default Bible which is NKJV. It doesn't crash when I open other translations such as ESV. I wondered if it was because I added a chronological reading plan to NKJV? Logos didn't crash when I open NKJV until I added the reading plan.
Mine is a Nook Color running 2.3.7 Android and Mod version is CyanogenMod-7.1.0.
It was running 2.0 Beta 3.
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Same thing happened to me on my Android phone. running 2.3.3 Android. It's also running 2.0 Beta 3. It must be an issue relating with reading plan.
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Great job! All notes and highlighting now appear for me. And, I LOVE the ability to create new notes and highlighting in the app. No crashes on my devices yet. Like others, I have a reading plan on my default bible (ESV). But, that fact is not affecting the performance in any way. For my devices, this is the best release to date.
I am using the Bible Android App on an Atrix (1st gen - 2.3.6 OS) and a Lenovo K1 (3.2.1 OS).
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Thank you, much appreciated. Is there any plan to fix the Hebrew font issue soon?
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This looks GREAT on my Transformer Prime! The timing for this update is perfect... I'll have all the tools I care most about on my tablet while on vacation this coming week.
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Francis said:
Thank you, much appreciated. Is there any plan to fix the Hebrew font issue soon?
We are actively researching the issue, but have not yet come to a solution.
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Drew Hannay said:
We are actively researching the issue, but have not yet come to a solution.
Thank you. I'm sure you will find the solution soon.
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David Schwegler (Logos) said:
Known issues
- Notes and Highlights cannot be edited (yet)
- Page turning is very slow for users who have many notes/highlights
- Copy/share of selection includes footnote indicators
- Spanish locale contains some English strings
I must have "many" notes/highlights. Page turning for me is about 2 minutes per page turn.
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Still no "menu button" on Asus Transformer Prime, build 4.0.3 using Bible.
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Also, am I correct in understanding that current notes/highlights in the PC version of Logos 4 cannot be edited on the mobile device, but they can be created and synced on a mobile device? If so, then I can say that I have nothing more to say to our Android Developers except Job Well Done.
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Dave Hooton said:David Schwegler (Logos) said:
- Vyrso 2.0.4 (Build 36) –
Only getting Vyrso Build 35!
Still getting v2.0.3
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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I apologize if you've already tried this, but try downloading the .apk file from your computer (if you still get v2.0.3, try clearing your browser's cache). If you can successfully download the file from your computer, you should be able to plug in your device and manually put the file in your device's downloads folder (or wherever you like) and then install the app from your device.
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Everett Headley said:
Still no "menu button" on Asus Transformer Prime, build 4.0.3 using Bible.
This is intentional. The menus from version 1 of the apps have been replaced by the sidebar menus, allowing easy access to more information. Devices with a physical menu button will open the sidebar when pressed, but devices with software buttons will not have a menu button since it would offer no additional functionality than the button at the top left of the reading view (which opens the sidebar).
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Drew Hannay said:Everett Headley said:
Still no "menu button" on Asus Transformer Prime, build 4.0.3 using Bible.
This is intentional. The menus from version 1 of the apps have been replaced by the sidebar menus, allowing easy access to more information. Devices with a physical menu button will open the sidebar when pressed, but devices with software buttons will not have a menu button since it would offer no additional functionality than the button at the top left of the reading view (which opens the sidebar).
ok, good to know. is it possible to request like a 50% size increase on that button then? i find that i have to tap it a few times to get it. while your at it, the whole top row of buttons when you are reading a book could use a size increase. i'm not talking huge, but something a bit more would be appreciated. also, the circle X in the address bar is extremely small on my transfomer prime.
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also, it seems in build 48, on my transformer prime, that when I go to add notes, it forces a crash in Bible. I think when I had build 47, it would allow me to add the notes no problem.
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The Bible app is running smooth. So far no force close issues I have seen others report. However on my tablet I still cannot see any of the highlighter markings, but all notes and other markup styles show perfect. Everything shows perfect on my phone highlighter included.
TABLET:Hp TouchPad running CM9
Logos 10 - OpenSuse Tumbleweed, Windows 11, Android 16 & Android 14
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Whenever I select text, then either click "highlight" or "note" the program crashes. This happens both on my Kindle Fire and my Samsung Galaxy.
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Drew Hannay said:
I apologize if you've already tried this, but try downloading the .apk file from your computer
I'm now getting the right version on my phone but I didn't clear the cache to do so (and haven't had the problem before now).
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Drew Hannay said:Everett Headley said:
Still no "menu button" on Asus Transformer Prime, build 4.0.3 using Bible.
This is intentional. The menus from version 1 of the apps have been replaced by the sidebar menus, allowing easy access to more information. Devices with a physical menu button will open the sidebar when pressed, but devices with software buttons will not have a menu button since it would offer no additional functionality than the button at the top left of the reading view (which opens the sidebar).
I'm sorry, but I don't find this style of interface to be useful or productive on my phone. It's really retrograde having a "side bar" that doesn't use all the width of the screen.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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David Schwegler (Logos) said:
- Showing a “Download All” button in the library when there was nothing to download
- Crash when long-pressing back button to view history
Galaxy S phone, Android 2.3
When offline I get "Download all" for the one bible (ESV) which is already downloaded.
When online I get "Download all" for 2 resources when I filter on "ESV", but one (the bible) is already downloaded!
Long press in "side bar" does nothing. In a resource it gives a slow scroll to the "side bar"! It gave me History in previous beta.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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It is like Christmas morning. To finally have notes.
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FYI, All works on the Nexus 7 quite well.
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have been waiting so long for this, it is great!!! seems to work well so far (have only just installed, Samsung Galaxy Nexus, Jelly bean 4.1
is there a way to delete highlights????
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cam_mck said:
is there a way to delete highlights????
Select the text containing the highlight you want to remove and select "Remove Annotations". Beware, however, this will remove any and all notes/highlights within your selection.
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Drew Hannay said:cam_mck said:
is there a way to delete highlights????
Select the text containing the highlight you want to remove and select "Remove Annotations". Beware, however, this will remove any and all notes/highlights within your selection.
When I select the highlighted text the only options I see is : copy, info, search, note, highlight. I cannot find "remove annotations" and can't find it any where???
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On the Kindle Fire, trying to highlight or add a note, I receive a message that the application has failed and then it shuts down.
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cam_mck said:
When I select the highlighted text the only options I see is : copy, info, search, note, highlight. I cannot find "remove annotations" and can't find it any where???
Try scrolling the popup horizontally. You should be able to scroll farther and see a "Remove Annotation" option and a "Share" option.
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Drew Hannay said:
Try scrolling the popup horizontally. You should be able to scroll farther and see a "Remove Annotation" option and a "Share" option.
Everything seems to work smoothly on galaxy nexus 4.1 sometimes a bit slow even with downloaded books but overall great job guys
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Highlights appear, but Bible app crashes when creating new ones. No notes created on desktop appear in favorites.
HTC Flyer, Android 3.2.1
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This is also the case for my HTC One X, Android 4.0.3
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Notes and Highlights!! PTL! Thanks for all of your hard work, this is awesome!
- On my Motorola Atrix 2 running Android 2.3.x, when I select some text and then select "Highlight", if, instead of selecting an option, I swipe my finger as if to scroll for more possible options, the entire options area turns bright white. This can be reversed (changed back to normal) by simply selecting an option.
- On my NookColor, I got in to some option which had a "Back" button. When pressed it did nothing. I'll make this more descript when I get home and can get at my tablet. I thought I'd mention it here since I don't see anything with a back button on my Atrix 2, I thought it might be easy to find.
- When selecting any text, the row of option buttons (Copy, Info, Search, Note, etc.) is awfully small, making it very difficult to tap an option. You might want to make it taller/bigger and thus easier to tap an option.
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- Having notes and highlighting (along with favorites) is what I have been waiting for, for some time. Well done!
- I love the sidebar menus instead of the menu being at the bottom! It is much easier to navigate now!
I would have put these on my post above, however, post editing seems to be broken at the moment.
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I have been waiting for notes and highlights. Since this BETA will update my notes file, would errors put the file at risk? Should I do something to archive my notes content in advance or would it be safe enough to only update "throw away" notes files?
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I'm using Bible on a Google Nexus 7 running Android 4.1
I have the settings set to "Do not show notes" because of the lag when changing pages. The problem is that whenever I load the app, change Bibles, or change color schemes, the notes reappear. If I go into the settings at this point, the Notes checkbox is still unchecked, even though the notes are still showing. At that point, if I check and uncheck the selection then the notes are hidden again.
I'm pretty sure this bug was present in 2.03 as well.
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This bug seems to have been fixed now in 2.07. Thanks!