Crash: when trying to highlight or add notes 2.04 build 48 (Bible) - Galaxy Skyrocket

When I select text in the Bible (or Vyrso ) apps and tap either the HIGHLIGHT or NOTES button - the app will freeze for some time, then the screen will darken and I'll get a popup finally that says, "Unfortunately, Bible Has Stopped"
Same as here: Repeatable Crash: 2.03 adding highlighting
Android | Samsung Galaxy Skyrocket | ICS 4.04 | Kernel 3.0.8
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
OK this is now strange.
It is still crashing as reported for the Bible App, Build 48.
HOWEVER, I just installed Vyrso-37.APK ( build 37) and I can highlight in Vyrso.
I thought that I had Vyrso installed already, apparently not.
SO... I navigated to the web, re downloaded Logos-48.apk and installed the Bible app again.
Result: Bible app still crashes.
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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I noticed that I could highlight too when I first loaded Faithlife, but at some point after either my library or highlights/notes finished syncing, the app would crash & no longer allow me to highlight or make notes.
Urban Scholar -
Christ-centered Hip-Hop - http://www.sphereofhiphop.com0 -
A new beta release is coming very soon which most importantly addresses a number of notes and highlighting related issues.
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Urban Scholar -
Christ-centered Hip-Hop - http://www.sphereofhiphop.com0 -
Thanks Gabe.
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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Great looking forward to it.
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[y] CONFIRMED FIXED in Bible 2.05 Build 49.
Great job!
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.