Bible Selection in Logos Andriod App

I am fairly new to using Logos. In fact, I just purchased it last night. I am very impressed. I love it so far, but I have a question I am hoping other fellow users with much more experience than I could answer for me.
I ended up getting both the Bible Study Package, and then seperately purchased the Concordia Self Study Bible (1984 NIV). Both of which are fantastic.
However, two things I can't seem to figure out. One, I am unable to select the Concordia Self Study Bible as my Bible of choice in the settings. Secondly, the Concordia Self Study Bible I purchased doesn't appear to actually have the NIV Bible in it. I know it sounds silly, but all I have found thus far is just the commentary and so forth. I did buy it for all of the commentaries, etc. but I also wanted a digital copy of the 1984 NIV.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hello Nikolas,
welcome to the Logos user forums!
Nikolas J. Eggert said:I am unable to select the Concordia Self Study Bible as my Bible of choice in the settings. Secondly, the Concordia Self Study Bible I purchased doesn't appear to actually have the NIV Bible in it.
Those two things are interrelated aspects of the same thing: A "Study Bible" under Logos is a resource of type "Bible Notes" which doesn't contain the text of the bible, only "the rest". This reduces duplicity of data, has some beneficial effects in terms of functionality (one may use e.g. the NET notes with King James or the explanations of ESV Study Bible with the NIV text) and may prevent the need of discussing licence details with the publisher of the Notes and the publisher of the bible text. Nevertheless, it means that the Study Bible is not a bible in the software and can't be used as such. Usually, the product pages very prominently state such - EDIT: I didn't check with the Concordia Selfstudy Bible, though it's not spelled out on the page. Logos should clarify this.
Regarding NIV 1984, the sad thing is that the publisher wants only NIV 2011 in the market and has forced Logos to stop selling NIV 1984. It may be that there are some packages that still contain it (last I looked, an Adventist Commentary set came with NIV 1984 included), but you may consider using the NIV 2011 instead.
Hope this helps a bit,
Have joy in the Lord!
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Thanks for your response. I understand from your explanation now why it is organized as such. It makes sense to me, however now I am going to be on the hunt for a 1984 digital copy of the NIV. Sadly, I do not like the new 2011 gender neutral translation of the NIV. Nothing against it, but I just dont agree with what they did with the NIV I grew up with and loved. Anyways, I will do some looking and see if I can find some package that I might be able to get it in. I appreciate your explanation and input on the matter.
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Nikolas, was it on a CD or was it a download, as the CD from what I recall did have the NIV1984 included as part of the package
Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have
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Nikolas J. Eggert said:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Peace to you, Nikolas! *smile* If you bought the Concordia Self Study Bible from Logos, I believe you have 30 days to return it for full credit.
Just guessing; however, you might be truly super-satisfied with the ESV that is part of your Logos package and The Concordia Publishing House Lutheran Study Bible. You will note from my screen shot that I have the two linked (A!) together so that scroll together when I change either one.
Also, depending upon your background, the Lutheran Study Bible is linked by Logos to Luther's Works for easy access for the scholarly pursuit.
Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........