
Right now highlighting cannot be removed or edited in the Android version - that is coming, presumably soon.
For now in order to remove highlights you will have to use the desktop version, locate the highlights, right click and select the remove highlights option.
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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It can be removed, click on highlight to remove, and then select "remove annotation" you might need to scroll the popup menu to the right to display it..
HOWEVER if there is a genuine note attatched you will lose it, so be careful how you use it
Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have
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DominicM said:
It can be removed, click on highlight to remove, and then select "remove annotation" you might need to scroll the popup menu to the right to display it..
HOWEVER if there is a genuine note attatched you will lose it, so be careful how you use it
Hi DominicM, I have logos on samsung galaxy S2, but i am not able to delete the highlights,and I have tried to look for "remove annotation" ,but I coudn't find it, have I misunderstood you?
Blessings in Christ.
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Good morning, Tes!
Did you scroll the pop-up to the right, like Dominic suggested, to show the other options? I have to scroll to see it on mine.
Logos Series X Pastor’s Library | Logos 3 Leader’s Library | 4 Portfolio | 5 Platinum | 6 Feature Crossgrade | 7 Essential | 8 M & W Platinum and Academic Professional | 9 Academic Professional and Messianic Jewish Diamond
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Scott E. Mahle said:
Good morning, Tes!
Did you scroll the pop-up to the right, like Dominic suggested, to show the other options? I have to scroll to see it on mine.
Thank you all,yes I have moved it to the right I now have found it.
Blessings in Christ.
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Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have