How long until Amazon approves the latest Logos update?

Amazon currently has the 2.0.6 and Logos is up to 2.0.10. How long does it usually take until Amazon releases the latest update?
Ronald Quick said:
Amazon currently has the 2.0.6 and Logos is up to 2.0.10. How long does it usually take until Amazon releases the latest update?
2.0.10 is beta. I do not believe that the beta's are meant to go through the amazon update/google play stores. Those are for "gold" releases. To install the beta you will have to use the direct links.
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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Actually, 2.0.9 in stable, it is in the google play store.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Lynden Williams said:
Actually, 2.0.9 in stable, it is in the google play store.
Whoops. Thanks Lynden.
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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