Logos Android manual?

Is there a manual or users guide for Logos for Android?
I searched the wiki, but nothing came up.
"As any translator will attest, a literal translation is no translation at all."
Not that I've found. I'm still new to the app myself. There are some videos on the Logos Bible Software youtube channel, but some of them seem to be already out of date... I'm guessing from some posts I've read that there has been a recent interface change.
I've learned what I know from playing around with it and stumbling across info here in the forums. I've toyed with the idea of writing out a little outline as an aid to me in learning it, but haven't yet. Is there anything in particular you are trying find?
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Randy W Sims said:
but some of them seem to be already out of date
I noticed that too.
Randy W Sims said:Is there anything in particular you are trying find?
Not particularly. I've only been playing with it a little here and there, but I just bought a book and have been reading it the on my tablet for the last day. So I was just wondering if there is a guide since the interface is somewhat less than intuitive.
Thanks for the offer though [Y]
"As any translator will attest, a literal translation is no translation at all."
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I am not a PC Logos user. I downloaded the Android Logos app and cannot figure out how to navigate within a Bible or get rid of split screen that I don't know I got in the first place. Any help would be most appreciated.
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See if these videos can help. http://www.logos.com/videos/android
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Thanks for the link. I just watched the navigation video and see that I do not have the menu bar at the top when a Bible is open. I'm running ICS 4.0.3 and have this problem with more than one app. Most curious in a not good way.
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Welcome to the forums Stuart. Tap your Bible anywhere on the screen while reading, and it should open a navigation menu to reveal the table of contents, or give you the option to type in the reference.
There should be a half circle where the split screen is, drag it to the end of the screen either direction and that should do it.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Many thanks for that clear bit of advice! Now I can see how to get around and use the other Bibles to compare with my default. This looks like a keeper!
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I had the wireless turned off on my tablet. The Bible loaded and I was able to flip pages - but the "go to" menu function failed. Does the menu not work unless there is an Internet connection?
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Stuart said:
Does the menu not work unless there is an Internet connection?
No you do not need internet access to access the menu button.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Pretty weird - as when I have the wireless turned on, the menu option to "go to" a particular passage works fine; but when I have the wireless off, I get an error message: "Navigation Failed".
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You might try downloading the book to the device. Click the information button (circle with an i in it) and you should get the option to download the book...
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I'm pretty sure the Bibles are downloaded. I can flip through the pages of the Bible, but the menu button navigation fails. When I tap the info ICON you mention, I am presented with the Holman Bible information but nothing about downloading it.
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I found another free Bible app for Android that has the Bible versions I want and have much easier navigation and no problem using without internet connection. Good bye to Logos!