Greek Font Not Displaying Properly on Android

Greetings all,
I'm a newcomer to Logos having purchased Logos 4 over the weekend. After getting things set up on my desktop, I installed the Android app. Greek fonts display properly when reading the text of UBS4 or NA27, but if you click on a word and try to get info on it, the fonts do not display correctly for Greek words beginning (or in come cases ending) with vowels. I have attached a screen shot from my Samsung Galaxy S3 phone. The same thing happens on my Nexus 7 tablet.
Also, accents are not displaying properly in all cases to in the info window.
Any suggestions or is this just a bug?
Adam York
This is an ongoing problem with Android and there are many posts about this. It is something that makes me think I should get an iPad mini because I have been unhappy with the Logos experience on Android.
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Thanks Jason. To me this is not a make it or break it deal. I can still read the Greek text and the information window is "mostly" usable. It is annoying though. I wonder whether this is an Android or a Logos on Android problem. If I'm not mistaken, the total number of Android devices exceeds (by a fair margin) the total number of IOS devices, so I'd like to encourage developers to try and bring the two platforms at least to parity. I'm hoping for an improved original language experience on Logos using Android moving forward.