NASB95 Verses in Bible Word Study go to ESV bible

Hi, I just upgraded my ipad logos app to version 3.0.2. I have the scholars base package. My preferred bible is NASB95. When I do a bible word study I am given the correct information from the NASB95 however when I select any verse the app takes me to the ESV translation for the verse rather than the NASB95.
Quite annoying! It did not do this before I upgraded. I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app but no luck. So how can I fix this?
Craig - Sorry for your troubles. [:S]
Can you give some screen shots? Also, what are your top two bibles in L4?
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Alabama24, top bibles in L4 (in order) are nasb95, king James, and new
international.Here is screen shot of bible word study and resulting
page when I click a verse. Hope this helps you.
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HI Craig
The images aren't visible (at least to me)
Did you add them using the paperclip icon in the post editor?
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I am curious what your settings on the iPad app show. Go to the home screen and tap on your name in the upper right, then tap settings. What does it show there for your preferred Bible?Craig Funk said:top bibles in L4 (in order) are nasb95, king James, and new
international."For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power"
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Hi Jerry, it shows NASB95. I have tried changing this several times. I even changed it to KJV, but still have same behavior. In other words, when preferred bible is KJV the bible word study shows results for KJV, but when verses are clicked app goes to ESV bible rather than KJV.
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I've just tried this by changing the preferred Bible within the iOS app to NASB - previously it was NRSV which is the same as on my desktop.
The translation - in my case - comes up with NRSV as do the references when I click them.
This actually makes sense - in my scenario - because the actual Study is carried out on the Logos servers where - presumably - the Logos 4 prioritisations would take priority.
But it doesn't explain what Craig is seeing where he has nasb95 prioritised at the top on L4.
Craig, have you set advanced prioritisation at all on your Bibles in L4?
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I can duplicate Craig's result. If I have a split screen, everything functions as it should, but if I only have one pane open to my preferred Bible( NASB) and do a Bible Word study it replaces my preferred Bible with a full screen word study. Then if I click on one of the example uses at the bottom, it opens full screen to ESV.
(On a side note if I had a Bible Word Study open in a split screen and then move the Bible Word Study off screen and then attempt to do another Bible Word Study, it will send if off screen. I consider that a bug also.)
"For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power"
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Graham, I'm not sure what "advanced prioritization" is in L4, but I will take a look this evening (about 10 hours or so).
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Details of advanced prioritisation are at
However, the fact that Jerry can see the same thing suggests this is probably not relevant!
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Hi Jerry,
Can you describe/define some terms for me?
Jerry M said:hen move the Bible Word Study off screen and then attempt to do another Bible Word Study, it will send if off screen.
When you say, "off screen" do you mean dragging the book panel "overtop" the Bible Word Study panel? (i.e the act of making two panels one.)
Thank you.
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Tommy Ball said:
When you say, "off screen" do you mean dragging the book panel "overtop" the Bible Word Study panel? (i.e the act of making two panels one.)
Yes. I start out with a split screen, with a Bible on one side. If I drag the semicircle at the bottom off to one side leaving only my Bible and attempt to do a Bible Word Study without regaining focus on my Bible nothing seems to happen. If I drag the semicircle back, there is my Bible Word Study I requested. On the other hand, if after moving the other resource off to one side, I tap my Bible (to gain focus) and then attempt a Bible Word Study, the Bible Word Study goes full screen.
"For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power"
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Jerry, I played around with the split screen and now the Bible word study is working properly. Thanks everyone form your help!