Selection vs reference

Hayden simons
Hayden simons Member Posts: 9 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I have two questions regarding selection vs reference notes. 

First, all the notes I have taken in my esv bible over the past year or so since I have been using logos are selection. I wish they were reference so that when I select another version to read through next year the notes will be there. Any way to mass convert them or tips to make it easier?

Second, any way to make 'reference' the default note type on iPad?


Thanks in advance!




  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Any way to mass convert them or tips to make it easier?

    Sorry, no. 

    Second, any way to make 'reference' the default note type on iPad?

    Swipe up on the verse and press "add note." That method always creates a note by reference from within a bible. When you select text, and then use "add note," it assumes you want to make a note based upon the selection you have chosen.

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  • Hayden simons
    Hayden simons Member Posts: 9 ✭✭

    Thanks, Alabama!  I'll use the tip on swiping up.

    You know, I'm sure there is good reason, but all these notes files seem complicated.  You figure as advanced as Logos is, they'd have a way to mass convert and mass move.  I've made the mistake of putting notes into a notes file I didn't intend for a week or two.  To get them back to the notes file I wanted was an extremely mickey mouse exercise (really? I've got to drag these one at a time and wait till my little arrow turns to a bar to release to get every note in file a over to file b?).  

    I'm guessing there is good reason for their complex multiple note files with no good way to move notes between files.  I guess I just haven't figured it out yet since I'm more of a simpleton that uses it for daily bible reading.  Jumping from one translation of the bible to the next from year to year.

    Getting geared up for what translation to use next year is what got me thinking about my notes from this year being visible in the version i pick next year.  Unfortunately, since I didn't do my notes as "reference", they won't be available.

    Anywho - thanks again for your help.  I"ve had just a few questions on the software since I started using and bought a few translations for it about a year ago.  You've been the person who's answered every one.  Logos should consider paying you. :)  Or at least paying someone to answer questions. :)