Highlighting Slowness

When I highlight a section of scripture in the iPhone app I am experiencing a long delay before the highlight displays on the screen. Is this normal behavior?
Hi Jeff
- What do you mean by a long delay?
- Do you have the Bible you are reading downloaded to your iPhone?
- What sort of network connection are you using at the time?
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Hello Graham,
When I select a scripture and highlight it, it is taking 10-20sec to see the verse highlighted on the screen. The bible is downloaded to the iPhone and I have experienced this while using WiFi and 3G.
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I experience the same highlighting issue using the New iPad; very fast Internet connection over wifi; and downloaded resources.
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Jeff and Paul - How large are your note files? How large is the specific note file you are saving to? What happens when you change to a brand new note file? What happens when you highlight a resource without any other notes/highlights?
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I'm not sure how big the file is that contains the highlight information. I haven't changed any of the defaults, so I suppose it is using whatever the default file is.
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Do you have lots of notes & highlights? One way to check would be to open the note file in L4 and pretend to print it to get a page count.
You didn't answer my other questions. Did you create a new note file and see what happens? Did you try using a resource w/o any highlights/notes in it?
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I create a new note for each resource in my library, so each note is pretty streamlined. I'm noticing the delay particularly when highlighting my ESV bible, which has its own note file. (Granted, it does contain quite a bit of highlighting.) After I select the highlight style I want and the note file its being assigned to and click done, it's taking about 12 seconds for the highlight to appear in the text of my bible. The delay continued after I created a new test note file to create some random highlights in the ESV.
I stated reading a new Vyrso book in the Logos iOS app last night, and did some highlighting in a newly created file, and it was a lot snappier.
I just deleted and reinstalled the app, and there's no improvement.
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Paul - it sounds like the sluggishness you are experiencing is from a large note file. How many pages would it take to print?
EDIT: I forgot to add... I think it's a combo of large note file within a resource. Just for trying things out, can you try the ESV note file in the Vyrso book?
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Interestingly, when I tried to add a highlight to my ESV note file - in the new Vyrso book I'm reading - the highlight was created very quickly (1 or 2 seconds.) Therefore, the Vyrso book doesn't seem to have a problem with the large note file.
I wonder if, rather than this being a large note file issue, whether it's more to do with the large number of highlights showing in the ESV resource itself? This would account for both (a) the new test note file taking a while to create a highlight in my ESV, and (b) the new Vyrso book creating a highlight quickly in my large ESV note file.
When I pretend to print my ESV note file, it runs to 94 pages of US Letter Borderless (the default page size) (on Logos 4 Mac). I guess this makes it a rather large note file!
Thanks for your help alabama - it's much appreciated.
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Last night I tried selecting a new note file when highlighting in the ESV and it was still slow to display the highlight on the screen.
I also tried highlighting a different resource (Alone With God - John MacArthur) and it displayed the highlight instantly.
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BTW, I also have LOTS of highlights in my ESV so my hypothesis is the same as Paul's - it may have to do with the large number of highlights within a resource rather than the size of the note file.
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Thanks guys. Hopefully someone at Logos will catch this thread. [;)]
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Ditto that. My note file is 128 pages. But even creating a new note file and adding notes to it takes the same amount of time. About 10-12 seconds between clicking done and the note actually showing up.
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*Bump - paging Logos technical support...*
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It would not surprise me that there was a bit of slowness if you have a good amount of notes, or highlights attached to any one resource. I've sent an email to Kevin to ask for details about this, and to chat about it, so hopefully he or I will be able to return with more concrete information.
Jeff, would you say that you have a good deal more notes/highlights attached to the ESV than Alone with God?
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@Tommy, yes I have only one highlight in Alone With God and thousands of highlights (and growing) in my ESV. It would be great to get a fix for this since it slows my reading down, having to wait for my highlights to "stick".
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Jeff Libby said:
It would be great to get a fix for this since it slows my reading down, having to wait for my highlights to "stick".
+1 [:S]
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Tommy thanks for looking into this. When you have a resource as large as a Bible, and which gets used as frequently as our favourite Bibles do, I think it's inevitable there are going to be those of us with a lot of highlighting in a single resource.
The performance difference between highlighting in a resource with few highlights (c.1-2 seconds) versus highlighting in a resource with a lot of highlights (c.10-12 seconds) is vast - and it does break the flow of trying to study long passages. I hope you manage to reduce this time lag significantly.
Blessings to you!
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Paul Clarke said:
I hope you manage to reduce this time lag significantly.
The bad news is that the lag time HAS been reduced greatly from the earlier 2.x releases. At one time I had delays of nearly 2 minutes! [:S]
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Jeff Libby said:
@Tommy, yes I have only one highlight in Alone With God and thousands of highlights (and growing) in my ESV. It would be great to get a fix for this since it slows my reading down, having to wait for my highlights to "stick".
I'm presuming your have both resources open at the same time. Is highlighting faster whne you have closed the resource which has the great number of highlights (ESV)? Having a resource open with a large amount of highlights will cause the act of highlighting to become slower.
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Tommy Ball said:
I'm presuming your have both resources open at the same time. Is highlighting faster whne you have closed the resource which has the great number of highlights (ESV)? Having a resource open with a large amount of highlights will cause the act of highlighting to become slower.
I dont think the issue is the speed of the lesser marked up resource... the issue is the speed of the greater marked up resource! I have stopped using my ESV because of it.
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@Tommy, I am experiencing the highlighting slowness with my ESV which has many notes and highlights. I can have both the ESV and Alone With God open at the same time and highlighting in the ESV will be slow and highlighting in Alone With God will be fast.
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Jeff Libby said:
BTW, I also have LOTS of highlights in my ESV so my hypothesis is the same as Paul's - it may have to do with the large number of highlights within a resource rather than the size of the note file.
Hi Jeff,
Having a large notes file or lots of highlights really means the same thing - it's a lot of data that has to sync between the mobile device and Logos' servers (sometimes hundreds of megabytes). We are aware of the issue but as of yet do not have an elegant solution.
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I'm not a programmer, and I certainly don't know the structure of the Logos programming, but would it be feasible to develop a sort of temp file for highlighting that would cause the newly added markups to appear relatively quickly in the resources and a background process that would add it to the permanent file. That would not do away with initial time required for loading of all markups on a resource opening, but would greatly reduce frustration levels at the user end at the time of highlight additions. Just a thought.
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Welcome to the forums David. [:)]
David Lott said:I'm not a programmer, and I certainly don't know the structure of the Logos programming, but would it be feasible to develop a sort of temp file for highlighting that would cause the newly added markups to appear relatively quickly in the resources and a background process that would add it to the permanent file. That would not do away with initial time required for loading of all markups on a resource opening, but would greatly reduce frustration levels at the user end at the time of highlight additions. Just a thought.
This thread is a year and a half old... and much has changed in that time. If you are experiencing slowness, it would be good for you to create your own thread, explain your issue clearly, and provide as much relevant background info as possible (i.e. "how do you organize your notes," "how many notes do you have," "which resources experience slowness," etc.).
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