Using Original Language Tools On Ipad

Alexander Michael Enzbigilis
Alexander Michael Enzbigilis Member Posts: 8 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Just got an Ipad and was excited to use Logos on it. I have an older macbook so it is nice to have a smooth working fast L4 for the first time! I am fine that it lacks most of the features, but was wondering about a few (it is a free App).

I like being able to sync two panes together like in L4, but is there a way to sync and greek lexicons with words from the NA27? Having to tap a word and then click look up and then have it be in an anonymous lexicon is not super helpful. Is there a way I can Link BDAG to my NA27 so that I can automatically look up words across the screen? If not has anyone found any helpful lexicons for reading the Greek NT alongside a Greek Grammar?

Thanks for your insight, if anyone has experience in this please let me know.



