Anyone got LOGOS on a tablet that actually has NO problems?

I am not a computer guru or a software expert, but I keep reading more and more here to date that LOGOS simply does not work well fontwise and contentwise on any tablet yet? I also have asked about Windows 8 tablets coming up? I get a big nothing on that one. Anyone had a positive experience buying a Tablet and using Logos right out of the box? Anyone else think we should all wait 3 months and see if LOGOS runs on an actual MS Surface tablet or see Windows 7 tablets come down in price - or am I only dreaming?
Hoping to be free from my windows desktop to read in bed soon,
Joshua (who loathes IPADs as tools of the devil)
Ok...let me soften this some. An Ipad is a tool FROM the devil!
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Joshua Lieder said:
Ok...let me soften this some. An Ipad is a tool FROM the devil!
Hi Joshua; That comment is funny and reminds me of a post I once posted on FB about "Your computer is not the devil".
Anyway, I haven't moved to an iPad yet, but will someday. [:)]
I primarily use an Android based 7" tablet for Logos use on the road, and haven't experienced any major issues. I use the table just for reading my reading plans and to read along with the Minister or Pastor while in services. I use the desktop for all of the heavy stuff such as searching, multiple comparisons, and deep research. IMO: the tablets are better used for reading and not any major work.
So, considering my limited use of Logos on a tablet, I would say that I have had great success. [:)]
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Works on a Toshiba Thrive tablet.
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I have met a few people with Logos on the iPad, and even tried it on my wifes iPhone (not the iPad though). All of this works fine.
Before there was any mobile version of Logos, I was one of those people constantly asking for a tool that would just let me read my books on my phone. (Btw. Back the Windows phone was what people wanted).
Now that Logos has gone mobile, and pack a lot of features, I find that I still want what I asked for in the beginning. Just the ability to read. So I finally ditched Logos from my current Android phone and installed Vyrso in stead. As far as I know Vyrso reads all files that the Logos app reads. And I never have any problem with it.[:)]
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I have the ipad and iphone and they all work just fine. A little slow but fine.
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My experience with the iPad is great, and on a Kindle Fire is also good (different but good).
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It runs very well on my iPad especially since the last upgrade. I know you said it's a tool from the devil but I would have to beg to differ.
Just out of curiosity, ti Ruskey?
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I am not Russian...and Apple is anti-Christian. Do your homework guys!
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I run Logos on a rooted Nook (Android), has a few annoying bugs, mostly speed, but other than that really no problems.
One thing that I have noticed, each new update brings along an incredible amount of improvement, more improvement than normally seen with Logos updates on the other platforms.
The Android team must be the most knowledgeable, hardest working team in the company. [Y]
"As any translator will attest, a literal translation is no translation at all."
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Sakarias Ingolfsson said:
I have met a few people with Logos on the iPad, and even tried it on my wifes iPhone (not the iPad though). All of this works fine.
Before there was any mobile version of Logos, I was one of those people constantly asking for a tool that would just let me read my books on my phone. (Btw. Back the Windows phone was what people wanted).
Now that Logos has gone mobile, and pack a lot of features, I find that I still want what I asked for in the beginning. Just the ability to read. So I finally ditched Logos from my current Android phone and installed Vyrso in stead. As far as I know Vyrso reads all files that the Logos app reads. And I never have any problem with it.
I can confirm that Vyrso and Logos share the same the same database of your files on Logos side. The only difference AFAIK between the Vyrso App and the Logos App on a tablet is that both uses different directories on the device itself.
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Deleted in the interest of good taste [:$]
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A company cannot be anti-Christian; people can be anti-Christian. I expect every person not 'in Christ' to be against me. If I refused to shop with or at places that were against my Savior, I'd starve, be naked, and homeless. I have been blessed greatly by having an iPad that contained all the Scriptures. You are free to hold to your opinion but this is a matter of conscience, not a sin issue.
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Alexander Longacre said:
A company cannot be anti-Christian; people can be anti-Christian. I expect every person not 'in Christ' to be against me. If I refused to shop with or at places that were against my Savior, I'd starve, be naked, and homeless. I have been blessed greatly by having an iPad that contained all the Scriptures. You are free to hold to your opinion but this is a matter of conscience, not a sin issue.
And Logos works great on my iPad.
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Alexander Longacre said:
A company cannot be anti-Christian; people can be anti-Christian. I expect every person not 'in Christ' to be against me. If I refused to shop with or at places that were against my Savior, I'd starve, be naked, and homeless. I have been blessed greatly by having an iPad that contained all the Scriptures. You are free to hold to your opinion but this is a matter of conscience, not a sin issue.
Very well stated. [Y][Y]
Companies are made up of many people of various beliefs. In buying anything complex these days, there are so many hands in it, you wouldn't know what it is. The only hand that makes a difference is YOURS. Pray over your iPad and be blessed. [:)]
I guess, theoretically, there could be an "anti-christian" company, however, a company such as that probably would have "anti-christian" written all over it.
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I just posted a new topic about my tablet - not showing highlights, but other than that, 2.1.2 works very well on my Tablet -- a HP Touchpad, with Android ICS (Cyanogenmod).
I am very impressed with this version. It feels much like the desktop version. It is also the first version to really feel like a paper Bible replacement!
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Joshua Lieder said:
I am not Russian...and Apple is anti-Christian. Do your homework guys!
I am Russian [:P] and so what? What's your point
"No man is greater than his prayer life. The pastor who is not praying is playing; the people who are not praying are straying." Leonard Ravenhill
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Slava Novik said:Joshua Lieder said:
I am not Russian...and Apple is anti-Christian. Do your homework guys!
I am Russian
and so what? What's your point
This recent news item probably explains the connection between Alexander's "ti Ruskey" question and Joshua's "Apple is anti-Christian":
Apparently there are other people out there besides the Russian Orthodox who think Apple has an anti-Christian bias, but this should assuage those concerns:
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Threads like this are the exact reason I do NOT hang out in these logos forums.
-inability to stay on topic
-lack of forum moderators to deal with problems.
-judgmental posts against both people and companies
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Thank you Rosie for clarification. I think it is funny when people mix religion and technology. This "devil" does a lot of good work and benefit for the Kingdom of God.
Going back to the topic, I have no problems with Ipad and fonts. I use desktop for the research and for light reading, but if I need to read something in depth, I always read through Ipad. Sometimes I find myself reading through Ipad, but through desktop making clippings or other tasks...
"No man is greater than his prayer life. The pastor who is not praying is playing; the people who are not praying are straying." Leonard Ravenhill
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Slava, I mentioned it specifically because I'm familiar with Russians and his picture indicated to me he might be Slavic. Take that in combination with Russian Orthodox belief and the post Rose put up and I was just wondering if I could have an aside conversation with him to address the issue directly. Sadly, he isn't Russian
Ya lublu Ruskey. Maya jana Ruskia.
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One rarely judge a book by it's cover, much less people by looks… Companies can be judged by their actions, Apple has done many good things and many bad ones, I truly doubt any company would stand up to Jesus' standard, but us people far less too. How many have tied to live the Gospel literally like St. Francis of Assisi… Most would say it is not viable to live like that and perhaps they are right, but the few who do live it would say we lack faith. I recently saw on Amazon what seemed like the silliest thing a Bible, aimed at little girls that was very bejewelled and appeared quite wrong (TO ME). But in it's heart is the same truth we hold dear, and not some expose on vacant celebrities one might expect to have such a cover, so too God looks at the heart as we must always attempt too.
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Hey guys...I was really interested in knowing if we will ever get Logos working in full functionality on something other than my windows laptop - not in bashing a company or a nationality.
Who is happy out there with their logos on their tablet please?
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Joshua Lieder said:
Hey guys...I was really interested in knowing if we will ever get Logos working in full functionality on something other than my windows laptop - not in bashing a company or a nationality.
Who is happy out there with their logos on their tablet please?
Hi Joshua; I am happy with Logos on my Android Tablet. Besides the inability to store/move the resources to external memory, I haven't had any major issues with functionality. Here is the specs of my tablets.
Lenovo A1 (decommissioned) - Android 2.2 OS with 16G internal memory.
Samsung Tab 2 7.0 (current) - Android ICS OS with 8G internal memory.
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Joshua Lieder said:
Hey guys...I was really interested in knowing if we will ever get Logos working in full functionality on something other than my windows laptop - not in bashing a company or a nationality.
Who is happy out there with their logos on their tablet please?
Hi Joshua,
Just to be clear, If the question isn't really about problems but whether Logos on iOS/Android devices has all of the features and works exactly like Logos on laptop/desktop computers running Windows or OSX, the answer is a definite no.
Will this be the case in the future? I don't know, but I do know that certain laptops are almost as small as large tablets and are roughly equivalent in price (and some are less than low-end iPad 3's). So, until every Logos Desktop feature works without problems on mobile devices, there are an increasing number of available options to stay small and within budget but still run Logos Desktop. I hope this helps.
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Kevin Byford said:Joshua Lieder said:
Hey guys...I was really interested in knowing if we will ever get Logos working in full functionality on something other than my windows laptop - not in bashing a company or a nationality.
Who is happy out there with their logos on their tablet please?
Hi Joshua,
Just to be clear, If the question isn't really about problems but whether Logos on iOS/Android devices has all of the features and works exactly like Logos on laptop/desktop computers running Windows or OSX, the answer is a definite no.
Will this be the case in the future? I don't know, but I do know that certain laptops are almost as small as large tablets and are roughly equivalent in price (and some are less than low-end iPad 3's). So, until every Logos Desktop feature works without problems on mobile devices, there are an increasing number of available options to stay small and within budget but still run Logos Desktop. I hope this helps.
P.S. Windows 8 Pro Tablet might be the answer...
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Which Nook do you have? How did you load the software on your Nook? Thanks
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Kevin Byford said:
but I do know that certain laptops are almost as small as large tablets and are roughly equivalent in price (and some are less than low-end iPad 3's). So, until every Logos Desktop feature works without problems on mobile devices
HI, Kevin,I would like to see the laptops you have mentioned,and the link as well.
Blessings in Christ.
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I don't think I have had any problems on my Kindle Fire (original version)
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I have two Nook Colors running CM7. Both have Logos app running on them. The only issues has been speed (mentioned above) and a problem being able to download all books for offline reading. I could not get NASB to give me the option to download.