BUG: 4.6a Beta 4 ( WIN - Copy passage incomplete with HDNT (ESV)

Tim Hensler said:
Other combinations of passages also failed to copy/paste the whole selected passage.
Apologies: unable to replicate since copy and paste into Notepad worked: (not have Word installed)
Copy and paste into LibreOffice 3.6 Writer also worked.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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I can reproduce this consistently in 4.6 SR-2 WIN, pasting into either Word or Notepad. (I don't have the 4.6a beta installed.)
Interestingly, if I select the Selection tab in the right side of the menu, it does copy the entire thing. But if I select Reference, like you did, even though it says "John 7:53-8:11" in that tab, it still only copies through John 8:1.
This only seems to be a problem with the right-click menu Copy command. If I do Ctrl+C, it copies and pastes the entire passage.
KS4J, you couldn't reproduce this. Were you using either Ctrl+C or the Selection tab by any chance?
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Rosie Perera said:
KS4J, you couldn't reproduce this. Were you using either Ctrl+C or the Selection tab by any chance?
Highlighted text in Logos 4.6a Beta 4, then used Ctrl + C to Copy.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Ah, that's explains it. Can you reproduce the bug if you use the right-click menu Copy command?
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Rosie Perera said:
Ah, that's explains it. Can you reproduce the bug if you use the right-click menu Copy command?
Using 2008 HDNT ESV, can replicate "Copy John 7:53-8:11" from right click being incomplete:
• [[They went each to his own house, but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.Keep Smilng [:)]
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This should be fixed in 4.6a RC1.
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I don't know which sounds better - that this problem is fixed (Thank you) or that we are about to go RC (Cool)!