Using Dictionary on the Andriod

Jeff Lane
Jeff Lane Member Posts: 15 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Is there an easy way to look words up in my dictionaries on my android?  I seem to have to open the dictionary as a book and hunt for the word.



  • Randy W. Sims
    Randy W. Sims Member Posts: 2,272 ✭✭✭

    Unfortunately, that is all that's available at the moment. The android app is relatively new/young yet. This is one of my most wished for features for android/iOS. Simple *offline* keyword lookup in encyclopedias, dictionaries, and topicals. It should be a relatively easy and non-resource intensive feature to add.

    However, I do understand that they are currently hard at work on other features, such as notes. I have no doubt we will see improvements here in the future. Overall, they are doing an amazing job on these apps.

  • Ronald Quick
    Ronald Quick Member Posts: 2,982 ✭✭✭

    Although not optimal, I highlight the word I want to look up in the dictionary and do a word study.  Usually there is a link to my dictionary that I can open up to that definition.  I would prefer the dictionary to be more like what is on Amazon's Kindle.

  • Randy W. Sims
    Randy W. Sims Member Posts: 2,272 ✭✭✭

    You're right. I was too brief in my reply. For non-bibles this does bring up the prioritized dictionary (COED here). For bible texts it only brings up a few lexicons. Unfortunately, it doesn't yet have the functionality to look up words in your preferred bible dictionaries (eg. EBD, ISBE, AYBD) or topicals.

    This is probably my most wished for feature in the mobile app: offline headword lookup in lexicons, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and  topical indexes. It's always dangerous to say, but this doesn't need to be a complex feature. A full index isn't needed.

    All that's really need is a limited function lookup.

    Need a basic dictionary to convert various word forms and synonyms to headwords.

    The reference resources can be pre-indexed. Downloaded to the device along with the resource when the user chooses to download the resource. The index would then be merged to the master. It would also need to be deleted from the master index when the resource is removed.

    Nothing fancy. Nothing complicated. Just a headword lookup for lexicons, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and topical index as part of the word study and as a separate type-it-in-and-look-it-up guide. No full text. No need to generate indexes on the device.


    This really is my most wished for feature. I'm surprised it's not brought up more. This has come up for me in so many cases, bible studies, casual conversations where I want to look up something topically, but have to wade through it manually. Open up each resource and hunt through them individually. But I do understand that a lot of users have different priorities and I know Logos is hard at work pumping out these features. I'm very grateful for what we have, and I'm looking forward to what's ahead.

  • The Redlines
    The Redlines Member Posts: 34 ✭✭

    I'd like to add another vote for a "define" option in the highlight menu or something quick and easy.