Logos 5 installer link
I am a really poor guy. Is there any way to get a five year payment plan for the Portfolio Collection?
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Call Logos and find out. If sales cannot do it, then talk to someone higher up. Altenatively, you could get a cheaper package, and then upgrade later. The next level will take into consideration what you have already purchased.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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I just wanted to thank the Logos team for doing such a great job and continuing to develop superb products. In addition, I am grateful that logos has done everything that they can to make incremental upgrades to their library attainable for people. I appreciate the multiple steps between the scholar's edition and the portfolio edition, as well as, the flexibility of up to 18 month payment plans. Everyone that I have ever interacted with at Logos has been extremely accommodating and helpful. If you want a quality product, there is a cost in developing it. I am sure many are not aware of the countless hours it takes to go to innovation, requirements, coding, testing and release. I have been a customer for many years and remember very few issues with a purchased product. Having said that, I appreciate and thank Bob and the team for doing such a great job day in and day out. You get what you pay for and in this case, it's quality.
Robert Olen
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Robert Olen said:
I just wanted to thank the Logos team for doing such a great job and continuing to develop superb products. In addition, I am grateful that logos has done everything that they can to make incremental upgrades to their library attainable for people. I appreciate the multiple steps between the scholar's edition and the portfolio edition, as well as, the flexibility of up to 18 month payment plans. Everyone that I have ever interacted with at Logos has been extremely accommodating and helpful. If you want a quality product, there is a cost in developing it. I am sure many are not aware of the countless hours it takes to go to innovation, requirements, coding, testing and release. I have been a customer for many years and remember very few issues with a purchased product. Having said that, I appreciate and thank Bob and the team for doing such a great job day in and day out. You get what you pay for and in this case, it's quality.
Robert Olen
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Jeffrey Visser said:
I know they already know what the pricing and timing will be. Just come out with it so the rest of us can plan.
I'm sorry about the delayed info; the latest is here: http://community.logos.com/forums/t/58259.aspx
-- Bob
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Thank you for your answer Bob,
It is the right thing to pay for a product that costs you money. Where I would do some refining is the area of "ancient" logos users - like myself. I started with Logos way back in 2003. And as time went on I purchased all sorts of individual products here and there, resulting in a large library.
Really, at this point I am only interested in paying for the new software with its new functions. But the lowest price of this - $200 is too much for me. I personally would be willing to pay about $50 to have the new software without any extra books.
Thanks a lot for your hard work. Logos is a blessing in my ministry
Laci Kadar
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I agree wholeheartedly with Laszlo's comments. My so called discounted bill to move into this Logos5 is over $800. I have the Logos4 Gold.
I don't want any more books I can't use. I just want current upgrades as I do buy selectely and have spent a lot of money on Logos when I was using before BibleWorks.
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Laszlo Kadar said:
Really, at this point I am only interested in paying for the new software with its new functions. But the lowest price of this - $200 is too much for me. I personally would be willing to pay about $50 to have the new software without any extra books.
It sounds like what you want is the forthcoming "minimal crossgrade". As the post Bob linked to stated, "we expect it'll be under $100 … we expect it will contain all/most of the unique new data sets".
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I am cutting my investment loss with Logo's and plan to support WordSearch. The can keep the $1.37 from the last scam to suck money from me in the last December credit points non sense.
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Gord Berta said:
I am cutting my investment loss with Logo's and plan to support WordSearch.
Thanks for letting us know...
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Gord Berta said:
I am cutting my investment loss with Logo's
Sorry you are upset. What is your concern? Did you read the post by Bob; http://community.logos.com/forums/t/58259.aspx
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Yes you mean the "The Logos 5 software engine will be available for free download in the future"...
So first Logos needs to scam 'perceived' upgrades according to Logos I need to spend over $300 to upgrade...NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.
WordSearch plays fair, $29 to get the engine from day one on their upgrades, no scam no greed.
Good luck to Logos in their marketing for dollars. I'm not going to play that game.
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Hello Bradley,
I'm on board with the sentiments of Laszlo. I do not want any more books either. I have a pretty extensive library and am quite satisfied with it. I purchased the Scholar's Gold Library in 2009, but have been using Logos for quite a few years when it was known as Libronix. I started using version 2 of the software in the beginning. Now that I upgraded to Logos 4 when it first came it, I only purchase a few books once in a while, when I do see a resource that would be very useful.
I completely understand that the Logos 5 base engine along with the new datasets cannot be given out for free. Logos obviously spent a lot of time and money compiling these datasets and deserves to get paid for their hard work. The Bible does teach us that everyone is worth his hire. I am just hoping that the minimal crossgrade has ALL of the new features:) I will gladly pay the $100 for that.
Thanks for all of the hard work and classy service,
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Well, I did decide to cancel a few orders to free up some money. I really didn't need the older edition of the ISBE because I have the new one in print.
I am not decided whether to update the engine or stay with Logos4. It works for me, so why fix something that works.
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Gord Berta said:
So first Logos needs to scam 'perceived' upgrades according to Logos I need to spend over $300 to upgrade...
Hi Gord,
Firstly, I am sorry that you are upset and disappointed. I mean this respectfully and do not intend to be combative, but either I have misunderstood your post or you have misunderstood the options available to you. If I have misunderstood you, please accept my apologies and, on further clarification, someone will, I am sure, endeavour to assist you.
I am assuming that you are wanting clarification/assistance given that you are posting on the forums.
The first thing to clarify is that Logos is not compelling you to upgrade. I presume, prior to the announced launch of L5, you were using either L4 or L3. You can continue to do so indefinitely. Indeed, L4 is still supported and, I understand, further updates are planned. That is the first part of the good news.
The second thing to clarify is that the updates to the base packages contain additional resources. If the cost of your upgrade is $300, this is because you are purchasing $300 worth of books (in fact, I expect that the value of those books massively exceed the cost of the upgrade). The upgrade is indeed an upgrade. Again, I remind you, you are not required to upgrade. Clearly you do not feel that the cost is worth it to you. It is entirely your decision. L4 is still working and will continue to do so.
The third and final thing to clarify is that Logos have announced that a minimal crossgrade is coming. This will give you access to the functionality of L5, but at a lower cost. Moreover, Logos have also announced that they will make the L5 engine available at no cost (i.e. free). This is the second part of the good news. The free engine will give you access to the raw engine, but you will not be able to access all of the functionality of L5.
I hope this clarification has been helpful. Please do not hesitate to ask if you require further information. There are many users (and employees of Logos) who frequent the forums who will be more than happy to assist.
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Welcome to the forums Dave. [:)]
Dave E Wilson said:Tell that to folks like me that upgraded to Portfolio for $3200 3 months ago mainly because sales said portfolio was not adding any content soon
You assume that sales knew what was happening to base packages 3 months ago. I have no idea if they knew or not… but it would surprise me if they did. Furthermore, the base packages change out content… not only were resources added, but resources were also removed.
Dave E Wilson said:That doesn't seem very Christian to me.
If you are unhappy with your current base package, call logos and ask for a refund. If your desire is to get a new package, make sure you really know what you are going to lose by doing so. [;)]
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
And stop being a baby.... NOBODY that has posted on these forums, saying they are leaving Logos, is leaving. You're simply 'crying' for attention for some perceived injustice.
Nobody has forced you to do anything and nobody has lied to you. If you really were leaving, you wouldn't be crying on the forums.
I'm kinda getting bored reading all the silliness.
In HIS Eternal Service,
Tom Castle
**If we will do God's work, in God's way, at God's time, with God's power, we shall have God's blessings!!**0 -
Be careful how you word stuff.. NO ONE is losing ANYTHING that they already have the license for. So buying new packages will only ADD what you didn't have and leave in your account what you had before..
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Jacques said:
Be careful how you word stuff.. NO ONE is losing ANYTHING that they already have the license for.
You replied to me… did you mean to do that? When I said be careful what you will lose, it was in reference to returning the users L4 base package. [;)]
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
That makes sense. I think when I saw 'lose' I was reminded of that insane 'Upgrade?' thread where so much confusion over the bundles was expressed. Many upset needlessly..
Sorry about that!0 -
No problem Jacques. [:)]
If you were confused by what I wrote, it is possible that others were as well. I am glad to clarify… You are correct that no one loses any resources when they "upgrade" to a new base package. If someone, on the other hand, were to return a base package purchased recently and then to purchase a new one, there would be resources both lost (from the returned package) and gained (in the new one). The post I was responding to was upset because they were told that "new resources were not going to be added to the base package." Technically, that is still true. The base packages that are available for sale currently are brand new ones. The base package that the forum member purchased three months ago is no longer for sale. [;)]
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0