L5 Verbum Capstone vs. L4 Catholic Scholar's
I currently have the scholar's library plus several added resources and wanted to look at how much the discount would be on the additional resources if I upgrade. In the hope of helping others also still considering, I'm sharing what I found so far:
The notable additions that I was able to find, other than the new Logos 5 databases are listed below. Note: not a comprehensive list, in order of $ value on Logos.com:
- Second Temple Period Collection - $800 value
- Gnostic & Apocryphal Studies Collection (10 vols.) - $650
- Hans Urs von Balthasar Collection (16 vols.) - $450
- Library of NT Studies: JSNTS on Paul (17 vols.)- $450
- Studies in New Testament Greek and JSNTS Collection- $396
- JPS Tanakh Commentary Collection (9 Vols.) - $380
- The Papal Encyclicals: 1740–1981 (5 vols.) - $300
- BDAG/HALOT Bundle - $275
- PBI New Testament Studies Collection (11 vols.) - $219
- The Desiderius Erasmus Collection (17 vols.) - $200
- A History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ (5 vols.) - $180
- Liddell and Scott Greek–English Lexicon - $175
- Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI Collection (14 vols.) - $169
- Works of St. Cyril of Alexandria (6 vols.) - $146
- PBI Old Testament Studies Collection (6 vols.) - $140
- Encyclicals of Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI (34 vols.) - $130
- Oxford Movement Historical Theology Collection - $125
- The Works of Thomas à Kempis (7 vols.) - $100
- The Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition Vol. I - Vol. II - $90
- A Handbook to the Exegesis of the New Testament - $50
- The Apostolic Fathers Greek-English Interlinear - $50
I might have missed a few, but the value of the additions above alone are ~$5,475.
I also found that some of the notable exclusions from the Capstone library are the following 'Catholic' labelled resources:
- Any Catholic product currently either on Community Pricing or Pre-Pub.
- Ugaritic Library (12 vols.)
- Theology and Doctrine Collection (16 vols.)
- Collegeville Catholic Reference Library: Full Edition, Version 3
- Modern Catholic Theology Collection (5 vols.)
- Losing the Sacred: Ritual, Modernity and Liturgical Reform
- Augustine Through the Ages: An Encyclopedia
- Medieval Historical Theology Collection (2 vols.)
Thanks very useful. There are at least 2 Pre Pubs
Apostolic Constitutions and Exhortations of John Paul II and Benedict XVI (51 vols.) 49.95
Canon Law Collection (2 vols.) 39.95
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john joyce said:
There are at least 2 Pre Pubs
Well, as it turns out, I missed quite a bit! Here's an updated list:
- $800.00 Second Temple Period Collection
- $650.00 Gnostic & Apocryphal Studies Collection (10 vols.)
- $450.00 Hans Urs von Balthasar Collection (16 vols.)
- $450.00 Library of NT Studies: JSNTS on Paul (17 vols.)
- $400.00 The United Bible Societies' New Testament Handbook Series (20 vols.)
- $400.00 The United Bible Societies' Old Testament Handbook Series (29 vols.)
- $396.00 Studies in New Testament Greek and JSNTS Collection
- $380.00 JPS Tanakh Commentary Collection (9 Vols.)
- $350.00 Biblical Languages: Reference Grammars and Introductions (19 vols.)
- $350.00 The Medieval Preaching and Spirituality Collection (34 vols.)
- $300.00 The Papal Encyclicals: 1740–1981 (5 vols.)
- $300.00 Jewish Law (4 vols.)
- $300.00 The Context of Scripture (3 vols.)
- $275.00 BDAG/HALOT Bundle
- $250.00 The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament in English
- $219.00 PBI New Testament Studies Collection (11 vols.)
- $200.00 The Desiderius Erasmus Collection (17 vols.)
- $180.00 A History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ (5 vols.)
- $180.00 Josephus in Greek: Niese Critical Edition with Apparatus
- $175.00 Liddell and Scott Greek–English Lexicon
- $169.00 Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI Collection (14 vols.)
- $146.00 Works of St. Cyril of Alexandria (6 vols.)
- $140.00 PBI Old Testament Studies Collection (6 vols.)
- $140.00 The Great Commentary of Cornelius à Lapide (8 vols.)
- $130.00 Encyclicals of Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI (34 vols.)
- $130.00 Critical Review of Books in Religion (1988–1998)
- $130.00 The Greek Ecclesiastical Historians of the First Six Centuries of the Christian Era (6 vols.)
- $125.00 Oxford Movement Historical Theology Collection
- $100.00 The Works of Thomas à Kempis (7 vols.)
- $100.00 The Parallel Aligned Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Texts of Jewish Scripture
- $100.00 Old Testament Greek Pseudepigrapha with Morphology
- $100.00 The Works of Philo: Greek Text with Morphology
- $100.00 Dave Armstrong Collection (10 vols.)
- $90.00 The Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition Vol. I: 1Q1-4Q273 - Vol. II: 4Q274-11Q31
- $80.00 Legends of the Jews
- $80.00 Novum Testamentum Graece: Apparatus Criticus (3 vols.)
- $70.00 Introduction to Biblical Greek Collection (3 vols.)
- $66.00 The Nag Hammadi Library in English, 4th rev. ed.
- $65.00 Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research
- $54.00 Catholic Reference Collection (6 vols.)
- $50.00 A Handbook to the Exegesis of the New Testament
- $50.00 The Apostolic Fathers Greek-English Interlinear
- $50.00 Light from the Ancient East
- $50.00 Semeia: An Experimental Journal for Biblical Criticism
- $50.00 Apostolic Constitutions and Exhortations of John Paul II and Benedict XVI (51 vols.)
- $45.00 The Dictionary of Historical Theology
- $45.00 SPCK Old Testament Introduction Collection (3 Vols.)
- $45.00 Kairos: A Beginning Greek Grammar with Workbook and Answer Key (3 vols.)
- $40.00 Canon Law Collection (2 vols.)
- $36.00 A Grammatical Analysis of the Greek New Testament
- $35.00 New Testament Interpretation
- $35.00 Beginning Biblical Hebrew
- $33.00 The Works of Dionysius the Areopagite (2 vols.)
- $26.00 Biblical Hebrew for Beginners
- $25.00 Declaration and Covenant
- $22.00 The Philocalia of Origen
While still not comprehensive, the total of the above now just shy of $10,000! I do appreciate the inclusion of Jewish and OT resources into the Catholic package.0 -
I found that the upgrade pricing from my existing Portfolio package was insanely generous, I do not like the concept of a denominationaly based package but there are some good resources to get here at very good prices, annoyingly good if you had purchased the recent resources at pre pub.
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Don't miss to get an extra 15% off by using the coupon code at http://www.facebook.com/logosforcatholics/posts/513231032020773! I only just found it, or I would have posted it earlier.
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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Thanks fgh. This makes the deal even better. I also found out late night yesterday after reading Andrew's Verbum blog
I'm wondering though if it's possible that one chooses their upgrade resources and expect the same (or at least very similar, 80-90%) discount as the set packages. My wish lists are full with some of the offerings in the Capstone but also other stuff. I will call tonight after work to find out. Either way it's a great deal.
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Note - BDAG is included but HALOT is not (the "Concise" version is, however, as well as BDB and others).
It's a fantastic selection nevertheless. Congrats to Andrew and the team for putting it together.