Samsung Galaxy Tab 2

James Chandler
James Chandler Member Posts: 407 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I have been trying to download some resources to my tablet which has 8g internal memory and a 32g SD card.  After downloading resources I still have about 28g left on the SD card but the tablet continues to tell me I am running out of storage space.  I am wondering if when downloading resources some of the resources are left on the internal memory.

Thanks for you help.


Philippians 2:3Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.



  • I am using a Toshiba Thrive Jim. From my experience, Logos downloads to the tablet, not the card.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • stafyvis
    stafyvis Member Posts: 6 ✭✭

    it is good........

  • Tim Chaffey
    Tim Chaffey Member Posts: 18 ✭✭

    Hi James,
    I just received the same tablet and put in a 32GB card. I noticed the same problem, but I think the tablet will automatically transfer the files to the SD card when you do the following:
    Go to settings/application manager/ Bible  (Logos shows up as Bible) then let it calculate the storage--it might take a minute or two. As it is doing that, I believe it's actually transferring to the card. For example, mine currently shows:

    Total: 319 MB

    Application: 21.64 MB

    Data: 9.32 MB

    SD Card: 288 MB

    It's strange that it does it this way because with my Android phone I had the option to manually do this.

    Now if it would only include a feature to let me see only my downloaded books.

    I hope this helps.

  • Tim Chaffey
    Tim Chaffey Member Posts: 18 ✭✭

    Here's an update to my previous post. It looks like I was wrong. The process I described just keeps things on the internal SD card (8 GB with the Galaxy 2). So I still don't know how to move the apps to the external card like I can do with my phone.
    I see that the app stores offer free downloads of programs designed to allow you to move apps to the SD card, but i haven't found one that will specifically works on the Galaxy Tab 2 for the external card. Hopefully one can be found.

  • Erwin Stull, Sr.
    Erwin Stull, Sr. Member Posts: 2,793 ✭✭✭

    Hi James;

    I currently have the Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 with ICS (no jelly bean update yet).

    I have found it impossible (for me anyway) to move applications and their data to the external SD card. It was possible with Gingerbread on my Lenovo A1. A 16GB of greater model is a good starting point for Android devices using Logos.

    What I have been doing is to periodically empty the downloads folder and also to clear the cache. You can find these instructions online somewhere.

    Also, you may want to move your pictures, mp3's, etc. to the external if you haven't done so already. If you use the Samsung KIES application, you can choose for it to select the external SD card as a priority, but that only works for podcasts, pictures, etc.


  • Tim Chaffey
    Tim Chaffey Member Posts: 18 ✭✭

    After reading up on this some more, it does appear to be impossible w/o rooting the tablet. This is due to the fact that Samsung called the internal memory on the Tab 2 "sdcard." So when an app installs to the "sdcard" it is actually installing on the internal memory. The external sd card (extsdcard) doesn't get used unless you manually add files to it. So as it is currently set up, you cannot put your Logos books on the external memory.
    This is extremely frustrating for me since the main reason I bought the tablet last week was to use Logos, and now I find out that I can't download the number of books that I want to. For now, it seems like the only solution would be for Samsung to provide an update to allow you to use either card, or for Logos to create an option to install on the "extsdcard." Grrr....

  • Erwin Stull, Sr.
    Erwin Stull, Sr. Member Posts: 2,793 ✭✭✭


    I believe this has something to do with Android also, however, I can't confirm right now. As I recall, when I upgraded my Lenovo A1 from Gingerbread to ICS, I lost the ability to move apps to the external SD card. I only use the Lenovo A1 for reference, it had design issues with the external SD cards. I replaced it with the Samsung which does not have enough memory. [:(] I am now in the market for an iPad for increased screen size and clarity (another post). [:)]

    Since you only had your tablet for a week, is it possible to return it for a better tablet with more memory? If I were to get another 7" Android tablet, I would opt for a Nexus 7 and definitely the 16GB model. If you have the option available to you, shop around and look for a model with at least 16GB.


  • Frank Sauer
    Frank Sauer Member Posts: 2,040 ✭✭✭✭

    I don't have the Galaxy Tab 2 but on any of my Android devices either stock or rooted and ICS or Jellybean sdcard works.

    Go to settings > apps > bible and one of the buttons should allow you to move to sdcard or move to phone depending on where it is currently stored.

    Logos 10 - OpenSuse Tumbleweed, Windows 11, Android 16 & Android 14

  • Tim Chaffey
    Tim Chaffey Member Posts: 18 ✭✭

    Hi Frank,

    That option is there with my Android phone, but that is not an option with the Tab 2 running ICS. I sure wish it was available.


  • Tim Engwer
    Tim Engwer Member Posts: 457 ✭✭

    I don't have the Galaxy Tab 2 but on any of my Android devices either stock or rooted and ICS or Jellybean sdcard works.

    Go to settings > apps > bible and one of the buttons should allow you to move to sdcard or move to phone depending on where it is currently stored.


    This does not move the info to the external SD card but it moves it from sytem memory to internal SD card memory.  There are 2 types of memory in the android system.  The apps it seems are installed to system memory (mine is 1 gb).  From there you can use the move to SD button to move them to the internal SD memory.  It does not move them to the external card.  There probably is a way to do this by creating a symbolic link between the internal SD card memory and the external SD card.  I am trying to figure this out but have been unsuccessful so far.  If anyone knows anything about symbolic linking please chime in.

  • Tim Engwer
    Tim Engwer Member Posts: 457 ✭✭

    Better yet - Logos, please make this an option so we can use the app without having to be connected to the internet which is a lot slower than having the resources stored locally!  I would think this would be a priority since it makes the app so much more practical and useful when you have a large library you could use if you could store the resources on an external SD card.

  • Tim Chaffey
    Tim Chaffey Member Posts: 18 ✭✭

    Hi Tim,

    I completely agree with your latest post. The best case scenario would be for Logos to make this available on the app. My tablet has wi-fi but it is not ever going to be connected to cell towers. So the only time I would have access to all my books is if I'm at home or a place with wi-fi access. I would love to be able to download a ton of my resources on to the external card and have the Logos app access the resources from there--even if it is a little slower than the internal memory it will still be faster than downloading everything when I want to use them. I've been very happy with my tablet so far and was excited to use it with the Logos app, but this aspect is quite disappointing.

  • John Ryan
    John Ryan Member Posts: 14 ✭✭

    I am considering getting a tablet and am researching how they interface with Logos5.

    Has anything been updated about this concern with the SGT2?

    I would like to be able to download books to the SD card.  Am wondering whether this is possible.

    Am also considering the Kindle Fire HD.  


  • James Chandler
    James Chandler Member Posts: 407 ✭✭

    I'm not sure I would do it with the SGT2.  It is only an 8G device and fills up rather quickly even with an external SD card.  I can't speak to the Kindle Fire HD.  I'm considering at some point a Windows device but I am unsure of how that would work.

    In Him,


    Philippians 2:3Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.

  • freed_ndeed
    freed_ndeed Member Posts: 20 ✭✭

    John Ryan said:

    I am considering getting a tablet and am researching how they interface with Logos5.

    Has anything been updated about this concern with the SGT2?

    I would like to be able to download books to the SD card.  Am wondering whether this is possible.

    Am also considering the Kindle Fire HD.  


    I own the SGT2 and upgraded it and added a 16GB SD Card.  I also have L5 on it.  Here's the problem with the SGT2--you CANNOT add any DATA onto the SD card.  The only thing you will be able to store on the SD card is photos and you can't just do it without a long and tedious process.  After calling SAMSUNG about four times over a 3-day period, I finally reached a customer service rep who knew how to walk me through step-by-step on how to load my photos onto the card. Don't bother downloading an app that claims to perform the task because they DO NOT work.  I uninstalled it and got a refund on the app.  

    IN CONCLUSION:  Short answer----->>>  DO NOT buy the SGT2 in hopes of downloading ANYTHING to the SD card.  Hopes this helps.  


  • Erwin Stull, Sr.
    Erwin Stull, Sr. Member Posts: 2,793 ✭✭✭


    My personal recommendation is to start with a tablet of 16GB or larger internal memory. I, also own the SGT2 8GB model and cannot load more than about 10-15 Logos resources without getting the low memory message. I previously owned a Lenovo A1 16GB model and had no problem. The issue is, that although I have a 32GB external SD card on my SGT2, I cannot use it for applications or Logos.


  • John Ryan
    John Ryan Member Posts: 14 ✭✭

    Thanks to you all who replied to my question.  

    Not the answer I was hoping for, but you clarified my thinking.  
    That all doesn't make sense to my pea-brain>>  what is extra storage for, then?

    Guess I will think more about the Kindle Fire HD.  Perhaps even 32G.


    Y'all have a blessed Christmas. 

  • (‾◡◝)
    (‾◡◝) Member Posts: 927 ✭✭✭

    FWIW: I have a Galaxy Tab 2 (10.1") with Android 4.04 (Ice Cream Sandwich) and have noticed the same extSDCard problems as described.  Searching through the "Galaxy Tab Forum" I found the following explanation from one of the moderators.  I am not a programmer/developer but this answer sounds credible ...

    [ ]

     About Moving Apps, or not as is the case :sad:

    Apps will not currently transfer to the SD card using the standard software on the 7 plus

    If you install a third-party file explorer, Perhaps it is Astro File Manager, or ES File EXplorer. You find that you can read files from your SD card but you always get an error when you try to do a write operation, whether it's copy or move in, delete, or create a new directory.

    But it works fine if you use the default file explorer. (My Files)

    Turns out Google had for some reason since Honeycomb 3.2 decided to split the write permissions for the internal memory (the path of which is confusingly named /mnt/sdcard) and external SD card memory (the path being /mnt/sdcard/extStorages/SdCard) into WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE respectively.

    Apps to SD

    The sdcard is mounted r/w, but the owning group is media_rw which is linked to the WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE permission.
    Unfortunately, this permission was not required for access to the external sdcard prior to 3.2 so most file management utilities do not request it when they run...
    meaning they only have read access to the card.

    Before Honeycomb 3.2, apps only had to request for the permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and they would have write access to both the internal and external so-called "sdcard" sets of memory.

    Now, apps have to request for WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE if they want to write to the external SD card, but many of them have not yet been updated to do so yet. This affects file managers / explorer / compression utility type apps most often because users would tend to use them to copy / move / zip files within the file system.

    Moving files from Internal memory to SD card
    you can still write to a mounted SD card via your PC,
    using a USB connection to copy files to the SD card or edit any SD-card-stored files

    you just can't do it from the tablet itself.
    That means in an Android file manager utility like ES File Explorer, you'll be able to browse through the SD card and access its files,
    but if you try to copy files to the SD card or edit any SD-card-stored files, you'll find those options to be grayed out and unavailable.

    As for Ice Cream Sandwich, latest reports are that, yes, they are going to continue with this separate permission model.
    Hopefully in the future, more apps would have been amended to include the necessary permission/security settings.


    Instead of Artificial Intelligence, I prefer to continue to rely on Divine Intelligence instructing my Natural Dullness (Ps 32:8, John 16:13a)

  • Jacey Carter
    Jacey Carter Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

    You have to shift your all apps and items from internal memory to external. Because by default all downloaded items saved in internal memory.

  • Tim Chaffey
    Tim Chaffey Member Posts: 18 ✭✭

    As mentioned in the thread above, that can't be done with the Tab 2. It's just a terrible programming feature in an otherwise great tablet. Unfortunately, it severely limits the Logos app on that device, which really stinks since that is the main reason I bought the tablet in the first place.


  • Henry Finkle
    Henry Finkle Member Posts: 121 ✭✭

    As mentioned in the thread above, that can't be done with the Tab 2. It's just a terrible programming feature in an otherwise great tablet. Unfortunately, it severely limits the Logos app on that device, which really stinks since that is the main reason I bought the tablet in the first place.


    Unless Logos programs the ability for us to choose our storage location.


    I haven't been using the logos app anymore because I can't download most of my resources for offline use on my android tablet.

    Instead I have been using two other Bible apps that does provide the ability for me to choose the external sdcard as storage for my resources.