Nexus 7 Help!!!

Aaron Carr
Aaron Carr Member Posts: 3 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

OK, I hate for my first post to be a negative one...  I have been using Logos for over a year and recently upgraded to Logos 5 Silver.  In addition I've spent thousands on my library.  I absolutely love Logos... but...

I just purchase a Google Nexus 7 32 gb for the purpose of reading the books I own through Logos.

Some background...

1. I am fairly inexeperienced with Android (I don't even own a cell phone)

2.  Most of my use will be off-line (reading in places where I don't have wireless)

3.  About once a week, I spend time at my parents house with wireless and hope to update my library and download books from my library.

4. I'm not all that concerned about other features of the Logos apps

5. I downloaded the new Bible, and Vyrso apps and logged on to both accounts


When my library shows up in both vyrso and logos,  only about 100-150 of my books show up.  Many of the books are parts of a collection even though the whole collection doesn't show up (ie about 10 books from the NIC and 5 from the Baker Exegetical).


Of the books that do show up, only a few load and have the download icons in the info, and of those, I have been unsuccessful in downloading them.

Most imposrtantly, I want access to the ESV offline.

I've even uninstalled and reinstalled several times and spent over 5 hours trying different things yesterday to no avail.

Please help.  If I can't resolve these problems, there is no purpose in me keeping the Nexus.



  • LaRosa Johnson
    LaRosa Johnson Member Posts: 603 ✭✭


    Sorry to hear about your frustrations with the Logos app on Android. From what you've described, it sounds like your library has not fully synced with your Nexus 7 device (which prevents you from being able to download books, etc.). Try letting the Logos app sit open for a few minutes and let your library fully sync & download from the server, which would then allow you to view all of your books that are available for mobile devices. Once this is done, you should be able to then start downloading your books for offline use.

    I've experienced this issue a couple of times on my Android phone, and it was always resolved once I gave the app time to fully sync the library.

    Urban Scholar - 
    Christ-centered Hip-Hop -

  • Aaron Carr
    Aaron Carr Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Thanks.  I'll give it a try next time I am able to set aside a few hours.

  • David Pickren
    David Pickren Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    I have a Nexus 7 16gb.

    I cannot download several books on it using the Logos app.  Interesting thing is, I CAN download most of them with Vyrso. (I have no idea why these two apps do not share the same downloaded books.)

    On my Acer Iconia, I have several of these books already downloaded.  I don't understand what is going on here.

    I di the Clear Cache, Clear Data, Uninstall, and Reinstall.  That actually appears to have made it worse.

  • Gabe Martin
    Gabe Martin Member, Logos Employee Posts: 264


    After you finish installing and signing into the app for the first time please give it some time to finish updating your library.

    After initial sign in the app is very busy downloading the initial online content to show in the read pane, downloading your favorites, notes, highlights, last read positions, etc, and downloading your library contents.

    I suspect what is happening here is that you lose your internet connection or a request is timing out resulting in the library update not completing successfully.

    The app will eventually trigger the library update again but until it does some of your books might not show up as being available for download. This is a known issue and dev is working on ways to make sure your library contents are up to date and accurate.

  • Aaron Carr
    Aaron Carr Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

    The good news... Most of my books now show up when online.

    The OK news... I've been able to download many books.

    The bad news... My download success rate is only about 50%. Many times it tries to download for a few minutes and then fails.  Vyrso has a higher success rate.

    The horrible news... I have had ZERO success in downloading a Bible (the most important thing to have offline).  The logos app doesn't even have a download button for the ESV which is what I need.  The vyrso app shows the download button and will start to download but always fails to complete the download. 

    Why can't I download a bible?  This seems like a common problem for other android users.  Can somebody from LOGOS fill us in on what's going on.  If I knew the ESV wasn't capable of being downloaded for offline use, I would have never purchased the Nexus.

  • Pastor Alex Sands
    Pastor Alex Sands Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

    The good news... Most of my books now show up when online.

    The OK news... I've been able to download many books.

    The bad news... My download success rate is only about 50%. Many times it tries to download for a few minutes and then fails.  Vyrso has a higher success rate.

    The horrible news... I have had ZERO success in downloading a Bible (the most important thing to have offline).  The logos app doesn't even have a download button for the ESV which is what I need.  The vyrso app shows the download button and will start to download but always fails to complete the download. 

    Why can't I download a bible?  This seems like a common problem for other android users.  Can somebody from LOGOS fill us in on what's going on.  If I knew the ESV wasn't capable of being downloaded for offline use, I would have never purchased the Nexus.

    Aaron I have had the exact same experience. I also own a Nexus 7 and have never been able to download esv or nkjv or several other bibles regardless of how long I allow the logos app to remain running. But I have had success with the faithlife app. I have been able to download all of the resources I wanted plus my highlights. Maybe that will work for you too. 


  • Gabe Martin
    Gabe Martin Member Posts: 22 ✭✭

    If your device losses its internet connection before the initial library update finishes it can result in some books not being available for offline use when they should be. Unfortunately this will not correct itself over time and will require an update to the app to fix.

    We'll be releasing a public beta this week that corrects the issue and it will be available through both Amazon Appstore and Google Play late next week.

    Very sorry for the inconvenience!

  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 32 ✭✭

    I have a Nexus 7 and have never had trouble with downloading books from the library including the books you quote.

  • Anton Peters
    Anton Peters Member Posts: 13 ✭✭

    I have the same problem on my Nexus 7, too. No option to download ESV or many other (prefered) bibles. The beta release fixed that for me! [:D]

    Thanks for the tip!

    Best regards,