Please add "Open Resource" or "Current Resource" option to Search Panel

Please Logos, there really needs to be a way search just the currently open resource in the iPhone/iPad app. I know that local (offline) searching is not likely, but having a way to select "Open Resource" (similar to "Recent Resources") that searches only the resource I have open would be a great solution. It would still be server-based searching, but would be a special option to limit it to the currently open book. This would be similar to the "All Open Resources" option in Logos 5, except it would only ever apply to one book (the one I am currently reading).
Why do I need this? It has been asked for before, I think, but I plead for it again because I was in a situation where I was trying to find some text in a book on my iPad and, because there was no way to choose to search only the open book, I wasted so much time trying to find it. It was near bed time and I did not have my Mac on, nor was I near it. I did not want to turn it on and fire up Logos 5, so I tried to use the "Recent Resources" option in the search, but that brought up way to many other books I was not interested in. Fortunately, the book wasn't big, so I just started flipping through it until I stumbled upon the portion of text I was looking at. However, by the time I had done all this, I guess I may as well have fired up my Mac and opened the desktop version. But doing that is silly because I already had the iPad open. And it wouldn't help me if I was actually mobile, on the road, away from desktop access. I've wanted to search for stuff while at church and have not been able to. I have to wait until I get home to do the search because I have no way to narrow it down properly.
Please, please add this option. I would think that searching a currently open book on the mobile app would be a basic service you would want to offer your users.
You can search your open resource. Go to the search pane on the iPad, scroll down beyond your collections in the place where it says entire library, you should see an abbreviation for the book. If you are not sure what the abbreviation tap in the middle of the resource and you will see at the top the abbreviation for the book.
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Wow. Thank-you! I did not know that. I guess I never saw it as it was all the way at the bottom. The last time I brought this up in the forum that wasn't mentioned.
This is great. Thanks, alot.
One thing, though, I don't understand how you see the resource abbreviation. When I have it open and tap in the middle, the top shows the full resource name, not the abbreviation.
Thanks again.
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If you split the screen and move the grey semi circle over, as you "squeeze" the heading, the abbreviation appears.
"For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power"
Wiki Table of Contents
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Actually, it turns out this doesn't work consistently because not every book ends up at the bottom of the collection list. I opened one book I hadn't open in a while (Dictionary of Bible Themes) and it showed up right away. I opened some other books on Greek Grammar and they did not show up in the list. I tried some others and they didn't show up either. The list of books remained the same.
Why would this be? Unless the most recent book shows up there consistently, this feature doesn't really work.
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I experienced the same hassles as Christopher while reading offline last night. I'd expected to find the current open resource on the quick search pane to the left of my app window. Failing that, I found the main search window, but it didn't consistently include the current resource. I don't expect tablet searching to be anything close to desktop options, but Christopher's request seems sensible.
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Andrew Malone said:
I experienced the same hassles as Christopher while reading offline last night. I'd expected to find the current open resource on the quick search pane to the left of my app window. Failing that, I found the main search window, but it didn't consistently include the current resource. I don't expect tablet searching to be anything close to desktop options, but Christopher's request seems sensible.
I reported this as a bug, and it was acknowledged by the developers. No fix yet. Hoping for another beta soon.
MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540
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It has to sync, which occasionally takes time. It is less than perfect. On the iPad you can do a four finger upswipe and press on the app and kill it. Then close the lower window and start the Logos app again and it will sync and your resource will then show up for searching. Yes, less than ideal.Christopher Davis said:Why would this be? Unless the most recent book shows up there consistently, this feature doesn't really work.
"For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power"
Wiki Table of Contents
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That acknowledgement is good to hear. I look forward to a fix. Thanks.
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Thanks for the suggestion. This is a temporary workaround this bug, for now, I guess. But I look forward to a fix that has it show up right away once the resource opens.
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I add my vote for an easier way to search the currently active book/resource. There are too many steps to just do a quick search of whatever you are currently reading.