Please fix highlight syncing

Jeff Miles
Jeff Miles Member Posts: 59 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Highlight syncing used to work correctly, but it doesn't anymore. It's full of bugs now. Crying

If I highlight on my tablet using my own custom highlighting style, it will not show up on the tablet--ever.

The highlighting will sync and show up on the PC, if and only if the highlighting was done on the tablet when Wifi is on. If the tablet was off-line when the highlighting was done, it never syncs back to the PC even after the tablet is back online.

If I highlight on the tablet using a standard highlighting style, it will show on the tablet. But the syncing problem described above persists.

If I highlight on the PC using my own custom highlighting style, it will sync and show up on the tablet, as it should.

All of these problems have shown up since the last Android update and Logos 5 upgrade.




  • Jeff Miles
    Jeff Miles Member Posts: 59 ✭✭

    Thank you! It is fixed. [:)]

  • Emmanuel Reinbold
    Emmanuel Reinbold Member Posts: 10 ✭✭

    I am still having problems...  my iphone is sycing fine, but my andriod tablet (that I preach from) is not syncing at all...

  • SWSovereign
    SWSovereign Member Posts: 51 ✭✭

    The problem that I'm having is that the highlights are synced and are present on my Android (Logos 2.2.7 and all previous versions) but they just aren't displayed.  If I tap a passage that I know is highlighted, I am presented with an option to "Edit Highlight", and if I then go into the editing dialog, all of the highlighting (color, etc.) options I used show up, but they just aren't displayed in the Bible.

    I've done quite a bit of experimenting, and NONE of the standard desktop highlights show up on my Android.  The problem seems to be is that the "Background" attribute doesn't display.  All the other highlighting attributes (i.e. "Borders & Lines", "Text Effects", etc.) do display.  The problem is that most highlighting only uses a "Background" and none of the others. 

  • DominicM
    DominicM Member Posts: 2,995 ✭✭✭

    Hi Scott what device do you have, I am using 2.2.7 on my Galaxy Note and my custom higlights are working fine?

    Are you using a solid color for your background? as especially in low light mode the others are innefective

    Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have

  • Randy Lane
    Randy Lane Member Posts: 490 ✭✭

    I have a Galaxy Note (version 1, USA AT&T - Android 4.0 ICS).

    I find mark-ups don't sync with a high degreee of reliability over the 4G or 4G-LTE connection. If I've been reading and marking up a book without a WiFi connection, I often have to open the App and the specific book again when a WiFi connection becomes available in order for teh mark-ups to get loaded to


  • DominicM
    DominicM Member Posts: 2,995 ✭✭✭

    yes that is normal, we have asked for a sync now for android but at present restarting app is only reliable way

    Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have

  • SWSovereign
    SWSovereign Member Posts: 51 ✭✭

    DominicM, I've got two devices, a Samsung Galaxy Tab 7" 2.0 tablet and a Samsung Galaxy Nexus phone, and I have the same exact problem on both of them.

  • SWSovereign
    SWSovereign Member Posts: 51 ✭✭

    DominicM, also on the colors, I've run a test using every single color in the standard highlighting palette and none of them are displayed.

  • DominicM
    DominicM Member Posts: 2,995 ✭✭✭

    Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have

  • SWSovereign
    SWSovereign Member Posts: 51 ✭✭

    DominicM, thanks for sharing the post about low light conditions, but that's not the problem I'm having.  Colors are displaying perfectly for me for borders and lines, fonts, etc.  It's only with the "background" that colors don't display.  And again, the highlighting information IS synced and present on my Android, it just doesn't display.  So considering that colors display perfectly for everything except the "background" attribute (of the various things that can be configured for highlighting), I can only conclude that it has to be something like a bug in the software or a setting that I'm not aware of.

  • David Schwegler (Faithlife)
    David Schwegler (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 423

    The problem that I'm having is that the highlights are synced and are present on my Android (Logos 2.2.7 and all previous versions) but they just aren't displayed.  If I tap a passage that I know is highlighted, I am presented with an option to "Edit Highlight", and if I then go into the editing dialog, all of the highlighting (color, etc.) options I used show up, but they just aren't displayed in the Bible.

    I've done quite a bit of experimenting, and NONE of the standard desktop highlights show up on my Android.  The problem seems to be is that the "Background" attribute doesn't display.  All the other highlighting attributes (i.e. "Borders & Lines", "Text Effects", etc.) do display.  The problem is that most highlighting only uses a "Background" and none of the others. 

    If I understand you correctly, you have a custom highlight style with a 'background' attribute selected, which you have created on the desktop. 

    First, are you running Cyanogenmod or any other custom rom? There are known issues with Cyanogenmod not rendering highlights correctly.

    Second, does your custom style render correctly in the Highlighting dialog (i.e. it shows the name of the style with the desired background color)?

    Lastly, can you reproduce the problem using a built-in background color highlight using the following instructions:

    1. Select text that you haven't tried to highlight before
    2. Click "Highlight"
    3. Under "All Styles" click "Solid Colors"
    4. Scroll down to the bottom of the list and click "Red"
    5. Click "Done"
    6. Wait a few seconds while the highlights are saved and reloaded.
    7. Does the red background highlight show up?
  • SWSovereign
    SWSovereign Member Posts: 51 ✭✭

    Q. If I understand you correctly, you have a custom highlight style with a 'background' attribute selected, which you have created on the desktop. 

    A. This is true for any highlighting style, whether custom or standard.


    Q. First, are you running Cyanogenmod or any other custom rom?

    A. Yes, I am running CM 10 on my Verizon Galaxy Nexus phone and CM 9 on my Samsung Galaxy Tab 2.0 tablet.  Interestingly, the highlights have started showing up on my phone (CM 9) with the recent Logos Android builds.  They still don't show up on my tablet (CM 10).  My tablet does display other highlighting colors correctly (i.e. text color), but just not anything with the "background" attribute.


    Q. Second, does your custom style render correctly in the Highlighting dialog?

    A. Yes, the dialog shows that the highlights are properly synced and do display in the dialog, just not in the text itself.


    Q.  Lastly, can you reproduce the problem using a built-in background color highlight...

    A. Yes, the Red "Solid Color" highlighting that I created on my Android tablet does NOT display on my tablet, but (after syncing) DOES display on my desktop computer.

  • SWSovereign
    SWSovereign Member Posts: 51 ✭✭

    David Schwegler, also on the same tablet where highlighting does not display in Logos, highlighting DOES appear just fine in other applications.  For instance, in OfficeSuite Pro (a Microsoft Office file reader/editor), highlighted text shows up.

  • Pete Killingley
    Pete Killingley Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Hi, can I add my name to this list of people it doesn't work for?


    I have Logos 4 and also the latest Android app on my Nexus 7.  Any highlights I add on my computer (my own highlighting palette) NEVER show up on my Android tablet (although they work fine on my iPhone app).


    Would be great to see a fix for this!!

  • sdimple
    sdimple Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

    ok that's good .

  • TJ89
    TJ89 Member Posts: 17 ✭✭

    i have a similar problem on my galaxy note- highlights don't show up in low light but do in normal light background. the hlighlight I use is a simple black underlining


    hope this can be fixed!

  • David Schwegler (Faithlife)
    David Schwegler (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 423

    Q. First, are you running Cyanogenmod or any other custom rom?

    A. Yes, I am running CM 10 on my Verizon Galaxy Nexus phone and CM 9 on my Samsung Galaxy Tab 2.0 tablet.  Interestingly, the highlights have started showing up on my phone (CM 9) with the recent Logos Android builds.  They still don't show up on my tablet (CM 10).  My tablet does display other highlighting colors correctly (i.e. text color), but just not anything with the "background" attribute.

    Hi Scott,

    Thanks for the reply.

    Unfortunately, there is a known problem with CyanogenMod not showing the background fill colors in normal mode. As DominicM mentioned, changing our app's mode to low-light mode (Settings->Color Scheme->Low Light) seems to make them at least show up.

  • David Schwegler (Faithlife)
    David Schwegler (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 423

    If anyone else has issues with Highlights on CyanogenMod, please post which version of CyanogenMod they are running.

  • Pete Killingley
    Pete Killingley Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Hi David - just to clarify, my highlighting problems have nothing to do with Cyanogenmod (which I'd never heard of before!).  I just have a standard unmodified Android tablet running JellyBean 4.2.  The highlights that were in my highlighting file when I first installed Logos a few months back appear on the tablet, but nothing that I have added since then appears!




  • SWSovereign
    SWSovereign Member Posts: 51 ✭✭

    Dave Schwegler-

    As I mentioned, highlighting was working on my Galaxy Nexus with CM10 but wasn't on my Galaxy Tab 2..0 7" with CM9.

    I've now upgraded my tablet to run CM10 from CM9 and the highlights show up!

    So, it appears that highlighting works with CM10 but not CM9 (at least on my devices).