Library on Kindle Fire
I have Logos 4, but recently when I've gone to access my digital library on my Kindle Fire only different Bibles appear. Why does the rest of my digital library no longer appear on my Kindle Fire?
Also having problems...I just downloaded the app for Kindle and can't even find the tab to access the library It just opens to my preferred bible translation and that is all I can access.
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I don't have an answer as to why you only have Bibles on your Kindle. Maybe someone will have someone else will have a few ideas.
I have the original Kindle Fire and can access all my books.
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Joshua Moffit said:
I have Logos 4, but recently when I've gone to access my digital library on my Kindle Fire only different Bibles appear. Why does the rest of my digital library no longer appear on my Kindle Fire?
Do your resources still appear in Logos 4? Which app/version are you using ("Bible", "Vyrso", etc)?
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Jesse B Knapp said:
Also having problems...I just downloaded the app for Kindle and can't even find the tab to access the library It just opens to my preferred bible translation and that is all I can access.
In the top left-hand corner of the reading view, there is a gray tab icon. Tap it, and it will open a side panel with your library, along with search, etc.
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Yes, my complete library resources still appear on Logos 4 on my computer. However, on my Kindle Fire only the various version of the Bible in my library appear. None of my commentaries, historical works, etc. appear on my Kindle App (I used to have access to all of these but for some reason they have disappeared). I downloaded the Logos 4 Bible App through the Amazon App store when the Kindle Fire first came out a year ago.
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Does this have anything to do with me not upgrading to the Logos 5???
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Joshua Moffit said:
Does this have anything to do with me not upgrading to the Logos 5???
No - L4 / L5 shouldn't be affecting this in any way.
But which Bibles and other resources are you seeing? I'm wondering if you are no longer logged into your account on the KIndle and just seeing the free books which are available with the app
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44 Bible versions appear including English Translations, Greek, Latin, etc. How would I find out if I am still logged in? When I open the App it automatically opens to whatever I last had open on Logos.
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When I open the App it just says "signing in" and opens automatically. It won't allow me to stop at the "sign in" page. So I assume it is signing me into my Logos account still.
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Also, don't know if this helps but - when I'm offline only 11 versions of the Bible appear which I had previously downloaded. However, these do not include the BHS & UBS which I had downloaded onto my Kindle before my library disappeared.
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I think you may be right as I changed my password for my Logos Account and yet when I open my Logos App on the Kindle Fire it still opens automatically after the "signing in" message. Therefore, I don't think it is linking with my account since it didn't ask me to enter a new password. However, I cannot get the app to stop at the "sign in" page. It just gives the message of "signing in" and then automatically opens to whatever page I last had open on the Logos App. How can I "log in" if this is the case?
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Should I just delete the app and redownload it?
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Joshua Moffit said:
I think you may be right as I changed my password for my Logos Account and yet when I open my Logos App on the Kindle Fire it still opens automatically after the "signing in" message. Therefore, I don't think it is linking with my account since it didn't ask me to enter a new password. However, I cannot get the app to stop at the "sign in" page. It just gives the message of "signing in" and then automatically opens to whatever page I last had open on the Logos App. How can I "log in" if this is the case?
Yes, this is what I think is happening. There was a problem some time ago where changing passwords caused similar problems.
I think the best thing to do is to delete the app and start again.
Going into settings ->applications ->manage applications -> Bible and selecting the "clear cache"option might do it - and could be worth trying first.
Hope you get this working
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selecting the "clear cache" option didn't work. I'll try deleting the app and installing it again and see what happens. Thanks for the help so far. I'll let you know if the reinstall works.
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The uninstall and reinstall of my Logos App on the Kindle did not work. I was able to get to the "sign in" page and sign into my account with my new password, but when I got into the app it still only shows 44 Bible versions in my Library. The rest of my library is still missing in Logos/Kindle cyberspace. Any other ideas???
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I have 3029 resources in my Logos Library! This is sad that I can only access 44 on my kindle because I do the vast majority of my reading on my Kindle, not on my computer. tear
Should I just call Logos customer service as my next step?
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Hi Joshua
Calling Logos Customer Service sounds like a good idea!