Notes not syncing

Adam Spencer
Adam Spencer Member Posts: 40 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I've had a problem with my notes syncing between my computer and ipad.  I pressed the sync button on my computer before I shut it down, but when I go to my ipad, the notes aren't there.  I've tried shutting the app down, and restarting the ipad.  I can get it to go from ipad to computer but not the other way around.  I lost notes a couple weeks ago somewhere because it wouldn't sync.   I figured they would show up eventually, but they haven't.  Possibly related, the daily reader loading wheel just keeps spinning.  I see in the forum that others are having trouble with that. I don't have a reading plan going, is there a way to turn that off?



  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,521

    I don't have a reading plan going, is there a way to turn that off?

    No. It looks like you are running into the trouble that several others are as well.

    If you don't need the specialized Logos features, but are merely reading and taking notes, I would suggest you try the Vyrso app and see if you can get the notes to sync that way.

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  • Adam Spencer
    Adam Spencer Member Posts: 40 ✭✭

    They still didn't sync, but thanks anyway.  In future, if I read and take notes in vyros, does it sync with logos?  Sorry, I don't know anything about vyros.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,521

    if I read and take notes in vyros, does it sync with logos?

    It should, yes.

    I don't know anything about vyros.

    Vyrso is the name of the "Christian trade book" store by Logos. Typically, the books in the Vyrso store are the same kinds that you would find in your local "christian" book store… everything from "Amish romance novels" to "Christian Living" and "Discipleship." These books do work in Logos (on both desktop and mobile). The Vyrso mobile app uses the same base engine as the Logos app… but the "bible study" features are taken out (i.e. word studies, passage guide, etc.). You can still highlight & take notes.

    I forgot to ask you: What version of Logos are you running? Is it Mac or PC? What version of the mobile app?

    Welcome to the forums, by the way. [:)]


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  • Adam Spencer
    Adam Spencer Member Posts: 40 ✭✭

    Logos version 4 on PC (I'm not at home to check the specific version, but it's set to update automatically, and seems to often), and the latest version of the app, or at least if I check for an update it says up to date.  I've been using the app for months with no problem, but all of a sudden a couple of weeks ago it started being sketchy.  I'm bi-vocational and do a lot of mindless commentary reading when I have down time at work.  It's frustrating when the sync doesn't work as it should.  Thanks for the help.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,521

    Logos version 4 on PC (I'm not at home to check the specific version, but it's set to update automatically, and seems to often)

    You are probably OK then… but you should check and make sure its up to date. I forget what version 4.x is up to… I think 4.6 SR (something or another).

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  • Adam Spencer
    Adam Spencer Member Posts: 40 ✭✭

    I have notes stuck on my ipad.  Any idea if I reinstall the app, will I lose those notes?  I'd really like to get them over to my PC, because it's easier for me to write a sermon from there.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,521

    I have notes stuck on my ipad.  Any idea if I reinstall the app, will I lose those notes?

    If the notes truly are "stuck" (i.e. not syncing), then yes, you will lose them when you delete the app. Let me review our posts and see if there is anything else to try.

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  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,521

    Adam - I am not positive that you have the same issue that others are experiencing, but I believe that you probably do. Logos has said that a fix is in the works for the next version, which will require iOS 5. It is possible that updating to the next version will fix the solution… it is also possible that you will have to delete the app and reinstall anyway.

    In looking over the previous posts, it looks like you have already done two of my suggestions: to kill the app via the multi-task bar and restart the device. Reinstalling the app does fix many issues, but you would certainly lose your notes if they have not synced. 

    The only thing else I can think of… How familiar are you with note management in BOTH L4 & the mobile app? Are you familiar with the differences in how L4 & the mobile app manage notes by default? Are you sending notes to user created note files or are you sending notes to the default folders?

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  • Adam Spencer
    Adam Spencer Member Posts: 40 ✭✭

    User created note files.  I don't know the specific differences in note management.  I know sometimes if I'm not paying attention with the app, I'll send notes intended for a specific book to a generic highlighter folder.  Is that what you mean? 

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,521

    It sounds like you know what you are doing… which is a good thing [:)] (but probably rules out any more help on my part [:S])

    What I was trying to get at: It is possible for people who don't know about note management to be sending notes into folders they are unaware of. On the desktop side, note files can be turned on and off visually one by one. Since this isn't true on mobile (you can turn off ALL note files, but not individual ones), it is possible to have the desktop app appear not to be syncing if the note file is turned off in the visual filter menu. I assume you have checked this out, and have also opened up the actual note file(s) (rather than just looking at the resource) to confirm that they are not syncing. Is that true?

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  • Adam Spencer
    Adam Spencer Member Posts: 40 ✭✭

    Yep.  It's just not syncing.  I'll come up with a work around until the update.  Thanks for all of your help.  I'm sure you had better things to do with your day, but I much appreciate your time.  So we can expect this new update... 

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,521

    So we can expect this new update... 

    Logos was working on a beta before Christmas… I downloaded it, but a problem was discovered and it was pulled. Logos is skipping that release, and just released 3.2.0 Beta 1 yesterday. It would be very unusual for this to go live before two weeks… I am not sure how many betas it will go through… then it has to be submitted and approved by Apple.

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  • Dustin Masters (Work)
    Dustin Masters (Work) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 217

    Hi Adam,

    Would you please try to force close the app (open the multitasking bar, hold the icon until it wiggles, and press the red minus) and open it again to restart the app?  This can sometimes fix issues with sync.


    Software Dev at Logos.  How to post your logs: (Windows) (Mac)

  • Adam Spencer
    Adam Spencer Member Posts: 40 ✭✭

    Sorry, just now saw this.  I have tried that.  It doesn't usually work.  I say usually because I have tried what you suggested, doing a "soft" shut down of the ipad, and turning the ipad off.  And doing all three at times.  At one point I got the notes to sync.  Then at others none of that worked.  Then out of the blue the notes synced.  Sorry that's not much help for the programmers.

  • Dustin Masters (Work)
    Dustin Masters (Work) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 217


    I found a bug related to your problem and fixed it.  The fix should ship soon.  In the meantime, here's what you can do to workaround this issue:

    1. Force close the app.
    2. Open the app.  Leave it open for about 30 seconds.
    3. Visit, select the note document, click Actions, and click "Duplicate".
    4. The notes document should sync to your device if you close and open the app.  If it doesn't, you will need to wait for an app update to sync your notes changes.
    5. If you can see the document in the documents pane on the app, it has synced successfully.  Notes you take in this new document should sync just fine.  If all your existing notes are in this new document, delete the old note document from the app.

    Please let us know if this resolves your issue.

    Software Dev at Logos.  How to post your logs: (Windows) (Mac)

  • Adam Spencer
    Adam Spencer Member Posts: 40 ✭✭

    That worked to sync it from my PC to ipad, but not from ipad to PC.  It also added a duplicate copy to my PC.