Microsoft Surface

I'm considering buying the new Microsoft Surface. Is there a Logos app available for this tablet? And is it as good as the mobile app for Apple products?
A mobile app just recently appeared in the Microsoft App store. It is VERY basic right now. I haven't had much of a chance to test drive it yet, but currently it looks like it is just a basic ONLINE ONLY reader (think Biblia as an app - without anything more than a basic search).
Lenovo TS130 Xeon E3-1245V2 | 20GB | 256 GB SSD (OS and Logos) | 3TB WD Red | Windows 10 Pro x64
L4 & L5 Platinum, L6 Gold, L5 Reformed Gold, L6 Reformed Bronze, L7 Lutheran Silver, L7 Reformed Starter, L7 Full Feature Set
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Yes, the current version is very basic but we are working hard to match the functionality provided by the Logos Bible app on the iOS and Android platforms. Expect updates every few weeks.
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Question for Logos: I noticed in the Windows App Store that the supported processors are only x86 and x64 for the Logos Bible App. Is there a plan to support ARM Processors like that in the Surface in the near future? I expect to see great updates in the near future but it would be a shame if I was unable to run the app on a tablet like the Microsoft Surface.
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Yes we will support ARM devices, we're actully woking on it right now.
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Glad to hear it. I can't wait to get my Surface - a device that will be much more exciting when Logos is available on Windows RT.
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I am thankful for your Windows RT support. I purchased a surface on Friday after seeing your Win 8 app in the store. I was rather unhappy after my purchase when I realized the current Logos app only supports x86 and x64. I started using on my surface for normal bible reading, but text sizing and layout were bad on the touch interface so I had to resort to the youversion app.
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same here ... bummed there isn't a windows rt version out there. thrilled that its in the store, but want it badly on surface. looking very forward to it
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Scott Alexander (Logos) said:
Yes we will support ARM devices, we're actully woking on it right now.
Thank you for bringing Logos to another platform. This is very exciting news!
Is there an ETA for the ARM version? I'm trying to decide if I want to wait for the Pro tablet or get the RT. Logos working on it is a big factor. I can wait for a Q1 release, but if it is still 12 months out, I have some tough decisions to make.
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I am fairly sure Logos will attempt to get it out as quick as they can. One thing to remember, all features available in the iOS version are not yet available in the Android version and I would guess it will take a while for the Surface RT version to catch up to both. I do think Within a short period of time (months, maybe a year) all 3 could be virtually at parity, but the nature of it is even though code is shared it needs to be tweaked and made to run properly on each platform, the one bonus of the surface is it may be easier to implement since there is only one device to get it working properly on. I hope you enjoy the surface if you get it, personally of the 7 or 8 reviews I have read so far haven't seen one overly positive one yet...
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Dan said:
Is there an ETA for the ARM version? I'm trying to decide if I want to wait for the Pro tablet or get the RT.
Good news, we have the current version of the Bible app working on a Surface RT as of this morning! It should be in the store within the next week or so (I will post here when it is published). Keep in mind that the Windows Store version of the Bible app is early in development so the feature set is very limited, especially if you're used the iOS or Android versions. We'll be shipping updates every three weeks or so with the goal of eventually achieving parity with the other platforms.
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This app needs quite a bit of love to get it to the level of iOS/Android. Remember, this is also the "native" app for Windows 8 now as well, and the tile doesn't even list the Bible verse of the day! So much room to expand, but, here's a short wish list:
- If Logos for Desktop is installed, use it's search index (perhaps have Logos for Desktop expose an API to Logos Bible).
- If Logos for Desktop is installed, use downloaded resources rather than steaming.
- Show recent references with the library list, so you know where you'll be opening to.
- Allow some way to interact and copy/select/share a verse reference (ideally with the share charm).
- If Logos for Desktop isn't installed, allow resources to be downloaded to the device.
- Allow light/sepia/dark options, along with font size changes.
- Reopen the app to the last reference.
- Cache resources for the last reference point loads instantly.
- Bible in one year support
- Provide a way to search through available titles by word, or to filter by category.
- Highlight support.
Here's hoping
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Robin Monks said:
Remember, this is also the
"native" app for Windows 8 now as well, and the tile doesn't even
list the Bible verse of the day!Thank you for your suggestions. An important distinction to make is that the
Logos Bible Windows Store application is by no means a replacement for the desktop application. If you are a Logos desktop user you should continue to use the desktop application, even on Windows 8 machines. Yes Windows 8 includes the new Windows 8
shell which allows you to run windows store applications on the desktop. However, the
Windows Store Bible application will never be as powerful as the desktop version. The desktop
and mobile versions of the application are meant to complement each other, providing
the best user experience for that particular device.0 -
Robin Monks said:
- If Logos for Desktop is installed, use it's search index (perhaps have Logos for Desktop expose an API to Logos Bible).
Microsoft requires Windows Store apps to be sandboxed, and not interact with other apps. From Windows 8 app certification requirements, "Windows Store apps must not communicate with local desktop applications or services". The app would probably be rejected from the Windows Store if it tried to use the Logos Desktop app's search index.
Fortunately, there's an easy workaround: to use the Logos Desktop app's search index, run the Logos Desktop app. [:)]
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Scott Alexander (Logos) said:
An important distinction to make is that the
Logos Bible Windows Store application is by no means a replacement for the desktop applicationI realize that, hence why a few of the suggestions specifically involve having both installed. I find in Windows 8 I use the touch/Windows 8/metro interface as a way to focus on unique tasks: read a book with Kindle, watch Netflix, play Minesweeper, read News, etc. Reading my daily reading plan or doing a topical study with Where to Find it in the Bible/What Does the Bible Say About/etc seem ideally suited to this "uni-focus" atmosphere.
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Bradley Grainger (Logos) said:
Microsoft requires Windows Store apps to be sandboxed, and not interact with other apps.
This is true, although use of sockets is allowed ( -- if there was a desire there could be a logos deamon (don't worry folks, deamons are background tasks on PCs and not evil
) that reponded to requests over local socket connections. I realize that's likely going to require some changing on the desktop and "metro" apps; but it is an option. An attempt at the socket could be made and then requests for resources could be made to it rather than your remote servers.
(sorry to double-post, our replies crossed)
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Robin Monks said:
This is true, although use of sockets is allowed
Sockets are allowed, but it's still not clear to me if you're allowed to use them to communicate with a local desktop application.
Regardless, we don't currently plan to write a lot of code (in both the Desktop app and the Windows Store app) to add extra functionality if the desktop app also happens to be installed on the local machine; the simple answer (at this point) will be: if you want the extra capabilities of the desktop app, and your machine is capable of running the desktop app, then install it and use it.
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Robin Monks said:
Reading my daily reading plan or doing a topical study with Where to Find it in the Bible/What Does the Bible Say About/etc seem ideally suited to this "uni-focus" atmosphere.
It's possible that we'll eventually release a number of "uni-focus" applications, e.g., reading plan app, prayer list app, etc. You could sign into each one with your account and access the documents that the desktop app has synced to the cloud.
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Bradley Grainger (Logos) said:
It's possible that we'll eventually release a number of "uni-focus" applications, e.g., reading plan app, prayer list app, etc. You could sign into each one with your account and access the documents that the desktop app has synced to the cloud.
I actually really like that concept; it would work nicely with the Windows live tile system as well. A prayer list app would arguably require more than just a list to make it have a different value than the always growing number of memo apps, I'm sure you've already frameworked some valuable idea for it though -- I'm just glad I'm not in my own little box for thinking of these as ideal platforms to offer a single purpose apps to easily distracted people.
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I like the idea of having some tiles available, but one of the factors pushing me to wait for the Surface Pro, is that I want to run my full Logos Desktop Application on it! I can't wait for the Pro version to open up on pre-orders...
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Where is the Logos app in the store? The only thing I can find is a verse of the day app?
I've just purchased a Surface RT and would like to have access to my Logos texts no matter what state. Thanks.
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David Doyle said:
Where is the Logos app in the store? The only thing I can find is a verse of the day app?
The Logos Bible app is not currently available for the Surface RT which uses an ARM processor. We have submitted a version for ARM and it is pending approval, should be any day now. I will post here when it is approved.
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I purchased the Surface RT for my wife. It's a great tablet, but I am excited for the Logos app to show up soon. For the time being, running Biblia in Internet Explorer (the MX version) when online is rather pleasant. It's easy to scroll down a page.
For myself, I'm getting the Surface Pro to be my main computer. Running full logos on a 1080p screen, with a pin-point accurate stylus, will be very useful with a 3rd generation i5 processor on a snappy SSD. This all in a tablet form factor. I love that the kick-stand and revolutionary keyboard is there when you need it, and disappears when you don't.
Disclaimer: I work at a holiday kiosk of the Microsoft Store. But I purchased it myself. For doubters, see it for yourself. I'll be in the Fashion Show Mall in Las Vegas.
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Been checking everyday for Logos Bible for Windows RT ... lo and behold there it is this morning in the Store!!
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I checked the store and could not locate the RT app. What is the name of the agg?
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Thats APP not agg (smile)
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Thomas Jackson said:
I checked the store and could not locate the RT app. What is the name of the agg?
Bible! (that's with the exclamation mark)
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Found it!!
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Robin Monks said:
a logos deamon (don't worry folks, deamons are background tasks on PCs and not evil
precisely what I thought many years ago when I was a tech noob about Daemon Tools. It was reinforced because: 1. it was the first time I seen the word daemon. and 2. becuase the person was using it illegally (from memory).
but it is a very funny parenthesis comment.
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This is AWESOME Scott--thanks very much!
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I have the Logos App on my Surface tablet, but it doesn't seem to have anyway to designate a book, chapter and verse. It just opens the Bible I select wherever and then to move I have to go one page at a time. Obviously this won't work. Am I missing something? Steve
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Steve Holgate said:
I have the Logos App on my Surface tablet, but it doesn't seem to have anyway to designate a book, chapter and verse.
In the reading view swipe from the top to reveal the app bar. On the right side you will see a reference input which you can use to navigate the book by reference.
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Scott Alexander (Logos) said:
The Logos Bible app is not currently available for the Surface RT which uses an ARM processor. We have submitted a version for ARM and it is pending approval, should be any day now. I will post here when it is approved.
Bible! app with support for ARM is available in the Windows Store.
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Thanks for the clarification Scott. I have one more question that I think I know the answer to. The Bible! app appears from your post to be a totally separate app from the pending Logos Bible app. That means when the Logos Bible app comes out it won't come as an update to the Bible! app, but will have to be purchased separately in the Apps store. This makes sense because the Bible! app was free so updates to it would not reimburse Logos for the cost of development of the new app. Why is this important? Two reasons. 1. We need to be on the lookout for the new app and not thinking the Bible! app will be automatically updated, and 2. If the Bible! app isn't useful to someone then there is no need to keep it on our machines. Does that sound accurate Scott?
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Steve Holgate said:
The Bible! app appears from your post to be a totally separate app from the pending Logos Bible app.
Sorry if I was unclear. There is only one Logos Bible app for the Windows Store - Bible! The plan is for this app to have the same functionality as the iOS and Android Logos Bible apps. The Logos Bible app is free on all mobile platforms, it's the resources that you pay for. Does that clear things up?
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Yes, it clears it up. Thanks. When the update comes out it will probably direct us to the Logos Web site to purchase books to populate it. Thanks again Scott, Steve
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Is there a way to download the books into memory. Our church doesn't have internet, and I'd love to use the Surface as my Bible in church instead of having to reading it off of Logos on the iphone.
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Me too.
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Chad Smith said:
Is there a way to download the books into memory. Our church doesn't have internet, and I'd love to use the Surface as my Bible in church instead of having to reading it off of Logos on the iphone.
Not currently but this feature is coming soon, within the next couple months or so.
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Hi all I'm new to Logos and just got a Surface with Windows RT. I've played around with an android version of Logos on an Asus Transformer and that seems to have the ability to parse the Greek NT and make notes and a few other functional features. The current Logos app for the Surface doesn't seem to be able to do this. Is this correct or am I missing something. Are these features coming?
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The Windows 8 RT App is still being built. Right now you can only read books.
Please review this thread you have posted in, it would have answered your question.
I also have the MS Surface RT and I love it! Of course I will love it even more when the Logos App is up and running with full steam. But we need to remember that this service is being created for free. We bought the books, and paid a little for the engine, but Logos is not charging us for this app which is not cheap to make.
Thank You developers for your hard work! Although I can not wait for the App to come out, I would much rather have a good working App down the road then a buggy one now.
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Hi Chris, thanks for your response. Hope I didn't sound critical in my message. I read the thread but I'm still learning a lot about the Surface and Logos so I wasn't totally sure if I was understanding things correctly. Thanks for your help
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Oh no, I did not take your post as being critical
Happy New Year!
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I've been using the Surface since early December, and have no reason to use my IPAD except for the limited number of AP's at the moment. As a seminary student, I really enjoy having the full versions of Office products available. I am excited to hear Logos is working to bring the RT AP's up to the level of the IOS AP! I have been using the Ipad for Greek translation, and can't wait to do the same with the Surface!
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I will be purchasing the Surface Pro next weekend, and I would love to have my Logos on the Surface for going to church and doing homework at work during lunch. So, my question is, will I be able to download the Logos that I also have on my home computer, onto the Surface Pro? Also, how would I go about doing that? Will it require an APP instead?
Also, with everyone else using Logos products on our phones and tablets, thank you so much, Logos, for making this possible! I love the software and I do show it off to my friends in Bible study.
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You can install the full desktop version of Logos on a Surface Pro; however, the Pro has a very limited amount of storage space (64GB or 128GB) with only about 30GB free on the lower model. My Logos library (SIlver) takes 12GB. Also, with Logos you cannot be selective with which resources download (that I know of) so it could eat most of the free space on a 64GB Surface Pro easily.
In summary, it's possible, might not be practical.
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That's true about the internal storage. But remember that you can add a microSD card for additional storage - for example, another 64GB for $45 or so. That storage would be perfect for large libraries, music, videos, etc.
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I appreciate yours and Robyn's answers! I am planning to purchase the 128 GB Surface Pro this weekend, so from what you are saying, I could download the program just fine on it. I thought of a way to get the features I want to use at church, if I could not put the whole program on my Surface. I am interested in doing word studies at church on the Surface, so maybe I can just purchase a program that does basic word studies. I have one from Logos called AMG Bible Essentials. Maybe I could just use that until Logos has the perfect solution they are working on.
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Just to be clear, do you currently have a Logos base package? If not, it's possible for you to go the AMG Bible Essentials route, although you would also need both the Logos 4 Minimal Crossgrade and the Logos 5 Minimal Crossgrade to use Logos 5; you may find one of the lower base packages for Logos 5 would suit you better and be cheaper for you.
If you already have Logos and have purchased a base package or resource, buying the AMG bundle will simple add it to the rest of your library, so you would still need to download the entire library onto your device (Logos devs: please make a "selective library" feature
), so this wouldn't work as an alternative.
I personally use the Logos app on my iPad for Church events and when the occasional time comes for me to speak as well; but, for your needs with word studies you'd want to have access to the full desktop version and it sounds like installing Logos on a large Surface --or a small Surface with expanded storage-- will be your best bet.
Make sure to keep us updated on how it goes!
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Can't believe I missed the announcement of the Bible! app in the Windows Store! Just installed it on my RT device. I'm getting Surface Pro next week and can't WAIT to put full Logos on it! I'm going with the 128GB model just for that reason!
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Well, I was the first in line to buy the first of 2 Surface Pros at my local Best Buy today! I did purchase the 128 GB version along with Office, and I downloaded my Logos program, Silver v. 5 (about 72 GB). It took probably a little over an hour. I have not actually tested it yet, because I was busy learning the tablet and doing some other Saturday errands. I believe that having my full program on the Surface will be so beneficial, because I will have access to everything I need at any time, away from home. It is much better than the limited app that was available for my Asus Transformer, which although very nice to have, I couldn't access it without a connection to the internet. In my mind, having Logos and Surface Pro makes so much sense! And I even connected with some Best Buy workers who I found out are Christians! Also, I plan to move the recovery disk portion on Surface to a permanent storage device, as someone suggested.