How do you invite followers or observers?

Michael A. Lasley
Michael A. Lasley Member Posts: 226
edited November 2024 in English Forum

If you have a closed group, where the Admin invites members, How do you classify the invites and get them in the right membership category?



  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 879

    Sorry, you can't classify invites.  You can only manage group members once they have accepted the invite.

  • Michael A. Lasley
    Michael A. Lasley Member Posts: 226

    So anyone you invite immediately has the full privileges of a member when they join? If you want these to have different privileges on what they can see, is there a better way to manage this? If you make it an open group do they assign their category themselves?

    My situation is that I want members to be the ones that attend the meetings. Followers don't attend but can see what we've posted and make comments. Observers can see what we've posted but not make comments. Is there a better way to set this up?

  • Eli Evans (Logos)
    Eli Evans (Logos) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,404

    Hi, Michael. I think you can get to where you want to be by setting the group up to have followers but hiding the option to join:

    1. In the "Group Settings," check the "Followers" checkbox to allow the group to have following (you probably already did this when you set up your group).
    2. Hide the option to join by checking the "Invitation only" checkbox. Now only the "Follow" link will appear if people visit your page.
    3. To let people know they can follow the group, send them the URL in email (or tweet it, Facebook, etc). Don't use the "Invite Members" command for followers.
    4. To invite people to be full-on members, use the "Invite Members" link on the group's page.

    The settings should look like this:


    You probably still want the group to be "closed" so you can be in control of moderating who can or can't be a member. Hope that helps!

  • Michael A. Lasley
    Michael A. Lasley Member Posts: 226

    Yes, this works. I confirmed that anyone who has an account can see the group and select for themselves whether they want to be a follower or observer. That's ok and I can limit their privileges. For members I invite them and they accept and immediately become a member. Great!

    One problem. It appears that if you are a follower you can not see what I have posted in the documents section, in fact there is no documents section for them. If I want them to be able to see a document about what happened in the meeting where do I post it? Or is this a bug? By the privileges I thought if they could read, then they could see the uploads. What is the difference in documents and other postings like news and community messages? How do you make a community message?

  • Eli Evans (Logos)
    Eli Evans (Logos) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,404

    For now, the "Read" privilege only covers posts to the News feed. Documents and Community Notes require membership status. So that's by design. However, we're working on updating the permissions model to allow for more flexibility -- for example, a slider for who can read or upload documents. (Can't say how soon that will happen.)

    In the meantime, you could post essential content for followers to the news feed. 

    If by "community message" you mean Community Notes, those are sort of like writing something in the margins of a book, except that it shows up for everyone in the group. You you can take Community Notes in the Logos Desktop software (Tools > Community Notes) or in the Logos mobile software (make a selection, add note, choose "Community") or at (See below.) When someone in one of your groups takes a community note, you see a little green talk bubble in your Bible, which you can click/tap to see all the community notes your group co-participants have taken on that verse:


  • Michael A. Lasley
    Michael A. Lasley Member Posts: 226

    I deleted the documents and tried to use the News. No luck. The News is limited to 75 characters. It is not useful for Bible study notes of a presentation. So when I put them back, I noticed on each upload that it told me that the content would be seen by members, followers and observers. This appears to indicate that these were designed to be read at least by followers if you allowed it?

    I have to re-evaluate what I can do. I wanted followers to be able to read the notes on the session. But even that I'm not sure works even for members - if a member clicks on a document, he appears to just get a download. I guess that's ok, but I would expect to be able to review it and chose download if I wanted to keep it. Or have the download optional to permissions.

    Anyway, sorry for all the questions. But thanks for all of the answers.

  • Eli Evans (Logos)
    Eli Evans (Logos) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,404

    Right, the news feed is more for quick conversational stuff and posting links to web pages. Your first inclination to share longer meeting notes on the Documents tab was probably the right one.

    I think the text on the file upload is inaccurate, so I'll forward that to someone to look into.

    Coming soon: Members will be able to click on the title of the document and open the document directly on the web, and/or get a download if they want. We aren't planning to have the download optional based on permissions; if you are allowed to  read the document, you'll be allowed to download it. (Standard disclaimers about the future apply.)

    In the meantime, one thing you could do is segregate your people into two groups: A closed one for full/attending members, and an open one for anyone and everyone. The only drawback there is that you would have to be careful about posting the right content to the right group, and if you wanted a document to be available to both groups, you'd have to post it twice, once in each group. (We do essentially this with these forums: Most of the threads are open  to all comers but some are by invitation only.)

    Otherwise, I guess the answer is: Not there yet, but stay tuned. 

    By the way, questions are great! That's one very important way we learn how people want to use our products so we can make them better.

  • Michael A. Lasley
    Michael A. Lasley Member Posts: 226

    Thanks. Your suggestions were very helpful. I think I see how to manage the group now. I will have to create 2 groups: one closed and one open. I would manage invites to the closed one and the members of the other one could join and chose their own level. I would decide what goes in each. Is there a place where I can see a little more detail on how things work? Do you have beta testers and feedback groups working now?